yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoCIGARETTE KILLS USFUENTEDespite being a product of great consumption worldwide, young people are more and more involved in tobacco…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoEL CIGARRILO NOS MATAFUENTEApesar de ser un producto de gran consumo a nivel mundial, la juventud cada ves mas entra al consumo del tabaco…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoHONEY FOR LIPSFUENTEThe partitions on the lips is due to a bad defenses in the body, and to prevent the lips from bleeding, we can…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoLA MIEL PARA LOS LABIOSFUENTELa partiduras en los labios se debe a una mala defensas en el cuerpo, y para evitar que los labios sangren…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoHOME REMEDIES FOR PAIN PAINFUENTE When our legs hurt, it is because they are swollen, but we see that we see where the pain comes first and then…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoREMEDIOS CASEROS PARA UN DOLOR DE PIERNASFUENTE Cuando las piernas nos duelen es porque están inflamadas pero de vemos mirar de donde viene el dolor primero y…yoile (47)in #photography • 7 years agoREFLECTION OF THE DAYFUENTEyoile (47)in #photography • 7 years agoREFLEXION DEL DIAFUENTEyoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoHOW TO TAKE CARE OF VAGINAL HEALTHFUENTE We all know how to have a healthy health, asta have a hair, and a skin, beautiful and we know how to have a…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoCÓMO CUIDAR LA SALUD VAGINALFUENTE Todos conocemos trucos de como tener una salud saludable, asta como tener un cabello, y una piel,linda y…yoile (47)in #photography • 7 years agoBEAUTIFUL IMAGE OF TWO ANIMAL BABIESOrigian Sourceyoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoSIERRA NEVADA OF THE COCUYFUENTE The sierrra, one of the highest in Colombia, every time you are on the verge of suffering a misfortune…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoSIERRA NEVADA DEL COCUYFUENTE La sierrra, una de las mas altas de colombia, cada ves esta al borde de sufrir una desgracia por culpa de la…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoHOW TO HAVE GREAT EYEBROWSFUENTE The eyebrows are a fundamental form, in our face I would like to start with a few tricks so that you can…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoCÓMO TENER UNAS CEJAS GRUESASFUENTE Las cejas son una forma fundamental, en nuestro rostro quisiera con partir unos trucos para que puedas tener…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoHOW TO ACHIEVE PERFECT EYEBROWSFUENTE The eyebrows are very primordial in your face so we have to comb them and take care of them we can comb them…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoCÓMO LOGRAR UNAS CEJAS PERFECTASFUENTE Las cejas son muy primordial en tu rostro por eso hay que peinarlas y cuidarlas podemos peinarlas con un…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoWHY FAMILY COEXISTENCE IS IMPORTANTFUENTE The security and confidence starts from the house to be respectful not to say bad words, nor to bad, abitos…yoile (47)in #writing • 7 years agoPORQUE ES IMPORTANTE LA CONVIVENCIA EN FAMILIAFUENTE La seguridad y la confianza empieza desde la casa a ser respetuosos a no decir malas palabras, ni atener…yoile (47)in #writing • 8 years agoBECAUSE THE HAIRS IN THE FEETFUENTE When the hairs, feet, or toes disappear, it is due to poor circulation, which is usually the result of…