Harry Elfrink

in #aboutme7 years ago

Possibly from now on, I will talk about politics, current events, history, technology, and share my opinions on Steemit.

Nothing against Facebook, I am not even afraid of their "algorithms." Even though I have political opinions far outside the American mainstream, I have many opinions critical of U.S. foreign policy, and I have even been accused of being a "Russian troll" numerous times, my rantings are usually mild and I try not to get too emotional, preferring the use of analysis and logical argument.

There are multiple reasons for why I wanted to start up a Steemit account. I became aware of it when I came across an article about it a couple months ago on a friend's Facebook page, read it, and shared it on my own.

"Hmm, get paid to post, or even comment on other people's posts? That sounds like an interesting proposition."

So I considered it.

Also a couple months ago, I have begun to tread onto the entrepreneurial path. I attended a 'Lurn Masters' workshop in Washington D.C. where I not only learned how to run an online business , but learned how to cultivate a mindset and attitudes conductive to entrepreneurship. To make it short, it was a lot more more than just learning how to set up a business. You have to experience it first hand in order to really understand and appreciate it.

After the workshop, I decided to make some drastic changes to my Facebooking habits...

One of them was to post much less politics on Facebook, and if I do, it is only on occasion, and if it's a news item that relates to my Survivalism niche, for informational purposes (and even then, I try to only post it on my business page, as opposed to my main timeline).

I will remain on Facebook, but I want to use it more for networking, as opposed to opinion-making.

Another idea that crossed my mind (which came from reading Wallace Wattle's "The Science of Getting Rich") was that I could turn my tendencies to talk about politics, current events, and history into a money-making opportunity, thereby "creating" wealth by doing something I've enjoyed since my mid-teens.

Here, you will see opinions or news articles (and my rantings on them) regarding general politics, current events, society, history, and the topic of 'traditionalism.' I am a quite familiar with the works of Oswald Spengler, Julius Evola, and Rene Guenon. I may also post some non-political musings and Islamic religious material, but I am going to restrict that to religious-politics, or find ways that any religious posts are not monetized...I don't feel right making money on the subject of my religion.

So here I go, into the unfamiliar world of Steemit!