The greatest woman who ever lived?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #accountbooster3 years ago (edited)

Queen 2.jpg

In the UK we are saying a fond farewell and goodbye to our late Monarch Queen Elizabeth II. No matter where you are in the world and what your politics or beliefs are, I dare say that you had respect for this very special lady. She transcended everything, she met 15 UK Prime Ministers, 14 US Presidents and oversaw incredible social changes in her 70 years on the Brirish throne. Her funeral on 19th September will be a global event, and the great and good from all over the globe will be in attendance.

There will never be another like her. This photograph taken a couple a couple of years ago was snapped by my good friend Steve Parsons, a former Royal photographer. It catches her at her most relaxed, and I think it is a most wonderful portrait of the woman who defined an age. She will be truly missed...