Weaponized Rape Culture in the demographic displacement caused by UN's Replacement Migration plan?

in #abuse7 years ago

RAPE CULTURE IN WAR (and Migration)

- a "whodunnit"? --->  research note

 This was supposed to be a short piece on the Swedish migrant rape problem but research took off and ...
Now its basically just a long note with a lot of links ...
You cant enjoy this! So I will just say "Here You are" do what ever you must with this but please respect 3 things.

1. The Truth and Freedom are Rights...
2. The Victims (and their networks ... families ...)
3. The fact that some Muslims are engaged in and against this problem AND that this at the same is a Muslim majority offense ... I have known muslims most of my life but this is rather new to me! ... I see this as more of an "effort" than just sexual "confussion.

So in short ... stick to the point if religion comes up in debate this is not the media.
But by all means DO SHARE and INFORM people about this!

THIS IS SERIOUS! act accordingly ... please inform if any info needs correction and provide source!


As a Dane, a neighbour, living just an hour from the Swedish border I had already heard the "rumours" ("It's fake news") about sweden, about Trump getting a small detail wrong about Sweden and voila the media made all the problems go away in a fairytale and turned the attention back to the ”stupid Trump” narrative. 

In the same "spirit" the Swedish government plays down the problem in an official .gov statement on increased rape.
Trying to explain the sudden rise in statistics (they dont do statistics across the board probably because of this) with "cultural differences" in defined rape.

This on the other hand COULD PROBABLY explain the more violent and sadistic nature to many of the newer rape cases europe has so many problem with

Red Ice Live - Sweden's Rape Bracelets & Sex Attacks by Migrants at Music Festivals

Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
"Claim: "There has been a major increase in the number of rapes in Sweden."
Facts: The number of reported rapes in Sweden has risen. But the definition of rape has broadened over time, which makes it difficult to compare the figures. It is also misleading to compare the figures with other countries, as many acts that are considered rape under Swedish law are not considered rape in many other countries.
For example: If a woman in Sweden reports that she has been raped by her husband every night for a year, that is counted as 365 separate offences; in most other countries this would be registered as a single offence, or would not be registered as an offence at all." (Swedish government: Facts about migration and crime in Sweden)


Number of gang rapists in total: 144
If 20 % of Swedens population are non Swedes then they have
an over representation by a FACTOR 22.1

Compare this official statement with the court case database of 144 cases and a quick run through will show how this is, not only downplayed, but an outright a lie.

CASE by name and nationality

And this is just the registered cases...


Red Ice Live - Woman Accosted by 9 Perverted Migrants in Sweden


(This part will be specified in more detail and compared in a seperate post)
Recently in Sweden I saw an article about a judge ruling "it wasnt gangrape because they took turns" and similar jaw dropping "signals" coming from this system ... Having spent 1 month and 2 months in danish prisons in my own youth I was kinda shocked to see that what I did time for 15 years ago (petty Car theft and some stolen nothings) nowadays compares to raping 2 minor girls (14-15). In 2 seperate cases.

And this is not the type of rape where the girl regrets in the build up, during the "act" or just before or even afterwards ... which is a more typical scandinavian "situation" even though worse cases are known.
I'm not an expert but i would guess most cases or more at least would end in murder if the rapes where of such character as many of these ... But the social stigma it would burden a scandinavian or anyother normal being with is not the same as some ... other cultures.

"The longest sentence for rape occurred in the case of Bardiya Coen Pajouhi, who comes from an unknown country and received a nine-year sentence for aggravated rape, though it says he will not be deported to his country of origin. (Breibart.com)

 Bardiya Coen Pajouhi  judging by his Twitter acccount he is not an immigrant of the average type (State dependent "refugee") but an established person in Swedish society (Gøteborg NightLife) and according to this swedish criminal report site (called "the information war" in swedish) he was caught with one girl by the police but by checking his mobile phone pictures and videos of in total 7 girls are found, some drugraped, bringing the sentence to 9 years in total.



BBC Inside Out - the hidden scandal of sexual grooming of young Sikh girls by Muslim men

1,400 children abducted, raped, tortured in the UK by Muslim grooming gangs

Report: 100,000 Native British Girls Raped by Muslim Grooming Gangs

Rape in War

(Jedi4Life)---> I know we are not at war and the comparison with "rape as a weapon of war" (racial genocide) like in Darfur, Iraq or even Bosnia (thousand of boys raped) might seem a bit far fetched in scale but then again it wouldnt be anything new either that anything can happen that you might not expect, if you have an "unknown enemy" i your midst!

Gita Sahgal, of Amnesty International, told the BBC News website it was a mistake to think such assaults were primarily about the age-old "spoils of war", or sexual gratification.Rape is often used in ethnic conflicts as a way for attackers to perpetuate their social control and redraw ethnic boundaries, she said.
"Warring groups use rape as a weapon because it destroys communities totally, says Major-General Patrick Cammaert, former commander of UN peacekeeping forces in the eastern Congo. “You destroy communities. You punish the men, and you punish the women, doing it in front of the men.” Adds Cammaert: “It has probably become more dangerous to be a woman than a soldier in armed conflict.” (UN HUMAN RIGHTS High Commisioners Office)
Wartime Rapes of Men Remains Taboo in Bosnia“Conflict-related sexual violence against men and boys remains one of the least documented and most inadequately addressed of all the egregious human rights abuses that took place”, the think tank said in its latest publication issued under the All Survivors Project.

WikiPedia: Wartime sexual violence
"particularly in ethnic conflict, the phenomenon has broader sociological motives. Wartime sexual violence may also include gang rape and rape with objects. 

During war and armed conflict, rape is frequently used as a means of psychological warfare in order to humiliate the enemy. Wartime sexual violence may occur in a variety of situations, including institutionalized sexual slavery, wartime sexual violence associated with specific battles or massacres, and individual or isolated acts of sexual violence."

  “A lack of prospects leads to a high level of violence against women and children.” 


I am sorry about the formatting, new job so, not so much time to learn ancient internets runetexting i forgot 10 years ago, again!;) But it will come and I will be back on this matter!
Links and Sources to material on this matter are welcome!

Thank You!


I once worked at the Medecins sans frontieres NGO in 2004 Aceh tsunami

That was the worst place right? I know 3-4 people who barely survived in Thailand