sunderkr (33)in #lordkrishna • last monthLORD KRISHNA HINDU GODLord Krishna was the highest Incarnation of the great Vishnu. He was the Purna Avatara. He had all the sixteen Kalas…sunderkr (33)in #buddha • 6 months agoGOD BUDDHA STORYIn the search for God, there is a great fortune that there is a time when God is found, but the one who is searching…sunderkr (33)in #lumiere • 7 months agoLumiere Light FestivalLumiere is the UK's largest light festival. The festival, produced by London-based creative company Artichoke, debuted…sunderkr (33)in #hippo • 7 months agoজলের বাইরে জলহস্তী (Hippopotamus amphibius)লন্ডোলোজি গেম রিজার্ভ ক্রুগার ন্যাশনাল পার্ক দক্ষিন আফ্রিকা জলের বৃহত্তর দেহ খুঁজে না পেয়ে, জলহস্তী একটি ছোট…sunderkr (33)in #cn • 7 months ago人类进化人类进化是指人类从类人猿祖先演变而来的漫长变化过程。科学证据表明,人类所共有的身体和行为特征来源于类人猿祖先,并在大约六百万年的时间里逐渐进化而成。 以下是人类进化的几个关键阶段和概念: 早期古人类:…sunderkr (33)in #panda • 7 months agoLovely pandaPanda, a cute and magical creature, is known as China's national treasure. They live in bamboo forests in China. They…sunderkr (33)in #writing • 7 months agoবাংলাদেশে কমপ্লিট শাটডাউনের প্রভাব "আমার বাংলা ব্লগ" কমিউনিটি এবং স্টিমিটেভারতের প্রতিবেশী ছোট্ট দেশ বাংলাদেশ । শান্ত বাংলাদেশ হঠাৎই অশান্ত আর উত্তাল হয়ে উঠেছে । বিগত বুধবার থেকে বাংলাদেশের…sunderkr (33)in #poempoetrywritingbengali • 7 months ago"আমার ক্যালেন্ডার এখন মৃত্যু উপত্যকা "কোনো এক ভোরে দু'জনা পাশাপাশি, শীতল এক বাতাস ছুঁয়েছে এ হৃদয়খানি। অফুরন্ত প্রেম কিংবা দায়িত্বের ভার, করছে আলাদা…sunderkr (33)in #osho • 8 months agoosho mind's voiceHis thousands of hours of extemporaneous talks, spoken to people from around the world over a twenty-year period, are…sunderkr (33)in #diwali • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.হিন্দু ফেস্টিভ্যাল দিওয়ালি দিয়াদীপাবলি" এবং "দীপাবলি" এখানে পুনঃনির্দেশিত। অন্যান্য ব্যবহারের জন্য, দীপাবলি (দ্ব্যর্থতা নিরসন) দেখুন। দিওয়ালি…sunderkr (33)in #mosai • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.মোসাইকেনাডাচীন থেকে প্রদর্শিত দুটি নৃত্যের উভয়ই চিত্রণ যা কানাডার 150তম জন্মদিনে একটি বিশেষ অনুষ্ঠানের সম্মানে সঞ্চালিত হয়…sunderkr (33)in #snake • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.snake biting frog's legBig meal One afternoon in the Bojonawi reserve we found a Leptophis ahaetulla trying to feed of a Hypsiboas boans.…sunderkr (33)in #sea • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.위에서 살튼 바다 진흙 냄비Schrimpf & Davis 모퉁이에 있는 진흙 냄비를 드론으로 촬영한 모습. 약 6주 전의 폭우로 인해 이 사물은 제가 몇 년 동안 본 것보다 더 사진을 찍을 수 있고 더 활발해졌습니다. 진흙탕 또는…sunderkr (33)in #travel • last yearsteemCreated withদেশের গ্রামে পুজোর শপিংগতকাল বিকেলে একবার পুজোর শপিং সেরে এসেছি । বাংলাদেশের গ্রামের শপিং সেন্টারে এটাই আমাদের প্রথম পুজোর কেনাকাটা । মূলত…sunderkr (33)in #ilulissat • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.IlulissatIlulissat is located approximately 300 km north of the Arctic Circle. With the population of less than 5,000 it is the…sunderkr (33)in #osprey • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.Osprey and MoonThis is of course a composite images of 2 images to make this one image. This is the actual image of the moon and…sunderkr (33)in #greenland • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.옥색 물빛과그린란드의 빙상은 세계에서 가장 큰 빙하 중 하나입니다. 이것이 그린란드 전역에서 빙산을 발견할 수 있는 이유입니다. 얼음과 빙산은 그린란드에서 자연적으로 볼 수 있는 광경입니다. 당신은 그들에게 정말 가까이…sunderkr (33)in #mountain • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.Mount Rundle and AlpenglowVermilion Lakes, located immediately west of Banff, are three stunning lakes surrounded by the beauty of the Canadian…sunderkr (33)in #greenlad • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.그린란드 놀라운 자연의 아름다움그린란드 동부의 스코어즈비 사운드(Scoresby Sound)라는 험준한 땅. 극적인 산 능선, 빙하 출구 및 빙산이 있습니다. 건너편에 있는 빙산은 아파트 단지 크기지만, 그 거대함에도 불구하고 얼어붙은 바다…sunderkr (33)in #winter • last year비둘기낭 폭포옥색 물빛과 주상절리로 둘러싸인 포천 비둘기낭 폭포를 다녀왔습니다. 겨울이면 수많은 비둘기들이 모여 붙여진 비둘기낭 폭포라네요. 쏟아져 내리는 물줄기가 약했지만 충분히 아름다운 모습이라 힐링 잘하고 왔습니다