Short Film: The Black Hole

What I see if I read you is party animals!
Extroverts mainly. Any idea how many introverts are on this platform, thinkers, creative people, artists, those who read, sensitive for noise and not able to party this way? These are the inmovators but meetings aren't for them besides they will be ignored and called 'no fun to have around', nerds, boring.
I myself would not go. I don't like loud people, I don't like bragging, cliques (friends/family only). I hate gossiping and people trying to be close with me for their benefits which is why people go, the so called fun part.
Next to that envy and greed seem to be part of these events and I don't like to be part of that or to see my name among a list of corrupt people benefitting friends only and lecturing others.
I also find it a high risk and this risk is based on what happens during or after these events (demonstrations included but I would attend them and take that risk if it represents what I stand for).
Families threatened, being scolded, attacked even in church, robbed, abused, you name it, all happens because of Steemit events. Life is hard enough without this extra and privacy is a "high good". The entertaining aspect?
I find it dangerous to share every poop of my life, address included, with strangers.
I kmow I am one of those rare ones who read and study photos and observes but if you would you would see and know what I see and it's a lot of fake, uncomfortable smiles, hurt, envy and greed and it is good to be aware and take itas a warning.
Yesterday for example I saw a post about a birthday child (2 children "celebrating", where the parent at least 3 times said how happy the children smiled. All I could think of was: How blind can you be as a parent if you call this "happy! (if you feel the need to say it 3x you know it's not true).
The dumb comments weren't any better. Politeness? I doubt it, it is disinterest and selfishness.
It's good you had a great Steemit day but would you notice it if there were people feeling miserable and left out or are you too busy satisfying yourself (strange expression) and having fun?
Christmas is over right?
If it comes to entertainment these meetings definetely aren't it for me. Entertainment should bring joy, please my brain and bring energy not drain me and make me feel uncomfortable, abused, ripped of by the organizer or club boss who wants me to praise him into heaven (despicable behaviour).

An opportunity, what to do with it? It starts with a bit of fun, entertainment, but where will it lead to if anger, envy, greed plays a role and you can't control yourself? A moment of self reflection or a blank mind and just go for it?
That Christmas place might be nice but it's crowdy something many find hard to deal with (me, my family and friends) and before you know some crazy foreigner drives over 200 people at a Christmas market like in Magdenburg to make a statement.
Going out is no fun if you always have to deal with the shouting and noise others produce. The same for restaurants.
You save a year, believe you go out and you are confronted with drunks, party animals wrecking the place which the owner doesn't dare to kick out. Entertainment for one is the nightmare to many or ends with the death of others.
Can you see at once what's going on? The most annoying stubborn engine of the 20th century, the copier, has a surprise. How to kill boredom or better life? Feels as if there's a time for everything. Look what thos black hole (maze in the net?) is capable of. It looks like an experiment with the coffee cup but thos at first glance boring office employer has something in mind and boy, does he think quick his deciscion didn't come out of the blue, isn't a mistake nor happened coincidentall.
The cinema is a better place preferably if no one is around and you are not confronted with non stop talking. The new seats (feet up in the air) are a huge improvement. People do not leave their seats that often and no longer all those heads in front of the screen.
By the way, I noticed you go out/ played with only a few Steemians which you even call three times in one sentence several times! Itmakes me think... weird huh. If you leave the @ behind it's a better read plus notifications might work.
A good few last weeks without corruption and with relaxing entertainment and some that wakes up the brain and keeps it alert are my wishes.
Here we have mindgames for those with a high IQ always good to kill 20-30 minutes while the mind works on something else.
Entertainment is as complex as humankind.
Serial killing is entertaining to some though no one will write about it in Knack4Buzz. I wonder what happens if we all share what we find entertaining for real. Since a lot of time is invested in corruption, bullying, threatening, backstabbing, scamming, hacking, staring at screens, and gossiping so these must be hobbies and entertaining.
What do you think @khursheedanwar? Good for an out-of-the-box contest to end this year? Sarcasm, irony, black humour might be the right spice to make it entertaining. Rowan Arkinson is good at it.

I shared the short film Black Hole.
An interesting title. Does it stand for the black heart, opportunities, abusement, an unexpected end? The more you watch it, the better it is (or more you see) which is part of entertainment (using the brain).
This time of the year is my film time/season.

Since this started as a comment and it's long I made a post out of it instead.
All text is mine and so are the screenshots. The short film is worth watching and leaves you with... I tend to say: Surprise, surprise on a new day.
If you attend pakistani weddings and see how people dance all night a day before wedding during a function called mehandi you will experience a real entertainment for sure😂😂😂
They turn on the music and play filthy songs( i find them) and dance onthe floor(with the resolution to break it).
The houses nearby get second hand entertainment or irritation (if they are sick or sleep by 10pm).
I happened to be a part of this circus a decade ago but now it all feels soulness and a burden for my heart and brain.
Now i judge people who fancy this type of entertainment.
My goodness i just finished a novel in my local language. There was a serial killer but he didn't get much screen time but he actually killed the main lead.
O man, it was traumatic and disturbing. It has inflicted new fears inside my heart. It has made me scared of men. So It can never be my entertainment.
About that black hole
The man was shocked to believe it at first or was he drunk?🤣
But when he pulled the chocolate out of the hole i fell for it.
What if we can pull books and clothes using it?
However, when it engulfed the man entirely i was like no thank please, ok bye 😄
He should have stuck to the chocolate🤣

I think he didn't read any moral story like greed is a curse in his school🤣
I believe he always has been the underdog. The way he looks and it feels he's the only person still at work. More likely he has been bullied a lot and greed? It feels to me he sacrificed himself the biggest part of his life and never been rewarded for it. It's what life looks like if you are a good worker. Abused by your employer and the system. You see them take the profit while you shrink every day a bit more till the opportunity is given to....
The mistake? He better would have kept that black hole and went for the free food and extras. It's like those scammers/hackers taking 5 cents of millions of account over night. It's rarely noticed but together it's a fortune gathered within a few hours of time.
Crazy man, doing extrashift to pay those bills he has exceeded to fit in the society and to please others or to fulfil his family's demands or it is just the way of life(some people suffer while others make them suffer).
Actually, I understand you perfectly. One man's food is another man's poison. In the name of entertainment, people get embarrassed and killed. In the name of entertainment too, people are relieved of stress, anger, rage etc. That's why we have advantages and disadvantages. Entertainment actually depends on who and where you choose to spend. You can actually have entertaining lives as an introvert like I was.
I was outrightly an introvert but through entertainment, I changed my lifestyle to becoming more extroverted which has helped me to become a social individual. Can I ask? What cracks you up?
Curated by: @bossj23
Uovoting your comment instead of a post or do both @bossj23?
I don't do both. Didn't have an active post that wasn't curated.
I think it's a good thing to upvote comments they are as valuable as posts
Exactly. You made my day with the black hole post. I see reasons why you rather choose to make a post instead. People have taste for things. I respect your view. But please can I just get an answer to my question?
Entertainment is like everything else. Where some find their relieve others have stress or fall into rage due to how they have been raised, always seeing the downside. I noticed people changed. We always were an open minded country with joking people, whistling, singing and now we deal with many who love to have the profits but don't care about our culture, humour, entertainment. Their long toes are hard to avoid and I doubt if always seeing yourself as the pityful one helps to fight the struggles of life.
Entertainment is indeed a great help to loosen up. Good to hear it worked for you. It took some time for my son to understand irony and sarcasm (it's hard if words are taken literally like is the case with those with a high IQ, thinkers and autism) but he learned it (no option left I guess with our family) but I do notice a huge difference between cultures if it comes to 'funny'.
People like Rowan Atkinson and some Dutch comedians (good with words/word play) and the comedian Urbanus in his younger days (Belgium) have more than my interest. Artists with words just like some musicians.
Rowan Atkinsons once said (c19 period) that we should fight to keep black humour alive and I agree. It's important to have a good laugh more than once about one's own or others misery, situations, rediculous acts without being punished and being labelled as a therorist.
Thanks for the talk!
If I personally talk about entertainment then this is all about finding your comfort zone because it's not necessary that the things in which you are finding your happiness, other people will also find it their happiness or that sort of entertainment! In fact in my life I have also seen some of the people that find out their happiness, enjoyment or entertainment you can say in going to concerts and they start bullying there or start to shout for their celebrations because they name that things that these are celebrations but for me personally these things are not entertaining!
I think getting involved in bullying, shouting or other things similar to that ruin your personality and you looks unethical, unprofessional!
I haven't seen black hole movie at YouTube but if a good writer like you is saying that this is good one then definitely I need to watch it!
Contest idea is great overall!
Great writing!
The question is: Should I host this contest?
Entertainment is personal what one likes the other hates.
Yeah why not?
You should!
That's why I'm saying above that contest idea is great!
Alright, I think of something and see about the prize.