AdSactly Poetry - "The Love Train"

in #adsactly6 years ago

"The Love Train"

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Welcome to another collection of the @adsactly poetry corner bringing beauty, happiness, and love to the world always. Today we will go on a journey of oneness. Today we will journey into fields of never-ending love. Glow like a beam of the moon into a forever changing evolution. Jumping through dimensions of reason and compassion and floating down cleansing rivers for your spirit.

This poem is about all the beautiful feelings and emotions of humankind. Bringing them all together in a journey through so many different elements including time, space, dimensional doors and fiery rings of passion. It explains all of these elements of life and love and ends reflecting on the fact that we only have one life to live in order to make the world a better place for all. It explains that we are all one people and we need to remember this. We are in this world together and we should take better care of each other.

Life itself is a miracle and we should treat it that way. We must always remember that life each life is priceless. That is why I always say. “Love yourself because you deserve it. You are a miracle of life”. I also say “If you're going to prosper in anything. Prosper in happiness and love first. This poem is entitled “One Life to Live”. I truly hope you enjoy this poem and I hope it inspires you in your life to capture your inner love and help you to remember all that is important in your life.

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“One Life to Live”

Forever glow bright in the light of the moon,
Feel each wish stream as it passes through your soul,
Touch each moment through each layer of evolution,
Enjoy sweet whispers of love moving quickly on the go.

Fall into grace on wings of the unknown,
Jump through the endless fiery rings of crazy passion,
Fly with the eagle of insight with falling tears of joy,
Leap in the midnight air filled with reason & compassion.

Escape to the 4th dimension of timeless time,
Fill your cup of joy twice with captive smiles everlasting,
Run through the forest of leisure with moonlit serenades,
Then soar through the sky with fireworks of energy blasting.

Float down the rivers of ever cleansing spirit,
Into the pool of sweet memories that you captured in heart,
Find yourself wanting nothing on the rising fire sky horizon,
Release your mind to the beautifully painted masterpiece of art.

Keep everything important close at hand,
As you journey through metaphysical plains of consciousness,
Live in each moment of magical dreams and careless whisper,
Catch each word of thoughtfulness on the tongues of happiness.

Bury all your empty thoughts of boredom,
Then climb the highest tree that is filled with kindness & glee,
Speak your voice on top of majestic mountains of inner strength,
And set free all of that lonely, foul & disgusting negative energy.

For you are the power of oneness in the universe,
You control the vibrations of millions of souls rhythm beat,
So intoxicate the world with your never-ending fields of love,
And create a new music to fall on deaf ears of sorrow and defeat.

Build brilliant rays of hope in visions of the blind,
Manifest super strength in all of those who may be weak,
Make the darkness of the world run with its tail between its legs,
Keep all of this strong in your heart to touch the souls of the meek.

One life to live. One love to give. One tribe to feed. We are one.

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Let's continue on now into the world of sweet memories. We will take you into a journey in the past that will inspire you in the present. Reminiscing is a great way to learn from the past. Whether it be from mistakes or accomplishments, we can always learn to not make the same mistake or revise something for the better with all of your new found knowledge.

It also helps us remember special events, occasions, moments with the ones we love and how much love we shared with others that day. This way we can fill up our heart with endless love so we always have plenty to share with others who may need it when we connect with them in life or just in passing.

Miracles happen every day. Life itself is a miracle. That is why I always say. “Love yourself because you deserve it. You are a miracle of life”. I also say “If you're going to prosper in anything. Prosper in happiness and love first. This poem is entitled “I reminisce every day”. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it brings inspiration to you and your life to find your inner love and always remember what is important in life.

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“I reminisce every day”

As the sun sets how I like to often reminisce,
On what I have seen each day.
The beauty I took in with my eyes all aglow,
And special moments along the way.

Friends who stopped by to say hello,
And see how my life has been.
To share their great stories of adventures passed,
And how amazing it was till the end.

To sit with my mom and engage in conversation,
Of life in general, well you know,
Because most Moms happen to live in the moment,
But some like to share tales of old.

Relax on a beach with the one you love,
As the sun falls into the sea.
Hold hands and kiss as the sun fades away,
And the moon is finally set free.

Play with my cat as he runs through the yard,
Chasing the little red ball.
Hiding in the grass as if I can’t see him,
Then leaping from his hidden crawl.

Watching the sky as the stars begin to appear,
And dance so brightly all around.
Feeling the wind of the cool summers eve blow,
That will cool my warm body down.

Lay on my back to look into the dusk lite sky,
As colors begin to magically show.
Purples and reds and oranges so beautiful,
As the sky turns into a fire rainbow.

Life is too precious to just let it slip away into the past,
And forget what has filled us with love.
Each moment is special every day that we live,
And give thanks to great spirit up above.

So remember this and please never forget these words,
Each day you live is amazing.
And always love yourself for you're a miracle of life,
And prosper in happiness and love everlasting.

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So this last poem will take you on a magical journey aboard the love train where everything you need to make you happy forever exist. The love train blows it's magical whistle in every corner of the world looking for those who are wandering around aimlessly and alone bringing an abundance of love to everyone that clombs aboard.

This train travels the world non-stop 24/7 - 365. All you need to do is open your heart and listen real close for the sound of love flowing through the airwaves. Then run right over and climb aboard to join millions who have heard the sounds of beauty and happiness.

I hope you have enjoyed this walk through love and how we began by letting you know that we all only have one life to live and we should choose wisely with how we live it. Then on to remembering our beautiful past that lifts our spirits so high into the grand world of love. And then on to the love train where you will find complete love and happiness if you choose to hop on and take the journey.

I hope you enjoyed all of these poems in this mini collection. May every journey you take whether it be in the present, the past or the unknown always end in pure love. Have an amazingly blessed day Steemians. Love, @jeronimorubio

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The Love Train

So often in Life we settle for much less,
So often we forget about our happiness.
So often we linger in a world of blackness,
So often color fades to shades of gray mist.

So often we are exiled from life’s true sight,
So often we will be left far behind.
So often we will wander through lonesomeness,
So often we will be tricked by the unkind.

But if we take a close look deep into the world,
And pull colors back into our life.
We will see what is real not a murky dark pond,
That will only brings us pain ans strife.

The train of love blows it’s whistle real loud,
For those who will stop and listen close.
For those who are lost it awaits your arrival,
And will bring you back home in full force.

The Love Train is waiting to fill you with bounty,
Of hugs and kisses for all who come aboard.
Just hear my call echoing through the great halls,
And join me as we travel along happy roads.

Because you are a miracle born for greatness,
Inspiration awaits you just take hold.
Grow strong in your convictions each and every day,
And build a Life of beauty and hearts of gold.

So climb aboard as we journey through love,
Touching hearts with sweet joy along our way.
And learn to live in a world of great peace,
To live the life of happiness and love every day.

The love train is waiting and calling from every corner,
Of the world that you walk through all alone.
So join the trip and find all that you will ever need,
On the love train. You new happy home.

Poems, text and signed photographs are authored by

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We are in this world together and we should take better care of each other.

Nicely said! Most of us would agree, but the truth and reality is unfortunately far away. Let’s hope the next part of our life is closer to perfect world.
The most memorable words from your first poem are ”One life to live. One love to give. One tribe to feed. We are one.” I love it!

Miracles happen every day. Life itself is a miracle.

That’s true especially the second part. And we all should treated this way from being born to slowly and peacefully passing away. With that said my most memorable moment while reading your second poem is ”Life is too precious to just let it slip away into the past,...”.

I’ve always enjoyed your inspirational writing and we all should definitely board the love train regardless some of us may feel lost or doesn’t believe in true love. Start believing and the train will eventually arrive.

It is always a pleasure to see your kind words @milano1113. Your words are very encouraging as always. Have a blessed day.

I have a few days following you I like the things that you write here are interesting and I can concentrate on reading you

I like poems here I usually read a lot and when I read it, I imagine many things with them that you write here all of them are very well I like them and I think my favorite is "A life to live"

Thank you for your kind words @yesslife. I am very happy that you enjoyed the poetry. I try to express peace, happiness, and love always. Have a blessed day.

@jeronimorubio, You've took us for an great journey through these words, and yes, poems are an tool to express our deepest feelings and whenever we express our words it releases the burden because, if we suppress our words then that will going to give pain, inturn we should express ourselves through poetry so that our feelings will going to get an opportunity to spread.

We have one life and we should live it like that only, most of the people stay away from their true path and passion just because of Illusionary fear. But, we have to understand one thing and that is we are born in the world of miracles and we are surrounded with Beautiful Aspects, so we have to explore all the creations, and most importantly we have to explore ourselves by walking on our dream path.

In my opinion we should not forget any aspect of past because every moment holds an different aspects and these aspects can teach us some lessons. And for sure memories and the process of remembrance is an natural time travelling tool because we can jump into the past memories and we can recollect all the moments once again.

Yes, our life is like an Journey Of Train and we have to make an choice of path means, buying an ticket to reach our destination, so our true destination should give us the Sense Of Belongingness. And in life whatever choice we make, that will going to create our world so it's really important for us to make the right decisions which are guided by our heart.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

WoW. Very well written words of encouragement for all @chireerocks. You seem to be a very caring individual and I am sure your worlds will inspire others to always be happy. Have a blessed day.

Thank you so much for your kind response and wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂


Have took time to read. Keep the poetic spirit up

Thank you @highnessking. I will and I am happy that you enjoyed the writings and poetry. Have a blessed day.

Thank you @cookyluna. I am happy that you liked the writings, and poetry today. Have a blessed day.

This is an inspiring collection of art. It’s amazing that as humans we have the ability to look introspectively and describe these feelings.

Thank you for your kind words @bryptictruth. I am happy that you enjoyed the writings today. Have a blessed day.

excellent article, I really like the lyric

Thank you so much @emprendedor. Your words are very kind. Have a blessed day.

Yeh. Thank you for the award @amritmahal. I am honored. I am happy that you enjoyed the poetry today. Have a blessed day.

Thank you so much @sohanisti for your kind words. I am humbled. Have a blessed day.