wyh (10)in #life • 7 years agoA fire has gutted the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, the oldest scientific institution in the country.Most of the 20 million items it contained, including the oldest human remains ever found in the Americas, are believed…wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS:和大盘差不多,走坏了比ETH稍微好一点的是还没有破新低,回到了前期大致4.2-5.3的整理区间,如果大盘企稳,则在这一带再次形成整理,否则就和ETH一样点位没法看了。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoETH:BTC涨ETH跌,BTC跌ETH创新低ETH跌破了长时间的整理区间,杀出了巨量的恐慌盘。…wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoBTC,日线级别的MACD进入了0轴下方但4小时上正在酝酿一个反抽或下跌中继,如果反抽的话也就是去到6500、6600这样。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years ago硬扛总有代价,这就是代价调整只会晚到,不会缺席,一来就来个大的。在硬扛了这么多天之后,大盘忽然跌去了13%,基本上超出所有人的短线预期,真的很久没看到这么大的瀑布了。…wyh (10)in #cn-allenfood • 7 years ago错误的行为,值得深究、反思如同黑暗中,孜然一身。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS:和前两天说的一样在4小时的MA360和MA30之间进行震荡,MA360和MA30正在逐渐靠近,震荡区间正在逐渐收敛,有可能收敛以后选择方向,而这个方向应该是大盘的方向。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoETH:BTC一直涨,ETH一直跌,真的极弱目前还没跌破这个盘整了很久的区间,如果大盘一直不会撤,ETH也不太会跌破这个区间,但弱回撤得多,ETH的这个区间可能要经受考验了。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoBTC,顶背离正在向日线级别扩大,走势目前仍然比较强势。2018/9/5这个位置多空都不好操作,空方也不敢空,万一忽然爆拉过7400乃至7600,有可能会爆空头,爆完之后需注意冲高回落,多方也不敢在这种情况下买。这种时候多看少动为妙。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS:在4小时的MA360和MA30之间进行震荡虽然短暂轻微刺破MA30但是迅速收回来了,目前还是维持昨天的判断在4小时的MA360和MA30之间进行震荡。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoETH:表现比较弱势,已经先回调了在4小时上留下一个下引线,尚未跌破整理平台,目前各条均线逐渐粘连,可能不久后会选择方向。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoBTC,4小时图的MACD顶背离已经形成了,并且仍在持续目前看比较强势。多方转入了USDT,空方头寸堆积,考虑到今天是比较敏感的时间,多空双方都有要搞事的可能。如果在顶背离的情况下,多方爆拉过7400乃至7600,则需注意冲高回落。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS:EOS在4小时上MACD的顶背离很明显,相应的回撤也比较明显,还会继续。如果强势的话,可能会在4小时的MA360和MA30之间进行震荡,否则跌破MA30也是完全可能的。不要问我MA30和MA360是什么点位,看截图也知道,均线是均值形成的一条曲线,是变动的而不是一个定数,在任一行情软件上设置一下均线就有。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoETH:表现比较被动,跟大盘走00压力没过,4小时图上看已经底部盘了很久,也不容易轻易跌破这个底部区间。wyh (10)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoBTC,小级别上看,4小时图上MACD顶背离已经完全形成了,回撤才刚刚开始我觉得去到7000,乃至6900都是有可能的。然后还是维持前几天的原判不变,已经说了无数次了不赘述。眼光不要只盯着几天几小时。wyh (10)in #food • 7 years agoTravelers from across France visit the area during summer months.Cedric Vaivre owns the only bakery in the small French village of Lusigny-sur-Barse. Last summer, Vaivre decided to…wyh (10)in #life • 7 years agoAre you a napper?Does your life style allow you to take a nap midday?March 16 is International Sleep Day. And we should all celebrate the act of sleeping. Studies have shown that a good…wyh (10)in #life • 7 years agoeconomic empowerment of womenThank You ambassador for that incredibly kind introduction and for your commitment to advancing economic opportunities…wyh (10)in #life • 7 years agoThe punishment of fines for public sexual harassment is one of the proposal’s more unusual ideasThe government of France announced new measures against sexual wrongdoing Wednesday, including fines for sexual…wyh (10)in #life • 7 years agoAs we age, our ability to think and remember starts to deteriorate,But not everyone.Some of us have brains that age more slowly. Enter the super-ager! Super-agers are people over the age of 80 who…