titianus resteemedwritingnreviews (69)modWriting & Reviews Teamin Writing & Reviews • 4 years ago⭐⭐ CONTEST: WHAT WORDS COME TO YOUR MIND WHEN YOU THINK OF STEEMIT?? ⭐⭐ // ⭐⭐ CONCURSO: QUÉ PALABRAS VIENEN A TU MENTE CUANDO PIENSAS EN STEEMIT?? ⭐⭐What words come to your mind when you think of Steemit? This week's contest's a bit different! What we ask you to…titianus resteemedsmendel (51)in Popular STEM • 4 years agoContinental Drift: The Theory of Plate TectonicsPlate tectonics is a key concept underpinning our understanding of the earth and how it works. It is the idea that the…titianus resteemedsmendel (51)in Writing & Reviews • 4 years agoPractical Magic - Movie ReviewI have enjoyed books and movies dealing with magic or witches. In 1998, Practical Magic, a movie about witch sisters…titianus (58)in Popular STEM • 4 years agoGenetics Makes Alcoholism Less LikelySome people possess a gene variant that protects them from becoming alcoholics by making them highly sensitive to…titianus (58)in Popular STEM • 4 years agoEvolutionary Psychology: DepressionEvolutionary psychology rotates around the principle that the behaviors we manifest today are a result of survival…titianus (58)in Writing & Reviews • 4 years agoI Am Legend - Movie Review - Will Smith Was Trying to Save HumanityWill Smith first became popular as a rapper and from starring on a television show before managing to cross over to…titianus (58)in Writing & Reviews • 4 years agoDracula (1931) - A Classic Monster Movie ReviewI can't remember when I first saw a movie about a vampire. I have been enjoying them for years. I have seen a few…titianus (58)in Writing & Reviews • 4 years agoBook Review: "The Dark Queen"This novel seems to be a romance by trade--only with a lot more historical background and plot than most romance…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoBodybuilding Meal PlanIt is clear that in today’s society strength plays a role. That is emphasized by the hero movies that are produced by…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoCoeliac DiseaseTo put it simply, if you have coeliac disease, your body treats gluten as harmful, which will lead to inflammation and…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoIs tea good for you? The health benefits of teaBefore you buy tea online, you might want to consider the health benefits. At this point, you probably didn’t know…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoWays to Improve Your Loss of Body Fat Amid Lose Weight ExercisesWhat is the first thing we try when we are attempting to lose weight? The answer is that, first, we go on a diet. When…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoVision Boards And Meditation – Natural Weight LossIdentifying limiting beliefs is critical to achieve the weight loss you want in your life. In fact, it’s imperative in…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoVarieties Of Chinese Food That Is Loved In USAChina is a large country and perhaps due to its sheer size and population it also has a wide range of cuisines with…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoUnderstanding Allergy SymptomsAllergies are growing rapidly in today’s generation. These range in a variety of sources from chemicals, foods…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoTransformation Of Women FigureResults of some surveys indicate that now women are half a stone bulkier, two inches taller, and have an increase of…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoHow to lose weight without dietingWhilst consuming fewer calories and exercising more sounds pretty easy to do, as slimmer’s you are always faced with…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoAnti-Aging TipsIn the normal aesthetic view of the society, young people is seen the right stage of the person in terms of beauty…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoThose Working In Medicine Are Seeking AssistanceIt is the belief of thousands of U.S are requesting that the government create a program for health coverage that…titianus (58)in #life • 6 years agoThe Most Popular Diet Plans, Aren’t The Most Effective?It is hard to turn on the television today and not see an added some sort or one weight-loss plan or another. It begs…