to know martabak aceh, aceh's favorite food.
Martabak Aceh is one of the traditional martabak food typical of Aceh. Judging from his appearance, this one martabak is different from martabak in Indonesia in general, so also in terms of taste, Martabak Aceh certainly has a very distinctive taste. Martabak Aceh is one of the most famous traditional food in Aceh. Because of its distinctive taste, this food is very popular by the surrounding community and the tourists who visit there.
The Uniqueness and Privileges of Martabak Aceh
One of the uniqueness of Martabak Aceh is from its appearance. If martabak in general uses his skin to wrap the contents of martabak, but different from Martabak Aceh who use eggs to wrap the skin of martabak. Appearance Martabak Aceh is at first glance almost similar to the Dadar Egg. But in the middle there is a martabak skin made of special dough. In addition on the outside there are also chopped like onion and scallion as flavor.
The Process of Making Martabak Aceh
To make Martabak Aceh there are two things that must be prepared, namely martabak skin and egg dough. Martabak skin is usually made from ingredients such as flour, butter, and eggs. The process of making it almost the same as the cane cake, which mix all the ingredients and stirred into the dough. Once finished, the dough is fried thinly until cooked and brownish.
The taste of Martabak Aceh
Martabak Aceh certainly has a distinctive taste and different from martabak in general. The savory taste of egg dough on the eggs combined with the supple feeling of martabak skin will certainly give a sense of its own taste when you eat it. Also combined with fresh pickles would make the pleasure Martabak Aceh is more complete. In addition to complementary, this pickle can also reduce the sense of eneg when you eat too much.
Culinary Martabak Aceh
Martabak Aceh is one of the most famous traditional food in Aceh. There, this food is very easy to find because of the many sellers who peddle in martabak stalls, coffee shops, places to eat, even around. So for those of you who visit or travel to Aceh can easily find it. For the price and the taste is quite varied, because the number of sellers who peddle this one food. So you need the right recommendation to enjoy it as you wish.
recipe martabak aceh
The main ingredient:
Vegetable oil to fry sufficiently
Ingredients for egg batter:
9 chicken eggs
2 celery sticks, thinly sliced
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
¼ kg of small shrimp and boiled chicken breast, both chopped roughly
2 white bwang bamboo, finely chopped
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 ½ tsp salt
For sauteing, use vegetable oil as much as 2-3 tbsp
Dough martabak dough ingredients:
2 eggs
400 grams of wheat flour, use Multipurpose brand
50 grams of butter
1 tsp salt
½ cup water more dikit, about 150 - 175 ml
Pickles (accompanied by making to stay overnight):
150 grams of onion, cut as desired
100 grams of green chili, lunch
2 teaspoons of cooking vinegar
1 ½ tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
the process of making martabak aceh
First for the dough eggs, heat oil, saute garlic and onion until fragrant. Then enter the remaining ingredients, cook until cooked and drain.
Place it on a container, then chill for a while. Then mix the eggs and stir until blended; set aside
Second for the dough, mix the flour, salt, and butter, then stir until the dough is gritty. Then enter the eggs, then stir until blended. Next pour the water a little bit, while diuleni until it becomes dull
Take 75 grams of dough, then round. You continue this process until the material runs out. Next soak the dough in vegetable oil. Then cover using cloth up to 1 hour duration
Next, take 1 part of the dough, then gilas until really thin. Roll up to resemble the bun, then roll again another ½ centimeter thick and 15 centimeters in diameter
Step six heat as much as 3 tablespoons of oil in a flat skillet, use a diameter of 30 centimeters, frying pan special martabak. Fry the dough until the sides are ripe to look brownish, then lift. Then repeat the process of grinding and frying skin dough until the martabak finished consumables, then set aside
Preheat 3 tablespoons of oil into a martabak skillet again. Pour 1/3 part of the egg dough, flatten to the width of the pan
After the eggs are solidified and brownish, place 1 fried skin in the center, fold all the sides of the egg in the middle until the skin is wrapped all together. Then back and forth to 2 sides ripe, lift and drain. Martabak Aceh is ready to be eaten with pickles
A recent introduction to "Martabak Aceh Traditional Food From Aceh". Hopefully useful and add to your knowledge about traditional culinary in Indonesia.
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