in #addiction6 years ago

IMG_20180810_095038_467.JPGDrug addiction — falling prey to the dangerous habit of taking narcotics — is spreading fast among young men all over the world. It is a veritable malady that, once indulged in, gets into bones and cannot be shaken off with the all the efforts. The result is that not only the young addict but his family is often doomed.

Various factors are at work for the spread of this infection. The commonest cause is a widespread feeling among even tender-aged boys and girls, of deep depression and gloom. We live in an age of heightened tempo of fife. Domestic atmosphere and parental relation today are not all that is desired. Often both father and mother go out to work outside, leaving the child uncared for. Thus sub-conscious discontent is primarily responsible for the teen-ager going astray (on wrong lines).

There are also drug-traders around them, lying in wait to look for the possible victim. They have paid agents who tempt depressed and discontented boys. Tender-aged boys and girls feel naturally attracted to anything novel (strangely new) and unknown. So they are easily induced to take the drug for which the agents of drug-traffickers initially pay. Drugs like hashhish, marujiana, heroin, L. S. D., cockaine—contain high percentage of opium. Such a drug, when taken, at first leads to temporary forgetfulness with a kind of transport (lift) into a pleasant dreamland. Once initiated i.e. the habit is formed, the new addict must have it at the appointed hour and cannot do without it for all the world. Soon he turns anti-social, resorts to all sorts of crimes to have the money to buy the drug and leads the life of a wreck (ruined man) with deadened sensation about the outside world and the cherished human values. He is lost to the society and gradually glides to his grave. In this way the promising career of a large number of youths is blasted. What a pity!

The path of getting addicted is rather smooth in comparison with the process of cure and reformation. The, first task would be to isolate the young addict from his hardened companions. Then he or she has to be placed under specialized medical treatment. A sympathetic approach is to be followed to bring him back to the ways of normal life,—for ultimately rehabilitating him to the bosom of the society. The physicians (medical men) as well as the Police have an onerous (heavy) responsibility and role to play in this regard.

Drug addiction that is ruining bright families is also a social scourge (curse). To combat and eradicate (uproot) this evil organized efforts are called for both by the Govt. and social bodies. For this an intense anti-drug campaign has to be undertaken at first. Various mass media like Radio, T. V., Cinema, the Press (newspapers and periodicals) have to be utilized, through lectures, slides, posters etc. Arrangements should be made to widely rouse awareness among the rising generation about the limitless evils and harmful effects of drug-taking. All routes to drug-peddling (smuggling) have to be sealed so that drugs become scarce (not easily available). Ex-addicts should not be looked down upon as lepers. They should be treated with all the com-passion and care they socially deserve. The sense of optimism is to be bred in them so that they can turn a new leaf of life and become useful and responsible members of the society. The adage (proverb) is worth quoting — every sinner has a future just a saint has a past.alling prey to the dangerous habit of taking narcotics — is spreading fast among young men all over the world. It is a veritable malady that, once indulged in, gets into bones and cannot be shaken off with the all the efforts. The result is that not only the young addict but his family is often doomed.

Various factors are at work for the spread of this infection. The commonest cause is a widespread feeling among even tender-aged boys and girls, of deep depression and gloom. We live in an age of heightened tempo of fife. Domestic atmosphere and parental relation today are not all that is desired. Often both father and mother go out to work outside, leaving the child uncared for. Thus sub-conscious discontent is primarily responsible for the teen-ager going astray (on wrong lines).

There are also drug-traders around them, lying in wait to look for the possible victim. They have paid agents who tempt depressed and discontented boys. Tender-aged boys and girls feel naturally attracted to anything novel (strangely new) and unknown. So they are easily induced to take the drug for which the agents of drug-traffickers initially pay. Drugs like hashhish, marujiana, heroin, L. S. D., cockaine—contain high percentage of opium. Such a drug, when taken, at first leads to temporary forgetfulness with a kind of transport (lift) into a pleasant dreamland. Once initiated i.e. the habit is formed, the new addict must have it at the appointed hour and cannot do without it for all the world. Soon he turns anti-social, resorts to all sorts of crimes to have the money to buy the drug and leads the life of a wreck (ruined man) with deadened sensation about the outside world and the cherished human values. He is lost to the society and gradually glides to his grave. In this way the promising career of a large number of youths is blasted. What a pity!

The path of getting addicted is rather smooth in comparison with the process of cure and reformation. The, first task would be to isolate the young addict from his hardened companions. Then he or she has to be placed under specialized medical treatment. A sympathetic approach is to be followed to bring him back to the ways of normal life,—for ultimately rehabilitating him to the bosom of the society. The physicians (medical men) as well as the Police have an onerous (heavy) responsibility and role to play in this regard.

Drug addiction that is ruining bright families is also a social scourge (curse). To combat and eradicate (uproot) this evil organized efforts are called for both by the Govt. and social bodies. For this an intense anti-drug campaign has to be undertaken at first. Various mass media like Radio, T. V., Cinema, the Press (newspapers and periodicals) have to be utilized, through lectures, slides, posters etc. Arrangements should be made to widely rouse awareness among the rising generation about the limitless evils and harmful effects of drug-taking. All routes to drug-peddling (smuggling) have to be sealed so that drugs become scarce (not easily available). Ex-addicts should not be looked down upon as lepers. They should be treated with all the com-passion and care they socially deserve. The sense of optimism is to be bred in them so that they can turn a new leaf of life and become useful and responsible members of the society. The adage (proverb) is worth quoting — every sinner has a future just a saint has a past.