yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #bitc • 7 years agoa wireless service from GoogleA simple plan designed for you Get credited for data you don’t use, and pay the same $10/GB if you use more with no…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoUpcoming Bitcoin hard fork Augustus 1stWe would hereby like to let you know the plans for upcoming weeks. As you might have heard the Bitcoin (BTC) network…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #fun • 8 years agoIt's national post photographs of your kids in their school uniform day in U.K. Facebook land.In the U.K. the kids are returning to school today for the start of their new year and proud parents are filling the…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #art • 8 years agoPORTRAYED MY SWEET LITTLE MICHELLELast year me and my baby went to London for our one year anniversary. Thats my personal souvenir of our beautiful…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #spanish • 8 years agoFacebook : vous souhaitez bloquer Mark Zuckerberg ? N’y pensez même pasLe patron de Facebook, ici à Deauville en 2011, serait convoqué devant un tribunal iranien. Frederic Legrand /…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #life • 8 years agoFrom the section European FootballMats Hummels scored a late winner as Germany beat the Czech Republic to boost their - and Northern Ireland's - chances…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #life • 8 years agoImmigration aux Usa: Trump veut supprimer le programme DACAL'immigration aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique est un sujet qui était au cœur de la campagne du Président Donald Trump.…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #travel • 8 years ago맛좋은 ‘추석과일’ 출하…농가 관리기술은?추석이 한 달여 앞으로 다가옴에 따라 과수농가에서는 고품질 과일출하를 위한 막바지 관리와 수확준비가 한창이다. 맛좋은 추석과일을 출하하기 위해서는 어떻게 해야 할까? 농촌진흥청은 1일 과일유통량이 가장 높은…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years ago여성 경력단절 예방부터 직장적응까지 종합 관리한다정부가 경력단절 예방부터 직장적응까지 종합적으로 관리해 여성의 경제활동 참가를 늘리기로 했다. 또 디지털성범죄 등 신종 젠더폭력을 근절하기 위한 종합대책을 수립하고 최근 빈번하게 발생하고 있는 공공기관 내…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #blog • 8 years ago문 대통령, 6∼7일 러시아 방문…푸틴과 정상회담문재인 대통령이 오는 6~7일 러시아 블라디보스토크를 방문, 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령과 정상회담을 한다. 제3차 동방경제포럼 참석차 러시아를 방문하는 문 대통령은 6일 푸틴 대통령과 단독 및 확대…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoConcentrated Poverty In New York City: An Analysis Of The Changing Geographic Patterns Of Povertyhe concentrated poverty rate is the proportion of people in a specified geographic area who live in extreme-poverty…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #life • 8 years agoNew YorkNew Yorka (prononciation en anglais américain /nuːˈjɔɹk/ ; Prononciation du titre dans sa version originale Écouter)…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #funny • 8 years agoProfessional Asianyahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #flowers • 8 years agoBells after the rain! Magically!![U5dtNmYJB1WFvdcZ21KsbYJr6uw4Wbi_1680x8400.jpg] ( (yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #funny • 8 years agoIs That A Snake In Your Pocket ? - Funny Pictures #42yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #introduceyourself • 8 years agoHOLA STEEMIT!! SOY NUEVO, ESPERO PODER HACER GRANDES COSAS!!Hola, me llamo Cristian y soy de Barcelona, España. Hace unos meses vi esta red social impresionante y decidí unirme…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #business • 8 years agoTo See Ourselves As Others See UsAssessing how others see us and whether it accurately reflects the image we wish to convey must start at asking the…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #spanish • 8 years ago¡Deliciosos callos a la madrileña!Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes unos deliciosos callos, una comida que aprendí a preparar, es una manera muy práctica…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #spanish • 8 years agoIntroduciendo el Proyecto Lince - Acciones contra el Plagio y AbusoLa comunidad hispanohablante es una de las más numerosas e importantes dentro de Steemit y su crecimiento ha sido…yahiaahmed (-2)(1)in #ico • 8 years agoNew Bitcoin/Ethereum - Universa Blockchain preICO - 50 Free tokensUniversa preICO Universa Blockchain Protocol, 1000x faster than Bitcoin, 100x cheaper, universal smart contacts via…