Staying Drug Free in a Dysfunctional Society

in #addiction8 months ago

I’ve been clean now since November 1994 but it did not happen overnight. One of the things that was important for me in recovery and of course life thereafter was and has been learning to interact with others in as healthy and constructive way as possible. In treatment I learned many lessons/methods of interacting in this way and it’s interwoven into my life. Since then I’ve also read many books on the subject as well as viewing many videos and I can tell you that it’s an ongoing process of learning since as many personalities as there are there are just as many nuances in relation to learning how to dance with anyone. It turns out that the world is absolutely full of dysfunctional personalities and learning how to ride that wave without wiping out is literally a lifesaver. One book I’d like to recommend is “The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense” by Suzette Haden Elgin