Adsactly Awareness - Global Warming: A Major Concern

in #adsactly6 years ago

Global warming is a major concern in the world today. It is the unequivocal rise of temperatures in the climatic systems of the planet Earth.


This phenomenon began around 1971. This term refers to the increase of the temperature of the air and the water masses. These water masses include seas, oceans and lakes. There has been an increase in temperature as a result of the increase in humidity. This causes the polar icecaps to melt increasing the water content in the oceans and air.


Another major reason for global warming is the concentration of greenhouse gases. These are produced by aerosol sprays used by human activities. There are also carbon dioxide emissions that stem from fossil fuel combustion, deforestation and cement production. Fossil fuels are natural oils and gas. When the atmosphere is overloaded with carbon dioxide, it traps heat and this increases the temperature. This is evidenced by large wildfires, heat waves, droughts and extreme storms. Global warming has a negative effect on the health of human beings as it causes cancer and death. Human beings are the major contributors to global warming.

People should face the reduction of global warming as the ethical issue it is. They ought to be responsible for their actions. They should ensure that they are leaving a better planet for the younger generation to come. This will preserve the human race. With the planet being on the brink of severe damage, activities such as pollution and deforestation should be avoided by the inhabitants of the planet.


Ethics refers to the difference between right and wrong. It is unethical and selfish for people to pollute earth just to maintain their present conditions. It is unethical to leave younger generations with a desolate world without polar bears and ice caps for example. One principle of ethics is that an individual should not do unto others what he/she would not like to be done unto them. It is therefore ethical to leave the earth a better place.

It is of paramount importance that people understand that global warming is not the cause of climate change but climate change is a consequence of human activities. It is ethical to amend the damage. People should be governed by the mantra of securing earth’s bounty and beauty and giving the younger generation values, traditions and institutions that promote the longevity of the planet.


One of the ways to reduce global warming is carbon taxes. This is a tax that is levied on the carbon in fuels. It is also called carbon pricing. Carbon is an element that exists in every hydrocarbon fuel including gas and petroleum. When these fuels are burnt they give out carbon dioxide (CO2). A carbon tax is an effective way of reducing the combustion of fuels.


The second approach is the emissions trading/cap and trade. The government sets a limit on the amount of pollutant that will be emitted by giving permits to firms and factories. The transfer of these permits is the trade.

Thirdly, the discovery, development and introduction of subsurface resources, otherwise known as geoengineering can reduce the emissions. This includes the study of rocks and soil to improve the sustainable use of the resources that the earth has. Other solutions are conservation, sequestering pollutants, planting trees. Conservation is the reducing the use of the resources in the earth. Sequestering involves taking legal possession of pollutants to avoid their unnecessary use. Planting trees will reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because plants take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.


In summary, global warming is a world phenomenon that is detrimental to the planet. It is caused by human activities that increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is caused by deforestation, pollution and the burning of fossil fuels. It causes shifting climatic conditions. Pollution is not an ethical issue because it leaves the earth desolate and this hurts the future generations. It can be mitigated by reducing pollution, carbon taxes, cap and trade, geo-engineering, conservation and sequestering pollutants.

Authored by @jeanwandimi

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The global warming - or, should I say, anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming is an unprovien - and, likely, false - hypothesis.

Have you heard Patrick Moore on the subject?

Yep. Too much knee-jerk reaction and hyperpoliticization on this issue where it is unneeded. People rarely look deep enough into it. It's used to push specific narratives that don't help us address underlying environmental issues and promote a myopic understanding of an ever-shifting climate over decades, centuries, millennia. Continually, humans with arrogance overestimate the degree of our influence on macroscopic phases that have been occurring for billions of years.

To the contrary the planet is cooling.
Mini ice age is coming.
The hoax of planet warming is for
the carbon tax etc .
I hope they realize this before it’s to late.
Coal mines should be maintained and operational.

Super article that addresses solutions, but especially a part omitted because difficult to swallow, which affects our comfort and freedom: take the responsibility to live respectfully (for short). It is important to start talking about it, the idea must be integrated in order to be accepted. The day we decide to live in a real community should be the day we are physically able! What I mean is that even fairly distant neighbors are able to argue for trifles and eat their lives. It's about breaking a vicious circle by deciding all of us as much as we are about accepting ourselves and acting towards each other as we would wish it to act towards us. In short there is urgency because the thermometer climbs at a crazy speed, the planetary limits are almost reached by half but humanity must almost reach a new stage, this time psychological, its evolution: to go to adulthood :)

These days I read that not enough is being done to counter global warming, @jeanwandimi. The heat wave on the planet, the emergence and increase of unknown cancers and diseases are proof that we are not doing our job to minimize greenhouse gases. There is talk of 30 countries being blamed for a problem that affects everyone. I think these countries should look for solutions and put them into practice! It's not just attending summits and signing treaties: the planet needs real action. Similarly, ecopedagogy must be implemented as a way of creating awareness in our societies. Global warming is everyone's problem. We must remember that we only have one planet and we cannot afford to destroy it. Thank you for your post!

Dear sir!
Global warming is the greatest problem of whole worlds . If the problem of global warming increases in the same way, then the environment balance will be deteriorated very soon, which will have a very bad effect on human life.
Of all the factors you have mentioned about global warming, of course, this is the factor that is posing a danger to mankind.
You have raised the issue of very irritation to share, thanks sir

I think that this is a very important post!


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I think the use of the term 'unequivocal' when discussing this topic is a mistake. Remember, they used to call it 'global warming' until the data proved it was not so they started calling it 'climate change' which is a meaningless term because it is absolutely always true.

Steve Goddard, Judith Curry and many others have challenged some of the things we are told are 'unequivocal' and suffered as a result.

Lots of examples here of bad science being promoted as evidence of global warming/man made climate change. The CO2 lie is one of the worst.

I just wrote an article (in French, the translation arrives) on the energy and water consumption of 2 countries.