Aceh has been flooded again in heavy rain in the last few days
this time I will post an accident happened in nanggroe Aceh Darussalam ,, in the last few days, the entire Aceh in overwriting the flood start the East end of up to the West start Aceh tamiang up Aceh a great start of the South to North all tergendang by floods ,,, and fate very sad again in the district bireun precisely in Kuta blang, disaster come when flood or disaster flood come ,, family is also very grieving on died relatives relatives ,, in gendangan water local residents bring the body to buried or kebumikan ,,, very sad it if so happens ,, and there are also some areas landslide good way and the Mount-mountains, whether to when this tragedy will end only God we ask everything,all these photos we have raised to social media both Facebook and Instagram And WhatsApp And also to Twitter .. That is all and thank you