Journal Log Entry #3: AchievementsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #achievement2 months ago
"To understand what I'm about to tell you,

you need to do something first.
You need to believe in the impossible.
Can you do that?

-Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen


In the year 2020, I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering. Considering it is ranked at 2nd of the most difficult Engineering course to take in college. Given its major subjects are mostly Mathematics from Algebra to Calculus and Sciences including Physics, Statics of Rigid Bodies, Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies... I know, the terminologies are intimidating what more if you actually learning the full details and the in-depth applications to the real world. It took me years longer than the usual academic requirement to finish the course as I failed many times but got the courage to learn from my mistakes and fuel my motivation to finish the race.

What's next after having that college diploma? A license, to be entitled as an Engineer. Authority to manage a project may it be on the construction field or be a leader from different industries as one obtains that "Engr." in front of their name. Preparation was crucial you need to review the previous 5-year curriculum in just under 5 months before taking the licensure examination. Reading page to page and solving problems from books and other reference materials was my only routine. A task that is quite monotonous but necessary to acquire that license. Examination day has come, it was a 2-day event where Day 1 is for Mathematics and Engineering Sciences and Allied Subjects while Day 2 is for Electrical Engineering. Arrived at the venue felt hopeful for months of preparing. Looking at the questions and answering everything, my only thoughts are "Is these even included from what I reviewed" and "Oh! I remember this one." After the test concluded, it took a month before releasing the list of passers but unfortunately I was not included. From hopeful to being hopeless that took a toll on me, recovering many days before deciding to postpone my dream and look for a job temporarily.

Many years passed after taking my 1st try on the licensure examination, I worked on many industries and it kept me busy while earning money just enough for my needs. Design were mostly the field that I was employed, from drafting 2D Electrical Plans to producing 3D layout for prototyping 3D printed objects and modular cabinets or container for cosmetic products. Previously tried as a technician for electric vehicle and solar equipment. After many years of working experience, I tried once more and dedicated it to be my last take to be a Registered Electrical Engineer.

Year 2024, 25th of April my last day of examination, answered as many questions as I could and this time more confident. Before was a setback that I came back much stronger and more acquired knowledge than the last time. May 2, 2024, results are out for the successful examinees and my full name was listed! It was the best day of my life, after many years of preparation, hard work and determination I finally earned my license together with the title "Engr." before my name.


One can always dream for the best and achieve greatness.