wilburliu (41)in #cn • 7 years ago习惯是如何养成的?从我的公众号 Wilbur 转发来的,希望对读者有帮助。…wilburliu (41)in #cn • 7 years ago不要害怕犯错不要害怕犯错 肯定有很多人不喜欢学习历史,觉得那个东西没用。但历史到底是什么呢?按我的话来说,历史就是一帮极其聪明或者极其愚蠢的人犯的花样百出的错误。为什么要学习他们呢?…wilburliu (41)in #philosophy • 7 years agoCyclesThe most fendamental principle in the universe This idea was enlighted by Daniel Dennett. To me, his book…wilburliu (41)in #cn • 7 years ago活在未来,消除不确定性反思 今天尝试多完成1章的FE内容,但是并没有完成,因为里面的东西都不太懂,还是需要好好学。把基线抬高。之前读L先生的文章里面有个观点也很对,就是 包围式…wilburliu (41)in #cn • 7 years agoORID_262想了想还是别把自问自答的环节放上来了…估计也没人看,我就把每天自己产生的想法写下来好了,以后可以为我提供一些写作素材。 脑洞可以开,但是要脚踏实地…wilburliu (41)in #cn • 7 years agoORID_261朋友圈太可怕了…wilburliu (41)in #cn • 7 years agoORID_260Objective 练习FE,然后阅读文章,写完年终总结。 完成了什么? 全部完成,虽说比我预想的时间要长,尤其是年终总结、写了将近4小时。但我还是完成了今天的任务! Reflective 今天遇到了什么问题?…wilburliu (41)in #cn • 7 years agoORID_259我觉得应该把我写了挺久的 ORID 放到steemit上面,因为毕竟我几乎每天都写,为啥不放在这上面给我积攒点写作素材呢? 这一天的想法…wilburliu (41)in #introduction • 7 years agoIntroductionHello Everyone I joined Steemit this in June, however, I didn't write many articles due to studying. Well that was…wilburliu (41)in #startup • 8 years agoYC startup class notes 2Startup can be very counterintuitive. It is like skiing. The list of counterintuitive for startup: There are many…wilburliu (41)in #startup • 8 years agoNotes from Y Combinator's How to Start a Startup 1I just want to take this class as a soft skill for future. I might need them, who knows? So I will starting to take…wilburliu (41)in #cn • 8 years ago思维工具思维工具这个概念最早是在Intuition pumps and other tools for Thinking…wilburliu (41)in #steemit • 8 years ago自己整理的一些Steemit入门须知大家好,这是我第一篇steemit的文章,我也是刚进入这个社区没多久,看了FAQ里面的内容,用自己的话整理了一些我认为比较关键的内容,希望能够帮助到刚加入的小伙伴。 Steemit是什么?…