The Hidden Pain

in #abuse7 years ago (edited)

What possesses a man to raise his hands up so high and strike an innocent woman across her face,hear her cry and then turn to leave her in her pain.What type of monster would relish in such pain?

It was not just another sad night,No,Vanessa felt it..Little mickey cried non-stop as the wind brought the branchs of the tree heavily on the roof.It was going to be rainy night..Vanessa hurried up the stairs to get mickey as he bellowed out for some comfort from his ever present mother.A night like this provided the yearn for the comfort of another human's hands.Lifting mickey out of his cot...She strolled to the window trying to observe the already empty streets,Why had her husband not come home.

It had been 3long nights and he had not called or texted and he sure was not returning her calls either.It wasnt like vanessa needed his presence so much,She loved him and wished for his safety.

Bang!!Bang!!...Someone was banging on the door,the fuse was already blown so whoever it was probably couldnt use the doorbell.Holding mickey carefully she hurried to the front door..Peeping through the hole.There Jacob was grinning slying like he always did when he was drunk.God in heaven she prayed,please be with me.

"Open the door,you stupid woman"..Called Jacob.Dont you know you dont keep a man waiting especially in this storm?

" Well you could have gotten here earlier",Vanessa said as she held her baby unto herself like a lifeline....

"What did you say woman"...Jacob asked as he staggered blindly towards her and the baby. Fearing for little mickey she quickly turned her back and said ever so quietly,

"I am sorry jacob..It was just i was upstairs and i didnt hear you on time".Screenshot_20180317-132633.jpg

Jacob changed his direction and staggered to the dinning area,With her hand dead weight from carrying mickey,She went up the stairs to drop put him to sleep.
"Dont you worry dearest boy,Mommy has your back always"..She said with tears in her eyes while she swept his blond hair from reaching in his eyes.

"VANESSSSAAAA"..Jacob called with his singsong voice,he always used this voice when he wanted her threathened,trying to get there on time so as not to make an already druken man angry she fell down the stairs and hurt her elbows.Rubbing her elbows as she approached the dinning area,Vanessa stood inchs away from him incase he decide to reach out and strike her.

"Nessa baby,why isnt there food for me to eat..Huh?Honey?Can i get an explaination here?..Jacob asked as he moved his head side to side as if he was trying to figure out a puzzle.

"W W Well,you you havent been home for 3days now jake,I I I didnt want to waste any more food after the first few nights,As you left us nothing and we were already stapped for cash"..Vanessa stammered in reply.

"Strapped for cash?..He replied as he squeezed him face into a disgusted roll,"Strapped for cash?,You ungrateful woman...I had already left you $20 on the dinning table last week".

"But jacob that was last week,we have a baby..he doesnt he eat solids,he eats formula and i had to find a way to make the money enough for him..I only ate food because my mama came over the weekend and dropped some cash for us"..Vanessa said.

"Dropped some cash?Dropped some cash..So you went on to tell your family that i aint taking care of you and that little boy you call my son?..Jacob asked as he walked stalkingly towards her...

Oh my God,Its starting... she said to herself,what would she do..nobody would hear her shout,The night was already filled with sounds of rain and thunder.Running to put some distance between her and him she went behind the tv,but this didnt do anything to stop jacob as he reached for his belt buckle and loosened his belt....Swish swish it went as it sliced across the air,Landing on her backs and her arms.

Vanessa's crys and shouts filled the night but unfortunately it was silenced by the rain,She cried out as the belt buckle lashed at her eyes and torn at her flesh.She cried as blood trickled down her Screenshot_20180317-132708.jpg
face and into her mouth.The last thing she heard was the cry of little mickey as she blacked out.
It was a long while before she came to,She could still hear her baby crying for her,Whimpering in pain as she tried to stand and see with one eye as the other was swollen.She walked up the stairs to mickey'ss room.Crying as she held him in her hands..She tucked her face into his shoulders,her cries muffled by his shirt,comforting him she walked to the bathroom and willed herself to look into the mirror.Her mouth was bleeding through,so was her eye,Her face was red from the punch she recieved...Her back was torn from the point of contact with the belt and she hurt all over.

Looking at herself in the mirror she knew it was the last time she would ever do this,She wouldnt let little mickey to grow up and see how his dad beat his momma thinking that's the right thing to do,she wouldnt let her son grow up and see her as weak when all she ever wanted was to be strong for him.She was leaving Jacob and she was going to the police.

She vowed to share her story of survival to the world,so others would have the strength to leave an abusive relationship.