Profitecies For Beginners

in #aceoflords7 years ago (edited)

Your cliff-notes to a better understanding of Adam
Majic Garden by Devine Intervention

Bible profiteies* item for beginners.




         Leonardo da Vinci was against the Roman Catholic Pope as respresentive of the messiah yet many didn’t want the faith of Dainty Inferno. Most people don't realize the claim "Holy Cross" is actually mocking the original faith before Constantine adopted it when he said: WITH  THIS SIGN I WILL CONQUER ROMAN  with Christian militia now fighting for his cause for Roman throne.  . Since then lots have been conquered in the last 2 plus thousand years. Am confident most didn't know that the three nails was infused on Constantine Crown us on christ.   . Is it lack of knowledge or just learning the fairytale infused in Bible, Church and governance blessings and giving oath to a corporate Infused country with trinket metals.  
      On Constantine death the Pope, the Pope second in command of state  wrote a letter  saying Constantine gave him his empire. It's called "Constantine Donation". It full of holes. In 325BC the Pope set down the law for his empire with his bishops called Council Of Nicea that edited the Bible for people of blind faith. Wrote it in Latin and anyone caught reading it would be label heretic and burnt alive specially witches because he wanted to downgrade the origins of the true teachings Iesus (that was his name) got from his roots in Egypt. Why it's says in the Bible never to look back to Egypt. 
        The "Holy Cross" had a cosmological symbol of the heavenly sky's. and nothing to do with religions and if you did research clay tablets it had to do with Elohim those that descended from Nebieru; Planet X Why most that know the secret would use a hooked X sign as Leonardo did in most of his painting. Most other Mid Evil Artist painted fruits in fear of being outcasted as heretics in bonfire .That painting is a code for the zodiac with 12 planets Iesus the X 13th hidden sign of the Original Ancient zodiac. .They in groups of four symbolizing  seasons. the picture above shows the oil for marriage to Mary Madeline. She the one right next to him.
         The Original table was round shaped in 360 degrees of the circle in Zodiac. Just like the Council Of King Author and Olympic Committee Of 300.?The salt in front is the Pope claim salt to all people in Gods name.The biggest secret in the Painting is hard to see over Iseus head is a cup with Hook X the Cardinals, Bishops nor Pope had no clue of because they were that focus in material world.The Templars used it to mark territory even in America before Columbus sailed from Rosen Chapel. It was their way of fight the power of the Pope that burned them in Halloween when they got education in Middle Eastern Edessa about Ieus  Essene faith that not Christian. Why would he want to be nailed to a cross. His battle was with Rome itself as a band of apostles military that ruled all Europe and later America with Papacy crusader with the Holy Cross, sword and Bible. of his court council even today. Wake up don't let them steal your spiritual  

Inheritance⚖️ They rule World Court, Nations, International Bank and House of worship with their laws. Look up Saltic law encyclopedia that rules the sea’s and land of our planet.
It’s time people stop being educated by the public that has been infused learn procedures of others and take the responsibility
of finding answer their own personal mission. It is possible but you have to lighten your own lantern and not lets others dim it because it’s their profession. Rethink everything and question all taught in this infected society. Build your hereditary and learn from you past. Return that collective education and build your tree of knowledge, returning that bitten apple on your teacher’s desk and replace it with inquiring.