Monochrome Monday – My Actifit Report Card: February 11 2019

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes it is an effort even to get a minimum of things done. I look outside at the snow and motivation for walking is not there. It has actually warmed up some so the ground is not so icy but I guess I’m ready for springtime. The inside of my left foot hurts a bit, nothing serious but it makes for a good excuse not to do a lot today.

The motivation for trading crypto is not there much either because of just filing my taxes and this extended bear market run. Over the years I had a lot of losses (and gains) but really can’t figure out how to account for it all exactly in the way the tax code suggests, so I’ve settled for showing it as business income.

I’ve been Gox’ed, Cryptsy’ed, Bittrex’ed, and now Cryptopia’ed, LOL. That last one kind of stung the most, I was rather enjoying Cryptopia. Altogether I’m still feeling blessed though because I can still pay my bills (and for many other reasons besides.)

At this point in my life I’m really not worried about any of these things. It is hard to know what motivates people to do the things they do. To take what is not freely given and disturb the lives and savings of many people is not a nice action though.

I’ve thought of a lot of ways we could improve the tax code but I think my suggestions would fall on deaf ears.

So I just barely got my steps in today and started playing with my free jump rope from China. It’s pretty cool and came with a counter and measuring tape. I’m embarrassed to say how many times I can jump rope in a row because it’s not a lot.

Here’s a black and white version of my jump rope for Monochrome Monday as started by @old-guy-photos

Free jump rope; Kodak HEI – click for viewing full screen

It is snowing a lot (for around here) and schools are closed again. Alas I may have to play host to a bunch of rowdy teens tomorrow. I’m not complaining though, they are all wonderful kids.

Snow on the bamboo – click for viewing full screen

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright 2/11/2019 lightsplasher & litesplasher.

Rope Skipping, Walking


So glad to see you jumped in the tag! Yes you are getting hit pretty good with the white stuff. We are right at the freezing point and are having another freezing rain. Hoping that the power holds...I have been putting of the tax fun for a while but it is in my heard that I have to face it all eventually.

Yes, low tax refund for me this time. I hear you on hoping the power holds out. I have a gas fireplace and camper just in case but it wouldn't be much fun if the power goes out. (A bit of an adventure though, I suppose) Who can resist posting monochrome once in a while?

If the leg hurts, I think it is better to refrain from skipping the rope until full recovery. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful photo

Thanks for your concern but it is really not too bad an issue. I had a knee problem that still bothers me but is largely healed after a decade or so. Now I probably should have stopped running sooner but nature will tell you if things aren't healing well. I don't think I'll try to pick up running again but skipping rope for short periods to time doesn't seem to bad on the knee. (So far at least but I do need to be careful)

Although the snow and tired of many, but he is so beautiful, judging by the last photo. Thank you for sharing

In this weather, it's better to really sit at home with a cup of coffee. Good post, thanks for sharing

It certainly can be if things get too cold. I like to try to do some level of activity though, it is nice to try to stay somewhat consistent.

Thank you for the message, though because of the weather, many have a sad mood. We must think that spring is coming and everything will be fine :)

I'm feeling much better already. Time tends to do that. Thank you.

I can see that the constant falling of snow is causing a lot of setbacks for the people there, since the school is closed because of weather. Your photos looks unique and nice also. I have been using only bittrex and kucoin exchange for my crypto trading @lightsplasher

I haven't tried kucoin maybe I'll check it out. I was using Bittrex but they locked me out and refused to play nicely. (Maybe they want a picture of me and some ID) At the time I had about the thousand dollars worth of coins on there but they are not worth that now. I'm reluctant to do any more business with them because of the a lack of information about policy changes before they did them.

Keep up the good work, moving slowly forward in all things will get the best results longterm. Skipping rope is an intense but awesome workout. I love your monochrome photos especially the snow topped table 🦋🌴🌈💛🍀

Thanks! I haven't tried skipping rope for a long time. It is enjoyable and seems to be a good full body type workout that doesn't take that long to do. I'm going to take it really easy though until I can tell if my knee will be okay doing it.

@lightsplasher, Crypto Bear Market really hurting but hoping for more bright future and i am really positive towards Crypto Economy and putting my time and efforts here.

Definitely free jump rope keeps us fit and nowadays many are not preferring but in old times when it comes to fitness this stuff was always there but it will stay best for fitness forever.

Hope that your left foot issue will be resolved and you will going to get the relief. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. My foot is already feeling much better, (I think my shoes were a bit tight and I was not used to walking so much)

I still believe the Crypto Economy can be a could way to solve many of the worlds issues. Only time will tell though. Best wishes.

Welcome and good to read that your foot is feeling better now.

Yes, in my opinion Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency Economy collaboratively can bring the Financial Control and Financial Freedom back to people.

Have a pleasant time ahead.

I agree sometimes it is quite the effort to get even the minimum done. I had one of those days recently as well. I appreciate & admire your outlook and the way you honor what you feel and where you're at. Sorry about your foot, and the crypto stuff. I'm sure that's a big contribution to the number of jumps in a row you can manage at the moment (the foot of course lol). Sending reiki 💖🙏💖

Great photos 👍 Your jump rope is cool but its the crystals that most caught my eye. Love them all 💖💖💖

I'm so ready for Spring too. We're in for another foot of snow tonight lol.. Ah well its a great workout 💪💪😁 even if its forced on me by Mother Nature lol

Much Love & Happy Tuesday! 🙌

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, it almost seems like I can feel the reiki coming across from you, along with your enjoyment of the crystals. No worries on the foot, it is feeling much better today and was probably just irritated from my new shoes which are a bit tight. Next time I will order a half size larger. People say your feet get larger as you age. I can't figure out if it is my feet or the fact that certain shoe makers like to save on costs by making their products smaller, lol.

As for the crypto, I'm not really complaining so much as trying to show some of the issues that are still out there. I hope that we can all move forward as a society and not have some of these problems, but I'm not sure if it is just a technological or regulatory issue that will be a complete fix.

For example, when I was a child hardly anyone locked up their bicycle and locks were just there to keep the honest people honest. Now it seems like everything gets more and more difficult. I don't think there would be as much need for locks or fences if we could all be good neighbors and be happy for the success of others.

Nice actifit count. And great pictures here