sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoBIOSA SPORT HIGHLIGHTHISTORY SPEAKS. DEGREE 3 (1) 2 VS DEGREE 1 (1) 4. The event and purpose of life isn't fully atuned to without…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoMOTIVATE YOURSELFImage source A sunset here is a Sunrise on the other end of the world, we must NEVER give up because what appears to…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoWHO IS A LEADER?image source A leader is a person who guides, direct and motivates a group of people towards the achievement of a…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoMUSIC IS LIFE (PART 2)image source In my previous post, I talked about music and how important it is to people. Music has made some…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoMUSIC IS LIFEMusic is a collection of words combined together to make a meaning sound that is pleasant to hearing. image…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoDANCE! DANCE!! DANCE!!!You ask us, why we move? It is to declare, we're alive! Would you ask the Earth, why do you spin? Sometimes we…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoWAY TO SUCCESSimage source It is a well tested hypothesis that nothing good come easily, we need to fight for it. On the road to…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoGENTILITY IS NOT STUPIDITYimage source Do you know that he's gentle does mean that he's stupid. He's just been reserved. That you have the…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoTHERE WILL BE A WAY ONE DAYimage source It has always been said that life is not fair to anyone. In life, facing problems/difficulty is…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoPUSHThe first road to success are punctuality and consistency. The results of these transform and serve as a foundational…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoPRESS ONInstead of allowing depression, its better to press on. No matter what the situation or difficulty you are passing…sirpee1 (4)in #photography • 6 years agoPHOTOGRAPHA photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.... image source You can look…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoDREAMEveryone of us is a dreamer we all dream of the good things of life and wake up to our lonely self, but the thing…sirpee1 (4)in #life • 6 years agoSILVER SPOONimage Silver spoon can be likened to a state of financial stability. Some are born with silver spoon , some…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoHAPPY WEEKENDHappy weekend from this side of the earth. Enjoy your day and stay blessed.sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoNEXT POSTWatch out for my next post tagged SILVER SPOONsirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoTHE MONKEY AND THE BANANAOne day, a monkey was put in a cage and banana was placed at the top of the cage. As we are aware that babana is the…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoBE A MAN OF YOUR WORDS.image Once, there lived a pack of Wolves in the forest. The Wolves hunted animals in the forest and the nearby…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoACHIEVEMENTLiving in life, buying fancy things, changing cloths daily, and the likes is seen as an achievement by one who…sirpee1 (4)in #steemjet • 6 years agoBUILD YOUR INTEGRITYimage Don't be impressed by Money Degrees Job titles Be impressed by Humility Integrity…