zaininoer (36)in #food • 6 years agoBARU TAU KALAU KULIT DURIAN BISA DIMASAK?Sahabat steemit, ternyata kulit durian bisa dimasak lo... Mau tau caranya? Rebus kulit durian sampai lembek…zaininoer (36)in #seks • 6 years agoBersenggama dalam islam dan rahasianya (Part II)A. Pengaruh Waktu Senggama: Barangsiapa Menyetubuhi Isterinya Pada Malam Jum’at, Maka Anak Yang Terlahir Akan…zaininoer (36)in #religion • 6 years agoBersenggama dalam islam (Part I)Ketahuilah Bahwa Tujuan Utama Dari Pernikahan Adalah Untuk Mengabdi, Mendekatkan Diri Kepada Allah Swt., Mengikuti…zaininoer (36)in #tragedi • 6 years agoSELAMAT JALAN bidadari surgaku...SYAKIRA HASANAH namanya. Umur 4tahun. Awalnya dia hanya mengalami demam dan dilarikan ke salah satu RS di Kota…zaininoer (36)in #coffee • 6 years agoGood morning everyonethe beauty of enjoying the morning sun accompanied by his wife and a little breakfast of bread. Good Friday for all my friends ...zaininoer (36)in #religion • 6 years agoMenyambut pagi dengan penuh syukurSelamat pagi teman-teman semuanya... Mari sambut pagi ini dengan bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kita…zaininoer (36)in #religion • 6 years agoKesesatan nyata kaum Syi'ahDulu, kita mendengar dan melihat peperangan di Timur Tengah yang di dalamnya ada unsur oeperangan antara Sunni da…zaininoer (36)in #coffe • 6 years agoEnjoy a cup of coffee before sunsetClose the activity with a worldwide cup of espresso sanger arabica coffee.zaininoer (36)in #natural • 6 years agoBig life behind dead treesA tree that is already very dry, without leaves, without flowers and without fruit but still standing very sturdy at a…zaininoer (36)in #coffee • 6 years agoThe Real CoffeeArabica Coffee Espressozaininoer (36)in #nature • 6 years agoHujan adalah nikmat dari Allah, hujan adalah sumber kehidupan.Hujan merupakan anugerah yang diberikan Allah SWT bagi semua makhluk di alam semesta. Tetesan air yang turun dari…zaininoer (36)in #funy • 6 years agoWalau makan kecil, minum harus besar...Pajoh bu sikhan pingan, abeh ie saboh mon. Makan setengah piring, minum satu sumurzaininoer (36)in #religion • 6 years agoThe separation of two seawater is the power of Allah SWTGood morning, all the steemians, hopefully today is much better than yesterday. Today I will invite all of you to see…zaininoer (36)in #food • 6 years agoClassic taste from the corner of the village, very delicious papaya grated."Lincah" is another term of rujak in Acehnese, a mixture of several fruits and then added chili, salt and a little…zaininoer (36)in #family • 6 years agoReal happiness is when they see they can smile.Smile, O my heart lamp, you are the most beautiful part of my life. Thank God for the opportunity to keep your deposit.zaininoer (36)in #food • 6 years agoSeafood, the best cullinerzaininoer (36)in #building • 6 years agoDon't throw away used plastic bottles, it can be processed into a luxury house ...Without realizing it, in the hands of creative waste can be very valuable, how can plastic bottles be used as the main…zaininoer (36)in #book • 6 years agoSangat membingungkanAda yang paham maksud dari buku ini ?zaininoer (36)in #nature • 6 years agoChild kingdom of the 90sFor those of you who have been small in the era of the 1990s, you must have memories that are very beautiful, very…zaininoer (36)in #photography • 7 years agoMother is a real hero.Often we watch superhero films, where he is a hero who is always present at the right time to solve a problem that is…