shalamenda (26)in #goldethbtccryptocurrency • 5 years agoDIGITAL GOLD Launches Stablecoins And Market Solutions For Safe and Private Gold OwnershipHELLO GUYS Today i will review about GOLD Stablecoin. The target of the Digital Gold platform is to digitize physical…shalamenda (26)in #symplybrand • 6 years agoSimplyBrand (SBA) | The Biggest Future E - Commerce In The WorldMaking a choice while shopping online could be really difficult as we all know, but it becomes even more difficult if…shalamenda (26)in #humancoin • 7 years agoヒューマンコインは親切な通貨です寄付のための新しい仕組みが生まれているにもかかわらず、チャリティ業界は依然として主な障害 -…shalamenda (26)in #humancoin • 7 years agoHUMAN COIN is Bright Future of E-Commerce CryptocurrencyHi guys, I am back again to review an ICO. This time we would be elaborating on Human Coin. Human Coin is the currency…shalamenda (26)in #datum • 7 years agoデータムトークン - 新しいグローバルデータ経済の構築多くの企業が「無料」サービスを提供していますが、データを販売してお金を稼いでいます。皮肉なことに、この販売から利益を得られない唯一の人物は、ユーザー自身です。個人データを購入するコストは、約1ドルから100ドルまで変動する可能性があります。shalamenda (26)in #datum • 7 years ago基准网络,分散存储网络和个人数据市场.提到数据泄露通常最终会被人们提到最近的Facebook丑闻,这很明显,因为它是近期最新的数据泄露丑闻之一。然而Facebook的丑闻并不是独一无二的,因为幕后很多“知名”公司都采用相同的策略来赚取一些钱,而不是毫无戒心的顾客。…shalamenda (26)in #onlineio • 7 years ブラウジングエクスペリエンスの革新と高速化「Blockchain」について聞くと、彼らは世界経済を変えることを目指す世界初の暗号侵害であるBitcoinについて考えています。しかし、Bitchinの基盤技術であるBlockchainは、他の分野にも混乱を招く可能性があります。昨年かshalamenda (26)in #btc • 7 years agoDigitalTicks - How to buy DigitalTicks Tokens (DTx)Hello good people in my previous post about Digital Ticks I have to introduce about digital ticks token, and now I…shalamenda (26)in #digitalticksexchange • 7 years agoDigitalTicks Trade for Bright FutureAnyone who plunges into the world of digital currencies, sooner or later, faces the need to choose crypto exchange.…shalamenda (26)in #ico • 7 years agoDIGITALTICKS 初めての商品 - クリプト交換トレーダーの有効性は、株式市場のメカニズム、株価の上昇または下降に影響を与える要因を計算する能力を理解することです。コース予測の基礎は、予測の瞬間に先行する、ある期間における様々な株式の価格の動態に関する情報である。…shalamenda (26)in #xchangerate • 7 years agoXCHANGERATE BITCOIN AND ALTCOINS WORLDS IN ONE PLACEThe effectiveness of the trader is to understand the mechanisms of the stock market, the ability to calculate the…shalamenda (26)in #voxelx • 7 years agoVOXELX Blockchain Powered DICOM-PlatformThe development of science and technology increasingly encourage renewal efforts in the utilization of technology…shalamenda (26)in #btc • 7 years agoKELTA CRYPTO FARM & DATA CENTERThe effectiveness of the trader is to understand the mechanisms of the stock market, the ability to calculate the…shalamenda (26)in #myshield • 7 years agoMyShield DECENTRALIZED ANTI - SCAM PLATFORMDriven by the growth of e-commerce, as well as the sophistication of hackers, sales of counterfeit and pirated goods…shalamenda (26)in #investa • 7 years agoBRIGHT FUTURE WITH INVESTAOwning Investa INV is the first brave step towards changing the world, one which will be remembered as the beginning…shalamenda (26)in #digitalticks • 7 years agoDigital Ticks Crypto Exchange With Blockchain TechnologyA First ever commodity - crypto exchange well designed by traders for traders. Digital Ticks Exchange (DTx) is just…shalamenda (26)in #dagt • 7 years agoDAGT ICO DIGITAL ASSET WITH BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYDigital assets generally refer to all valuable assets existing in the form of digital data. The essence of the digital…shalamenda (26)in #homelend • 7 years agoHOMELEND WITH BLOCKCHAIN P2P TECHNOLOGYHomelend is being developed as a blockchain solution that will significantly increase the housing financing…shalamenda (26)in #ingotcoin • 7 years agoINGOT Coin [ IC ] Ecosystem Setting New StandardsINGOT Coin (IC) aims to integrate the traditional financial industry with the blockchain innovation by offering a…shalamenda (26)in #kelta • 7 years agoKELTA IS THE BEST DATA CENTER WITH BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYKELTA is a data center built to empower the scientific researchers, scientists, and cryptocurrency miners with…