Adsactly Health - A full schedule makes us less productive

in #adsactly6 years ago

A full schedule makes us less productive

A recent study shows that having a full schedule would compromise the ability to manage commitments effectively..

Our life and our goals

Over the course of a day, we come face to face with numerous temptations that, unbeknownst to us, alter our goals and plans for the day. An important factor in the pursuit of specific objectives for each day is motivation: how determined are we to achieve our goals? Another factor is the ability to resist the temptation to carry out activities that we know to be a waste of time: it is all a matter of self-control, to be exercised when we are faced with a choice.

Strategies for time management

One of the reasons why people set deadlines is to cope with procrastination and concentrate as many activities as possible in a limited time; with this type of strategy two distinct results can be obtained: optimization of activities or optimization of results. A strategy is particularly useful in maximizing the number of tasks that can be completed in a short time, but this will undoubtedly go to the detriment of results; productivity is not always synonymous with effectiveness.

Today, people feel the need to be occupied as much as possible, to the point that they aspire to have a busy schedule, rather than living a carefree and enjoyable life; this industriousness has even become a status symbol. In this regard, a recent Gallup Poll reveals that about 44% of Americans complain of "not having enough time" to complete their projects; wanting to do too much and not concluding anything can have negative consequences that result in stress, insomnia, and other unwanted effects related to physical and psychological health.

Always having the full schedule is synonymous with importance: it is a true status symbol.

This phenomenon is becoming more and more common, to the point that people pride themselves on being busy, like it was fashionable. The point is that people think it important to do as many activities as possible, but most of the time they’re not up to it; this is why planning could be the best solution.
As described in the study "When an hour feels shorter: future boundary tasks contract the perception and consumption of time", we can distinguish two types of planning:

  • Intermittent planning: it is a type of organization in which a short interval of unplanned free time is left between one activity and another, where the efficiency of what one does is certainly scarce, since one is already projected towards the future action and not maximizing the present one;

  • Back-to-back planning: in this type of organization, the unplanned time interval between one activity and another is larger and consequently the performance will be better.

Is planning the secret? Maybe not...

But when planning and completing tasks, there are two fundamental variations that affect our productivity,third-party deadlines and self-imposed deadlines.

It has been proven that we respond with a higher performance and punctuality to deadlines imposed by someone else rather than to self-imposed deadlines. If we think about it, we would much rather complete a task commissioned by our boss rather than going to the beautician within the week.

In any case completing certain tasks while setting aside things that we consider more futile is a choice; having priorities is essential not only in terms of performance but also in terms of time, which unfortunately we all tend to underestimate.

The consequences of planning

However, planning everything is not always a good thing. In May 2018, a research by Professor Tonietto of the Rutgers Business School, published in the Journal of Consumer Research, described through a series of experiments how people with many commitments / tasks planned tend to perceive the time they have left available as more limited than it actually is, and therefore complete fewer tasks. Moreover, these people tend to be less inclined to work on long tasks even if they’d be feasible in the time available.

In fact, when their schedule is full and there is a task that takes a long time, people tend to procrastinate and do it last, preferring the completion of simpler tasks such as making a phone call or organizing upcoming appointments or sending emails. Having a busy schedule can reduce productivity: too many deadlines and appointments make us less efficient in time management.
Specifically, the study cited consists of 8 tests that were carried out over 2 years from 2015, with 2,300 participants to whom the schedule was suddenly filled with appointments and things to do. One of these tests was carried out using the Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTURK), a "labor" market managed by the Amazon giant. The test involved 200 subjects divided into equal groups between those who had a free schedule and those with a busy schedule. Everyone was asked to choose between a 30-minute task with a $ 2.50 pay and a 45-minute task with a $ 5 pay, with an hour's time to run it. People with full schedule felt like they had an average of 8 minutes less than their counterparts with a free schedule to complete the task.
Another test involved nearly 200 people who had been given 5 minutes of free time before an appointment when they had to do what they wanted, those with a full schedule completed an average of 1.8 tasks, while those with a free schedule and average of 2.3. The conclusion of the scientific study is that in order to optimize our work schedule we should leave the longer tasks to days dedicated to them, "without pre-established commitments", to avoid that sense of constraint that damages productivity.

A recent study carried out on 2,300 subjects showed how those with a full schedule feel they have less time for commitments or tasks.

In contemporary American culture, a busy man is synonymous with "ambitious man" who aims to have bigger capital. But things are changing because once a certain income is achieved, the worker will tend to work less. This phenomenon is referred to as "income effect" and implies that those with more free time will consequently have a higher social status and greater economic benefit. The result is that people who work longer are perceived to have a lower economic capacity and, therefore, being busy becomes a more unfavorable factor than before.

But a more engaged lifestyle may have detrimental effects on leisure time and entertainment, which can be undermined in different ways; having deadlines implies setting rigid times of beginning and end that must be respected. A remedy to not excessively affect one's free time is to not set numerous deadlines and reduce the start and end times; having some time for yourself is very important in order not to lose focus, remember that we are not machines.

I would like to conclude by quoting Seneca: <<It is not true that we have little time: the truth is that we lose a lot of it. We use time lavishly as if it cost nothing.>>

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We are becoming machines. In today’s highly competitive environment, our hard work begins right from our childhood. I remember that when we were kids, we were carefree. We had time to study and also to play. Now, I see kids taking too much loads on them. Their plays have changed. They already have goals to achieve in their youth. They don’t engage in games and sports which demand active body movement. Instead of it they are engaged in study, homework, tuitions and other types of classes. Their parents also don’t have time for them.
When these kids grow up, they run towards to get a job. When they get job, they want more profitable job, when they get it, they want more. They work hard. They don’t even care for their health. Many people think that they will rest and enjoy when they have big house, big cars, big bank balance blah blah…. But in this pursuit, they waste precious time of their life (youth) in running after these things. But they never can enjoy these things because our desire never fulfills. This became a never ending job.
People collect nuts for their whole life thinking that they will enjoy them when they grow old but when they grow old, they lost their teeth. So, it becomes a matter of loss for them.
I think we all should wait and see what we are losing in this rat race. Are we making our life happy or are we becoming slave. We should take care of our health and also give enough time to our family. Nothing is more beautiful than a nice family and love.

In this world of hares, being a turtle seems to be counterproductive while it is quite the opposite. There are far too many opportunities that we do not have the time and resources to invest in them.
Some people think that productivity is about doing more. In reality, productivity means working smarter by managing your time, attention and energy in a balanced way.
Knowing how to define one's goals, choosing what one wants to do is an essential skill to be productive, efficient and creative.
If you do not take the time to think about what you want to accomplish, you will not build a foundation on which to enrich yourself in the long run and end up going around in circles, wracked by time and frustration.

That's a very good comment! Thanks, I really appreciate it!

Thanks my friend..

...can have negative consequences that result in stress, insomnia, and other unwanted effects related to physical and psychological health.

At the end we should ask ourselves “is it all worth it? Are we here on this world living to work, or are we here working to live?” Stress is our enemy #1, and if we feel we are in stressful environment, we should do something about it and not trying to get used to it. It’s prooven that people working less in stressless enviroment live much healthier and happier life. I live in NY and I can see the city being extremely busy, but at the same time extremely stressful. Afterall our brain is working every single day so hard. Sleep is the reward for our brain’s hard work. However, whenever is stress, there is no sleep 😔.

once a certain income is achieved, the worker will tend to work less.

That’s interesting phenomenon, but I definitely believe it’s true! Great article about people’s productivity and the way they should schedule their busy life.

It sucks feeling trapped when ya know ya should be doing what ya really gotta be doing, but simply aint moving. Over the last few years, the two greatest things that I've learned were ..... . . . 1.) Replace "I can" with "I must". And ... 2.) "Action" is the fundamental key to all success. Two great quotes, yet although I've improved greatly, I still struggle. My belief now is that it truly is a long process of slowly but gradually reprogramming the brain. And in order to win (being successful), ya gotta make it a habit. Simply because ..... . . . Winning, is a habit ~

Changing I can with I must does not always work. Having "to do" something, especially If we don't like it, it's really stressing. Are you sure this is you best option? :)

I can never follow deadlines I set for myself, because I know beforehand that there will be no immediate negative consequence for it, thus more procrastination is possible. I always think 'I can do it tomorrow, because I want happy times in the moment, not in the currently non-existent future. I can't feel the future, thus I must be happy today.' The problem is I think the same thing again, when tomorrow becomes today. And then it's the last possible day I can work, the workload is too high, and I give up entirely because now it seems impossible to do. After all, the consequence will only come tomorrow, so don't ruin today, the only moment I can ever feel now.

Hey buddy, I hope you're okay, first of all I have to say that the post has been amazing.

If we think about it, we prefer to complete a task commissioned by our boss instead of going to the beautician in a week.
Personally, I don't like following orders very much, that's why I've always been concerned about achieving my own goals, I've always said that.

Personally, I don't like following orders very much, that's why I've always been concerned about achieving my own goals, I've always said that.

If you don't work for your dreams, someone will hire you to work for theirs.

Because when we own a business or something like that, there usually tends to be time left over, so today I say to that 44% of Americans that all they need to do is start believing that they can be prosperous, when they do, the good things start, don't be afraid to quit your jobs, don't be afraid to quit for your dreams, because you are the ones who decide whether to anchor yourself to being employed forever or whether you decide to fulfill your dreams. because when we own a business or something like that, there usually tends to be time left over, so today I tell that 44% of Americans that the only thing they need to do is to start believing that they can be prosperous, when they do, the good things start, don't be afraid to quit your jobs, don't be afraid to quit because of your dreams, because you are the ones who decide whether to anchor yourself to be employed forever or whether you decide to fulfill your dreams.

Greetings from Venezuela to you and to all the writers of the @adsactly community, always very attentive to its content, with a lot of quality writing and very interesting, my appreciation and admiration for you.

@adsactly Team, yes sometimes Over Schedule or Full Schedule make us ineffective because there is an simple aspect behind it and in my opinion that is, life is dynamic and it never works according to the schedule.

So, it's not bad to making the Schedules or planning and maintaining an checklist but the problem occurs when we drive our life only through the Schedules.

So best thing is, we should know what is important for us and we should schedule it but, we should not depend upon our Schedules and inturn we have to flow with the flow of life and situations.

And when we practice the flow of life then for sure we can become the masters of our situations because we will learn the adaptability and then this adaptability can transform us into the effective action takers. Stay blessed team. 🙂

I think that planning can be something extremely helpful, if done correctly, @adsactly! People tend to over-do almost everything and it's the same way with organizing. There are people that show such an improvement i their life on a daily basis with the appropriate time management, because otherwise they struggle with achieving tasks and have lack of motivation. So like with everything in the world, i think that if you don't cross the boundaries and consume it wisely, time management can help you a lot!

On the off chance that there's an individual who can comprehend the trouble of finding a harmony between work, school and that thing called life, it's me. As somebody who needed to play the exercise in careful control between three employment and a more than full-time school plan, I attempted to have whenever forever. As the familiar axiom goes "all work and no play makes Jack a dull kid," for this situation it made Amber an exceptionally insane, focused, depleted understudy.
I have a Health related blog, I love to post these type of post.

Use your time wisely ... and leave yourself enough breathing space for the little things. Wise words!