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RE: Habits vs Willpower – Why These Two are Inversely Related

I think above all I want to make my daily habit of writing a higher priority in my life.

When I write I feel so much better. Calmer; confident; satisfied. I recognise that I want more of that from writing.

What works best for me so far is making checklists and working through my list each day. I find that if I can take the thinking out of tasks (or as much as possible) then I get things done, period. No stalling, hesitation, anxiety, second-guessing myself. No, give me a checklist and I will work through it happily.

I'm thinking of a smallish folder (A5?) with spreadsheet checklists printed out for each month on a day by day level. If it is physically in my hands it is real, in ways that virtual apps on tablets / 'phones are not quite physical enough (I used to use Habit Bull but found that meant I had to carry my tablet around with me constantly...)

You are so right though about it being habits that are at the core of change and lifestyle. What was Aristotle's famous quotation? Something like 'We are what we frequently do.'

I am focused on the 'what I frequently do' part being me writing and publishing.

