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RE: How To Destroy Steemit in 3 Easy Steps!

in #abuse8 years ago

This is exactly what I want. Sometimes I really would like to push my own comment a little bit so it gets noticed by more people. But I don't do it (99% of the time) because I have a bad feeling about it. Removing the monetary reward would be perfect. Although maybe then all comments will have at least 1 upvote.


I also like the idea. Others could still reward your comment.

I know because I feel the same way! I want to upvote my GIF, or whatever, but I don't want the money......

OMG... this seems to be even more relevant if an upvote is worth $10.... :D Thank you!
But when I think about it... one could upvote an own comment with only 1%, reducing the payout. I've even seen upvotes of less than 1%... I wonder how this is possible. Can you go under 1% if you're bigger?

(Oh and also thanks for raising my reputation score... :D)

hey, you did this all yourself, by adding some logic and care to my post! I can upvote with 1%, sure. I decided to upvote at full strength, to prove a point....rewarding others is the ORIGINAL REASON THIS PLATFORM WAS CREATED. We cannot judge our own comments, and even our own posts. We also cannot give ourselves our reputation score. That is GIVEN BY OTHERS. People need reminding of these basics.....and understanding that PEOPLE ON HERE WHO STARTED OUT WITH NOTHING BECAME INFLUENTIAL (and earned Steem IN THE PROCESS). I didn't become influential by upvoting my own comments. That is NOT THE WAY.

I feel like I am clawing my way to higher rep and higher SP and it feels great! It's the same feeling when you start a garden. You clear the area (laying the foundation), plant your seeds (gaining friends and posting), and reap the bounty! The work doesnt stop there though. You have to keep it up. The bounty keeps coming over time and work.

I have been down with yunk from almost the very start when it was just whispered in the chat room! HEee HEEe
Yunktastic idea
It can be a noun, verb, adjective! But it goes deeper than that as we see here :0) Happy it's gaining transaction here to support.

At one percent, I'm now at $.18

$.08 at 100% (88% voting power) :D

@stellabelle how did you end up with that much SD?

  1. Commented on others.
  2. Made friends.
  3. Kept friends, worked on social skills.
  4. Blogged every day.
  5. Found Steemit in 2016, and became obsessed.

Thanks stellabelle this what I am doing now, blogged is a bit hard for me so you can see me most on commenting.

Good rules to follow, followed you also. Commenting is more harder for me than blogging i don't get it, but i am learning.

She has been around since the beginning and actually added value to the system. That is why she has such a high voting power(FYI).

your real questions should be: how did you end up with 74 rep score.... these are interrelated.
Everyone discounts the true value here: social capital.

So how did you end up with 74 as your rep score?

she just told you... "social value"
I am learning fast here used to upvote now I dont..poor minnow they come here with false ideas...who to blame? I even made a post on how to self up vote am just sticking to my "social value" I can offer here and that is drawing and all kinds of graphics art and who knows maybe start making short stories ... but I know everything has its own time and I like to give everything its own time..."fermentation" this motheryunker lol...(i like to joke a lot)...ride on steemians!!!