tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 7 years ago寒冷的天氣裡,大家會吃些甚麼?在寒冷的天氣裡,吃一塊熱烘烘的牛扒真是享受! 大家會吃些甚麼呢?tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #steemitphotochallenge • 7 years ago📷[Steemitphotochallenge] Entry#1 - Simple Happiness | 作品#1 - 簡單的快樂Theme: Happiness 😄 主題: 快樂 😄 Camera used: Iphone 7 相機:Iphone 7 This photo was taken in the rural and…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 7 years ago人生的意義是什麼?踏入十月份,我便要成為社會的新鮮人,身份由學生變成了上班族,心裡不免有一種緊張的感覺。 回想起我大學生涯的最後一年,我會稱之為我人生其中的一個低潮,原因是在這一年我對前路感到非常迷茫。…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 7 years ago📷[SteemitPhotoChallenge]Entry#1 & #2- Scenery in Tibet, China | Entry#1 & #2 - 風景 @ 西藏, 中國Hello Steemians! Welcome to my post! Steemians 大家好,歡迎來到我的帖子! From the translated post of @shieha, I knew about…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 7 years ago[結果宣佈]👏破100 followers,回饋steemit社區| [Result Announcement]SBD Giveaway for achieving 100+ followers!這次的Giveaway沒有太多人參加呢>< 但也很感謝所有支持的人~ Not many people joined my SBD Giveaway game >If you like my post…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 7 years ago🍽[煮食日記] 日式抹茶蕎麥涼麵|[Cooking Diary] Home-made Soba noodle早前在日本宇冶買了抹茶蕎麥麵包,加上老爸喜歡吃涼麵,今天有時間便試一試煮抹茶蕎麥涼麵~ Recently, I have bought Matcha Soba noodle pack in Uji, Japan. As I have…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #giveaway • 7 years ago👏破100 followers,回饋steemit社區| SBD Giveaway for achieving 100+ followers!不經不覺,已經加入了steemit一個月有多了,而followers剛剛超過了100個啦 (雖然增長速度很慢XD) 。感謝你們的支持! Time files, I have already joined the Steemit…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #steemitphotochallenge • 8 years ago📷SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #1 - Sleeping Cat @ Lhasa, China | Steemit 攝影比賽 #1 - 在睡夢中的小貓@拉薩市Hi Steemians, I would like to join Steemit Photo Challenge organised by @jamtaylor this week and this is my first…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago🍽[煮食日記] 自家製熱香餅|[Cooking Diary] Simple Pancake for Breakfast我很喜歡吃麥當勞的熱香餅早餐,但是自家製的好像比較健康,所以我有時間就會自製熱香餅作早餐~ I love to eat McDonald's pancake for breakfast, but it seems healthier…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago如果有下輩子,你會選擇做男生或是女生?昨天重溫香港電視台TVB的節目《後生仔傾吓偈》,其中第十六集的主題為男女平等。在節目尾聲,主持人問在場的嘉賓:如果有下輩子,你會選擇做男或女?2015年的香港小姐冠軍麥明詩果斷地舉手選擇做男生,然後發表了她的原因。…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago🏄🏻在香港初次的出海体验上個月某个周末,我跟着我朋友的家人一起出海和玩水上活动,这是我二十几岁人初次在香港出海,很兴奋!…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago动人心弦的华语歌曲:说谎-有些事情就不要拆穿我很喜欢听不同的歌曲,更认为音乐是生活不能缺少的一部分。但是我几乎只听华语歌,因为华语歌的旋律及歌词比较贴近我们华人的文化和生活,更容易引起共鸣吧。在华语歌里,我就偏爱有故事性或者有对生活作出反省的歌,很多这一类的歌都能挑动我的心弦,有一些tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #introduceyourself • 8 years ago💁Late Self-Introduction from Tiff | Tiff遲來的自我介紹I have joined Steemit for nearly a month, but the self introduction made before was too brief, so today I would like…tiffchiuhk123 resteemedcarinewhy (66)in #giveaway • 8 years ago500 followers giveaway!! (Reward 100% sbd of this post!)| 500跟隨者達成大贈送! (送出此post 100% sbd)(中文版的話拉下去看吧!) Thank you|感謝大家 Hi, fellow steemians! I reached my milestone of 500 folllwers on 30, Aug 2017!…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago🇯🇵🏯日本京都一日遊|Day trip to Koyoto, Japan上回分享了我在神戶的美食之旅,今天就寫一下我在京都的一日遊~ Last time, I shared my trip in Kobe with delicious food. And this time I would like…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago愛情是一把雙刃劍|七夕情人节Steemit中文社区文学群爱情征文大赛今天是七夕-中國的情人節,剛想起原來和以前的男朋友從未慶祝過七夕,應該是香港這邊比較重視西方的情人節吧。 感謝 @rivalhw…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago🇯🇵日本神戶美食之旅|Food Journey in Kobe, Japan 👅上星期,我與家人到日本🇯🇵旅遊~來到日本的重點當然是美食啦! 今天就跟大家分享我在神戶吃的日本美食~ Last week, I went to Japan 🇯🇵with my family for a short…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years agoHong Kong under typhoon “Hato” | 十號風球「天鴿」下的香港Tropical Storm “Hato” was attacting Hong Kong on 23/8, and this triggered Hong Kong to have typhoon signal no. 10…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago出軌已成常態?事先聲明這篇文章不是在說我的故事🙈 只是近來聽到的出軌故事有點多,想在steemit抒發一下...…tiffchiuhk123 (54)in #cn • 8 years ago🍽[Cooking Diary] Thai Green Curry Chicken | [煮食日記] 泰式青咖哩雞In my self introduction, I have said that one my interests is cooking, but I do not cook often. Today, I have some…