ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #27 - AI Government - part #2

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #27

Artificial Intelligence Government - part 2


If a government was to be enhanced or replaced with an AI, we believe that it would seriously increase the efficiency when it comes to three things: efficiency in terms of speed; reliability, meaning we might be fully aware of the process and its outcome; and the increase of overall quality, meaning that corruption and related issues would be eradicated. These changes would, without a doubt, prove to be very beneficial to every citizen and the society as a whole.


Not sure if you are aware of the fact that governments are already using AI. However, these advanced tools are used for citizen's surveillance, intelligence work, army support and matters with similar purposes. They are not being adopted for daily benefits of people and for diminishing of human factor within the government (nepotism, corruption, old boyz clubs, fixed contracts, you name it etc.) Thus the major valid reason for implementing serious AI in governmental processes is not there. Let's be real. What government would happily go for, as Julian Assange said: "Transparency for the government, privacy for the rest of us"? None, of course. These people look after their own benefits, first.



The solution for the far future may be an omnipresent AI designed to govern the entire world. Many problems arise with implementing that. Firstly, it would need to be decentralized. If a group of people has a key to it, they are very likely to misuse it.

It would probably take another AI to create a fair-play system of control.:D But, no matter how funny it sounds, this might be the actual roadmap. However, we doubt that any of this will happen during our lifetimes, as there are too few people who would stand up and demand the desired changes at any costs necessary if need be. And that is what it would take. The majority is too reluctant, too scared and too comfortable to make a move. We can only hope that one-day people's patience will come to an end and the society will wake up to set up a new, fair-play system, that will benefit us and the world as a whole.



If it turns out that the omnipresent fine-tuned AI governance proves to be the right solution, we'll probably turn it on, on a sunny morning of a bright day. BUT, that very day, or the next day, or in a years time, we might realize that it wasn't such a brilliant idea because the AI might decide that the human race is not good for the world and take measures to set things right. Wipe us out, in simple words...

What do you think about it? We boldly go for it, test the new boundaries, or we stay safe in the present status-quo and continue facing our daily fears?

You tell us!


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ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #2
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #3
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #4
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #5
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #6
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #7
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #8
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #9
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #10
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #11
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #12
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #13
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #14
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #15
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #16
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #17
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #18
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #19
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #20
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #21
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #22
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #23
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #24
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #25
ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #26


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well, as i have said in ADSactly on ADSACTLY Part #26, I don't see AI replacing Natural Intelligence. You might wish for it due to its fast computation but the lack of common sense, lack of abstract learning and reasoning will definitely not create the fair play you are clamouring for. Some ML algorithm can not explain how they carry out their tasks which might be too dangerous for some sectors like health, critical mission with no remedy.

There are some pros and cons if we let AI govern Earth and us humans. No humans are perfecr so as every system. Even if we can invent something that is 98% , we do not know what the 2% effect. Humans still has the superior brains, AI is beneficial in a lot of applications but it is not holistically made like us humans.

Fear is a thick durable cord that holds the peoples in many countries. In my country 70% of the population dissatisfied with the government and the situation in the country. 30% of the population (and maybe more) live below the poverty line. But people are afraid to do something to change the government. People are afraid even to speak out loud about it. In real prison get brave just for reposts in social networks about the dissatisfaction with the government. The government keeps us in the hand of fear. And we just accept this horrible state of Affairs. At this time, the media say that in our country everything is fine.

So this is America or Europe somewhere?

I'm from Russia.

I actually just wrote about a potential solution to the problem of both government and corporate dissatisfaction in my first Steemit post! Not sure on the rules / general practice for sharing links in the comments, but I'd love to hear what you think about it.

Fear is certainly a force in increasing the inertia of change. Today, it's hard to stand up and have your voice heard. And to determine whether or not it's a good thing for one's particular voice to be heard is another discussion altogether. I think sites like Kialo (more structured debate) and obviously Steemit are great ways of allowing people to have a greater voice, but I also think we can continue to make positive change.

In order for lasting, positive change to be had, I think it has to come from a rearchitecting of the value hierarchies that cause individuals to be incredibly successful and prosperous. In promoting honesty, kindness, and overall well being of others, I believe we can make a difference in society.

The beautiful thing about the decentralization movement is that we can, as a society, for the first time get a more general picture of what the opinions of everyday citizens look like. That opinion isn't first fed through some kind of filter of some multi-national news conglomeration but rather straight from the keyboards and microphones of the general population to our eyes and ears. The number one thing we can do is keep our eyes open for those who are willing to be the positive change we want to see in society, and Steemit is a beautiful platform that encourages those people to come out of the woodwork.

My favorite blog on steemit @adsactly. In my own opinion, I don't think having an autonomous Artificial intelligence led government is a good idea granted that there is corruption, misuse of power and resources there are some things that cannot be coded into a machine. Having watched lots of sci-fi movies and series for example Person of interest, The terminator to name but a few. Artificial intelligence based machines while efficient cannot take the place of sound human reasoning which is important for administration of a nation . If for example an A. I led nation was threatened whether the threat is credible or not as is the case between the US and North Korea with the A. I having direct access to the weapons system,many nations will cease to exist.

An artificial intelligence is not a bad idea, you just have to study how much intelligence will be given to that machine. I remember the movie "total control" where the US government created a machine with artificial intelligence to control everything, then that same machine wanted to overthrow the whole government killing many people

then that soon we will encounter a strong artificial morpheme which will control most of the city and state structures is already a fact. He will manage all the infrastructure of the city, and of course, as an example, you can bring a tracking system in the new Chinese cities. Positional changes are that now it is almost impossible to go unnoticed and this fact stops all crimes, because the criminal does not want to be caught. But there is a minus in this, too, that most people do not trust insightful intellect and are not ready for such total surveillance, even though it is called upon to protect them.
Another thing is that sooner or later the Artificial Intensity will densely enter our life and this is inevitable, even now many things function on programs similar to artificial intelligence, but in particular most of them function according to the basic principle of the sequence of actions, that is, the algorithms.
I see only a positive side in such changes, many factors say this, in particular, that people will also live and live safer.
Thank you

This very good job for the AI Government but if it all manifests whether all will work well, which we fear there is people a misuse . What do you think about.

AI is what we are becoming dependent on.... People will loose there jobs to AI soon enough.....Awesome piece

I made one poem in this new year ,,
but why do not you see it .. @adsactly

Less government control is what’s needed.

Following you