the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 5 years ago(You've gotta) BELIEVE IT to SEE ITYou've gotta BELIEVE IT to SEE IT #gotta: have got to. (Google Dictionary) #believe: 1. #accept…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 5 years agoLess BITTER, More BETTERLESS BITTER , MORE BETTER #less: a smaller amount of; not as much. (Google Dictionary) #bitter:…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 5 years agoI AM AM II AM AM I #i: (pronoun) the nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to #himself or…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoAGREE (to AGREE)Let's just AGREE to AGREE #lets: let #us. (Google Dictionary) #agree: have the same #opinion about…the1calledcube (58)in #motivation • 6 years agoBELIEVE (that you BELIEVE)BELIEVE that you BELIEVE #believe: accept (something) as #true; feel sure of the #truth of. hold…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoYOU find YOUYOU find YOU #you: used to refer to the person or people that the speaker ( Cube ) is addressing. (Google…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoAPPRECIATEAPPRECIATE APPRECIATING in the act of APPRECIATION #appreciate: recognize the full worth of.…the1calledcube (58)in #motivation • 6 years agoSOMETHING (OTHER THAN...)IT'S SO NICE TO FINALLY THINK ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN... #finally: after a long time, typically involving…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoPRACTICE/MASTER LOVEPRACTICE LOVE MASTER LOVE #practice: perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoQUESTION the ANSWERQUESTION the ANSWER #question: ask questions of (someone), especially in an official context. (synonyms:…the1calledcube (58)in #life • 6 years agoBOREDIf you're BORED , you're doing it WRONG . #life #bored: feeling weary because one is unoccupied or…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoLOVE 2 LOVELOVE 2 LOVE #love ( noun ): an intense feeling of deep affection; a deep romantic or sexual attachment to…the1calledcube (58)in #motivation • 6 years agoNOWNOW IS YOUR TIME #now: at the present time or moment. (Google Dictionary) #your: belonging to or…the1calledcube (58)in #motivation • 6 years agoDREAMSDREAMING DREAMY DREAMS #dream (verb) : experience #dreams during sleep. indulge in #daydreams or…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years ago(CONSIDER) OPPORTUNITIESCONSIDER ALL OPPORTUNITIES #consider: think carefully about (something), typically before making a…the1calledcube (58)in #motivation • 6 years agoI AM (MORE)I AM so much MORE #i: the one who is speaking or writing; someone aware of possessing a personal…the1calledcube (58)in #love • 6 years agoDO IT ANYWAYDO IT for Her ANYWAY DO IT for Him ANYWAY #do: perform (an action, the precise nature of which…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoSELF SERVESELF SERVE SELF #self: a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as…the1calledcube (58)in #steem • 6 years agoFULL STEEM AHEADFULL STEEM AHEAD #STEEM: Steem is a blockchain database that supports community building and social…the1calledcube (58)in #philosophy • 6 years agoEVERYTHING IS ∞ IS EVERYTHINGEVERYTHING IS ∞ IS EVERYTHING #everything: all things. (Google Dictionary) #infinity: the state or…