Pornography Addiction 1 - Basics and Consequences

in #addiction7 years ago (edited)

Why Pornography?

Pornography is the first health issue that I chose to discuss because in my opinion it is the most sinister scourge that has inflicted our modern world. The issue of pornography, particularly the consequences, is not well known and is far too underestimated. I will begin this series with the basics and consequences of pornography addiction: the definition, common symptoms, and the mechanism underlying it.

First, I recommend you watch this video:

What is it?

Pornography addiction is a dependence on pornography to satisfy sexual needs and alleviate stress. Pornography goes hand-in-hand with masturbation and orgasm. These three actions are usually bundled into one, which we can refer to as PMO (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm). PMO is accompanied by a plethora of brain changes that negatively impact the brain and body. Furthermore, PMO is an addictive practice, which usually leads to increased and repetitive use.

The Consequences

Overwhelming Cravings
A need for more stimulation to feel the same amount of pleasure
Less will-power
An altered stress response wherein minor stress induces triggers/cravings
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Anorgasmia (inability or difficulty achieving orgasm)
Delayed Ejaculation (DE)
Brain fog
Lack of motivation
Social Anxiety/Isolation
Depression/Lack of content
Lack of Dreaming
Excessive Sweating
Hair Loss
Escalation to “harder” pornography fetishes

Am I addicted?

You may experience a few of the above symptoms, or you may check off on all of them. In any case, here is a quick way to know if you are addicted:

The Four C’s:

Continued use despite negative consequences

Compulsion to use

Inability to Control use

Psychological or Physical Craving

If you experience these Four C’s, then it is in your favor to learn more about pornography addiction.

How does it work?

Pornography is a supernormal stimulus that overstimulates the brain with the neurotransmitter dopamine. The endless novelty and shocking material that comes from pornography spikes dopamine to unnatural limits. This damages the reward circuit in the brain and downregulates dopamine receptors such that a larger dose of dopamine is required to get the same hit. Not only does this lead to more frequent and longer duration of use, but also escalation into “harder” types of pornography (i.e. one may start with vanilla sex and eventually escalate into non-consensual gang-banging). Furthermore, one cannot enjoy the natural and simple things that occur in everyday life, such as enjoying music and watching sunsets, because the dopamine involved in these experiences is lacking or missing due to the downregulated receptors.

The act of PMO itself is a huge tax on the immune system. Almost immediately after a PMO session, one may notice an inability to sleep, dark eyelids, acne breakouts, more sweating, agitation, and social anxiety. A headache is imminent, and if one doesn’t already have it, brain fog will occur. PMO causes an explosion of inflammation that continues to persist both in the brain and the body.

Last but not least, the act of PMO activates similar neurons to meth, cocaine, and heroine. This is why it is seen as addictive – because it causes the same brain changes as these other drugs. Pornography shapes and alters these neurons in the brain, effectively drilling a reward pathway that eventually becomes “hardwired”. As this pathway becomes hardwired, triggers to watch pornography form and responses become conditioned (Pavlovian conditioning).

To say the last, pornography is subtle and dangerous. It may affect one’s life without one knowing the consequences. For now, I will write about pornography addiction because I believe that it is the heaviest anchor to one’s life. One cannot reach his full potential while enslaved to this evil.


Thumbnail Image:

Your Brain on Porn: How internet porn affects the brain


Yes clearly a serious issue for me. I have all four Cs. Such a tragedy for me. Hope one day I get out of it for good. Steemit maybe part of the answer ;)

I feel you; it is very tragic for a lot of people with unlocked potential. I hope you get out of it today and not just one day!

And yes, Steemit is a great way to spread awareness and provide support of for this issue :)

I know for a fact that porn has changed my life. Likely for the worse. My relationship with others are lacking substance mostly coming back to this tragic issue. All I can do is take it one day at a time but like any addiction relapses always occur and happens unexpectedly.

No doubt. The good thing is that you know what the problem is. What's really tragic is when people don't.