John Santiago Emails New London City Hall Council President

in #able12122 years ago (edited)



Thank you for responding Ms. Dyess!

No rush! Here is a recap of the past 2 months to better understand the FBI Bill Aldenberg situation with a short summary of what I hope to get accomplished at the bottom. I unfortunately havent been able to work in years because my character was assassinated years ago by the same group of people involved with FBI Bill Aldenberg. I am one of the most censored people you've never heard of.

#IAmJohnSantiago #FBILIED Movement Needed:

  • 1st Speech (12/05/2022)
    (FBI Bill Aldenberg, Rothschilds, Confederacy, B'nai B'rith) (Speech Transcript)
    "Recently, on September 13, 2022, an FBI Agent by name of Bill Aldenberg, once part of the New Haven FBI, testified in the largest defamation trial in US History being the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook trial. In his testimony he brought up an individual by the name of John Santiago from New London that allegedly violently threatened him for months to the point he was scared for his family. Well I am here today to say that I am that John Santiago from New London and EVERYTHING that Bill Aldenberg mentioned about me "threatening" him is a complete and utter lie and he knows it. I recorded those conversations purposely because I KNEW they were going to try and say I threatened him and I was right because he basically painted me as a domestic terrorist. I ask how is it possible for someone to threaten a federal agent multiple times for months, especially VIOLENTLY, and yet never be arrested? The answer is it's not possible because it's lies. No wonder why Matt Blumenthal blocked me, when I simply followed him on twitter a while back, because his client was using my name to get paid $90 million dollars. I would also like to ask how is it Bill Aldenberg was paid the second highest amount next to Robby Parker over the other families that allegedly lost children? Anyway, now I am literally a walking "save Alex Jones $90 million dollars" chess piece because I'm pretty sure Bill Aldenberg's entire testimony gets purged now for committing perjury"..."Today, Bill Aldenberg and the New haven FBI need to answer for their blatant lies about me. I challenge any real JOURNALIST and news outlet to cover this information because if you dont, then you will expose yourselves, praise God. The truth is coming and you won't be able to hide it." (Speech Cell Phone View) (Speech City Hall View)

  • 2nd Speech (12/19/2022)
    (FBI Bill Aldenberg, Sandy Hook, Freemasons, Occult Symbolism)
    "Two weeks ago I sat before you and mentioned I was speaking past you. Well, today I am speaking to you. I am here to ask City Hall Council for your help. With what you may ask? To use your resources, connections and influence to get journalists and the media to cover this story! HELP APPLY PRESSURE! My rights are your rights and if my rights are violated especially like in this case, specifically with the FBI committing perjury and slandering my name saying I committed multiple felonies with zero arrests or convictions, should make you think what the hell is going on over at the FBI if I truly and honestly did what Mr Aldenberg testified in court that I did that day. I can prove my innocence cause I recorded those phone calls but can the New Haven FBI prove my guilt?" (Speech Cell Phone View) (Speech City Hall View)

  • 3rd Speech (01/03/2023)
    (Skull & Bones, Rothschilds, MLK, Freemasons, Giants, FBI Bill Aldenberg)
    "...can you imagine how I feel with a federal agent using my name and committing perjury in the largest defamation trial in United States history and having everyone remain silent including the entire media apparatus?" (Speech Cell Phone View) (Speech City Hall View)

  • 4th Speech (01/017/2023)
    (Education System, Giants, Tartaria, FBI Bill Aldenberg)
    "I can understand if you don't care about my rights being abused by the federal government, you know, FBI Bill Aldenberg slandering my character for personal gain and having complete silence on the matter. But please don't continue teaching the children lies" (Speech Cell Phone View) (Speech City Hall View)

Long story short... the system is failing me and I need help MORE than myself. I shouldn't need money to get a lawyer to get the TRUTH publicized. The media's silence is DEAFENING. PLEASE use your resources and influence to get any media coverage of this EXTREME ABUSE of FEDERAL POWER along with the trampling of the Constitution and freedom of speech by silencing me on social media. What I have been facing is what the children will face and are facing everyday. We can't continue this level of control and indoctrination on the youth and pretend everything is okay when it's not. And this Bill Aldenberg incident is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the abuse of power I have faced and documented. Again, thank you for not ignoring me and responding! At the last city hall meeting I was conveniently sitting next to someone that works for the Board of Education and was interested in the information about the alternate history that I had brought up. So hopefully that's a step in the right direction. But there is A LOT more work to do and A LOT more to discuss when it comes to the future's of these children. You know how they say a shark will only grow according to the size of its environment... well we need to NUTURE the minds of these children with FACTUAL information and history along with a FACTUAL understanding of life. I actually love the Montessori School ideology when it comes to allowing a child to grow in it's strongest fields... but then there are some other things I do not like about them or at least the one in New Haven. But one thing is for certain... LIES are being taught to our children in EVERY school across the nation. And since this is the Constitution State we have to put FREEDOM OF SPEECH to the test because it has been governed by LIES for way too long now. I would love to come up with a Resolution for a FACTUAL historical revision of the history that we are teaching our children. Also adding financial training and learning about Property, Mortgage and Assets. Lastly like I said before, my rights are being violated by a federal agent in the highest profile defamation trial in history which is a threat to everyone's civil liberties if there is nothing done about it because unchecked authority leads to tyranny. FBI Bill Aldenberg KNOWINGLY used my name falsely for his own personal gain and his lawyers are also complicit including MATT BLUMENTHAL. Matt makes you other politicians look bad when he acts the way he does. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt so it would be fantastic if you also ackowledged Matt Blumenthal's actions for breaking the law by BLOCKING me 3 different times on social media after it was made ILLEGAL, only to find out his law firm and his client were using my name falsely to get paid a LARGE sum of money. It's wrong on so many levels and if nothing is done about it then I fear what the federal government will do to someone else or even the children of the future. Thank you for your time.

Have a great day!

John Santiago (Able1212)

They are trying to use this case (Sandy Hook Alex Jones Defamation Trial Verdict) to SILENCE anyone that QUESTIONS the mainstream narrative. Don't believe me... Matt Blumenthal said it himself here which I did a REMIX of this REEL on Instagram calling Matt out for his hypocrisy and he blocked me AGAIN breaking the law because he is a POLITICIAN Bill Aldenberg (along with Matt Blumenthal and the Koskoff & Koskoff lawfirm) got $90+ Million from Alex Jones by saying my name (Joohn Santiago), LYING, claiming I violently threatened him yet I was never arrested AND I wasn't even influenced by Alex Jones? AND Norm Pattis (Alex Jones lawyer) blocks me on twitter when I give him this information MULTIPLE TIMES? Make it make sense!

ALL INFO BELOW: (There is MORE Too But This is Enough To PROVE MY INNOCENCE)