Understanding Your Pets Health

in #a4 years ago


Most families across the United States have either a cat, a dog, or some number of both. They've proven to be valuable friends to us, providing unyielding love and seeming inspirationally unwavered by whatever life throws at them.

Although most of what we see in our pets health is only surface level, and there are some things under the skin that we should consider. 

Digestive Tracts

Many cats and dogs experience some problems with digestion over their lifetimes. We've all seen our beloved pet vomit or worse, and often people will believe it's something they ate. While in many cases it could just be some bacteria they picked up along the way, evidence is now showing that the diet we're marketed to feed them hasn't quite got enough nutrition for them. 

Only recently, alongside our investigation into the human digestive tract, has the gut flora been considered responsible for digestive health (among other things). Promoting or restoring gut flora is easy enough for us, simply eat yogurt, sauerkraut, or kimchi; but our cats and dogs need specific pet supplements.

A Healthy Kitty

The outright independence of cats is their greatest trait, it's undeniable to any cat owner that kitty will do what it wants. These brilliant pets are now known to wander great areas every day as part of their routine, and sometimes this involves crawling down sewer pipes and around trash cans. After spending all dat rubbing up against filth they'll come home looking generally pretty normal and clean, and begin the process of cleaning themself

That is essentially one of the main causes of digestive problems in cats, and often can lead to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which we can assume must be pretty uncomfortable. 

Probiotics for cats can not only restore it's gut flora but can also help prevent your cat from suffering such digestive problems again. Allowing them the freedom to do what they want, without you worrying what they might be getting into.

A Healthy Puppy

Humanity's best friend for all the right reasons, the honesty and loyalty of dogs is an almost inspirational part of a dog owners life. From their curiosity comes a desire to sniff and lick everything strange they come across, sething which can yield a variety of reactions from joy and excitement to disgust and confusion.

It's this very same curiousity that picks up bacteria from the world around it and dumps it into the gut flora. Although, for dogs, the gut flora doesn't only affect their digestion, but also their mood. 

Probiotics for dogs can restore or improve yoir dogs gut flora and in turn reduce anxiety and stress in their life, greatly improving their general mood. New evidence shows signs that probiotics may also assist as homeopathic cancer treatment for dogs, but this should only be under advice of trained professionals.

Properly prescribed probiotics have also shown evidence that they can provide immune support for cats and dogs, a great relief for many pet owners.