Shift Your Beliefs / Shift Your Reality / Shift Your LIFE

in #addiction7 years ago (edited)


What's going on there, sweet charlie?


Realized yet that your entire life is just a representation of what you believe to be true?

That you are ALWAYS bringing into your life exactly what you believe (on the deepest level) you should be getting?

  • The money you make
  • The women in your life
  • The career you have
  • Your spiritual connection to the force that brought us here... 

-It's not some outside power

-It's not luck 

-It's not destiny

It's you taking control of your reality... When the *entire* matrix's job is make you believe the "standard" reality is a real one.

But, it just isn't. It's mainly lies, manipulation, propaganda, control..... and black magic.

Ever wonder why everyone you know is addicted to multiple things? Booze, Drugs, Food, Sleep, iPhones, Porn, Obeying Authority, Believing what they are told.... And on and on and on..... ?

Because, they are still asleep.... And they will continue to sleep until they realize they are literally, living inside the matrix. IT IS BUILT TO DISTRACT YOU FROM THE TRUTH OF WHAT YOU ARE.


Do you hear me? You simply can not. You have to stop poisoning your body and your mind for them to clear up enough for you to just START getting a clue.

What does that mean? Break your addictions, one by one....... Until you get to self mastery. Which one, you ask? Any one - you have dozens....... Just start somewhere. Once you break'em, and truly BEGIN mastering yourself, your entire reality will change COMPLETELY..... And you will enter a new one where everything is possible, and everything you desire manifests.

But not from a toxic, slave like, wounded, addicted space, you won't.

As someone who is WOKE AS FVCK (yes, really) may I suggest listening to this wonderful 12 minute interview where I really do ACTUALLY explain one of the KEYS to manifesting, whatever you want.


Wonderful words.

A good way of looking at it: "We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, Not the other way around".

I myself have recently been on the path to enlightenment and it's glorious! Once you see and realize how it all connects, you can propel yourself above the lies.

Speaking for the people still asleep, I think for a lot of people, Conviction will come within once they realize the true lies. How do they do that? Content. Exposure to legit whistleblowers. Gaia herself too, because they won't be able to hide what's really down in Antartica and will be forced to say: "Oh by the way this exists too.. ". Disclosure is happening now, drip drip drip and will continue through this year into 2020!

With that, I've noticed a lot of people claiming they've been red-pilled because they're aware of mass secret corruption, and Q posts, when in reality they know so little about the true history of mankind, we all have tiny pieces of what is a much larger pie. So never stop growing, learning, changing, once you think you know it all, you do yourself a disservice. We are here for experience. Soul ascension. How? Raise your vibration.

Of course there is much larger forces at work here, Our suppression was no accident. They know this. But ultimately it is up to us to create our own reality through the power of thought and collective consciousness. 'They' can only help level the "playing field", they can't do it for us.

In the end it all connects. Love is it. The only true reality, it's what binds everything together, the space between. DMT confirmed me that lol.

I loved your content though, follow me back? I just started my page a few days ago, helping spread truths has become a big focus of mine, connecting together helps that!

Yeah man happy to follow anyone who's ;) .......

And upvoted! :)

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! What sup Dearie. Great content and also a resourceful video. Useful information loads! Thanks Dearie.

I love this part of your content the most;-

The money you make
The women in your life
The career you have
Your spiritual connection to the force that brought us here...
-It's not some outside power

-It's not luck

-It's not destiny

It's you taking control of your reality... When the entire matrix's job is make you believe the "standard" reality is a real one.

Keep steeming Dearie! Cheers.

Goooooooooood p0st
Thanks for sharing

Hy my freind ..
Your post very interest and useful ...
Nice to meet you

A wonderful article! I just had a conversation in relation to this exact topic with one of my clients overcoming addiction on Monday!... Which prompted a post, and now I've found this incredible piece! Synchronicity is a glorious thing, re steemed! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Great writing from a conscious mind!

do you have a video about your teacher and his year without food? It sounds interesting. I am trying to deal with my food addiction too and listening to your videos motivates me. This one is great, and generally what you're sharing is what I would define as "quality content". I found it useful. thanks, @sashadaygame and thanks, Universe for sending me here. :)