ADHD and Hyperfocus

in #adhd9 years ago

Someone needs to study the brains of ADHD people who "suffer" from hyperfocus, and find a way to coax out this exceptional state of consciousness. For me, for whatever reason, a lot of times it happens after I get just a few hours of sleep, have an articulate dream, then somehow my sleep is broken or interrupted. If I could make my brain do this 12 hours a day, I'd be like Bradley Cooper in the Limitless movie.


I recently did a post on microdosing psychedelics ( ) and one of the more interesting things I cam across during my research was people with ADHD microdosing as an alternative to Adderall and Ritalin. The other thing I found interesting was people who do not suffer from ADHD at all were microdosing to get into that hyperfocus state you are writing about. Seems tht Limitless is the holy grail everyone is looking for.

I'm a huge fan of psilocybin. I've taken it over 100 times.

And your article is a great read. I never had any experience microdosing (smallest dose was about 2.5 grams). I usually would start off at 4-5 at least, and I had plenty of 7 gram doses. Only once I took 14 grams, and that night was so insane, lol.

The flow state thing you mentioned I totally agree with. I'm a guitarist, and psychedelics would most certainly bring on flow states, and almost every time I used them. I would get into the best flow states after I came down off my peak. I wrote so much amazing music those nights.

But I only dose about once every year or 2 anymore.