rijaljun (30)in #history • 7 years agoEvents on November 13Did you know events that happened in the same date as today? On 1990, today's date, World Wide Web has been invented…rijaljun (30)in #zappl • 7 years agoFirst time using zapplIt's just me, trying to find the most compliant way to start micro-blogging. A place to share my daily activities.rijaljun (30)in #art • 7 years agoMemorial of The Day : Auguste Rodin!Do you know The Thinker sculpture? Do you know who is the artist? Auguste Rodin is the answer! François Auguste René…rijaljun (30)in #art • 7 years agoOh my face!I got a boring day in Yogyakarta, was trying to edit my photo for first time and bump ... clown-like face is here!rijaljun (30)in #life • 7 years agoDaily ThingsTwo things that make my day and will lastly make me DEAD! Coffee. Cigarette. Actually, it's three with the lighter. LOL.rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoFlare - Jejaring Sosial yang Dibangun dengan Storage TerdesentralisasiSeperti yang kita kenal belakangan ini, jejaring sosial sudah menjadi konsumsi publik. Masyarakat di belakangan dunia…rijaljun (30)in #ethereum • 7 years agoEthBooks - Toko eBook berbasis Blockchain PertamaBeberapa bulan belakangan ini, cryptocurency semakin nyentrik. Banyak project-project baru bermunculan meramaikan…rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoTrending.me - Trendingkan Fotomu dan Hasilkan Uang!Semakin hari, teknologi semakin canggih dan akan terus berkembang. Sangat banyak forum dan media sosial bermunculan.…rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoPermudah Miningmu dengan EasyMINE!Dunia crypto belakangan ini telah menunjukkan tajinya. Semakin hari, semakin banyak negara-negara baik maju maupun…rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoUmbrella Coin - Era Baru dalam BerasuransiSemua orang pasti akan menghadapi saat-saat dimana mereka membutuhkan dana yang banyak dalam waktu dekat untuk…rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoAuthoreon - Platform untuk Mengamankan Data AndaDi era digital saat ini, sangat sering terjadi kejahatan melalui online. Beberapa contohnya seperti ; Serangan cyber…rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoUTRUST - Perfect Solution to Kick Fraud Away!E-Commerce marketplaces are getting bigger day by day. However, fraud is always following its growth. Until today…rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoCarTaxi - Platform Truk Derek berbasis BlockchainBisnis truk derek telah berkembang pesat di kota-kota yang memiliki motorisasi tinggi. Pasar ini memiliki aspek-aspek…rijaljun (30)in #indonesia • 8 years agoATLANT Siap Mengguncang Bisnis Real Estate berbasis Blockchain!Belakangan ini di dunia crypto bermunculan proyek-proyek real estate berbasis blockchain. Teknologi blockchain…rijaljun (30)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoBitcoin passes $4000, should I invest now or later?Do you think you are too late to invest in Bitcoin? The answer is NO! You are NOT too late to invest in Bitcoin.…rijaljun (30)in #game • 8 years agoDurango now open its Closed Beta TestDurango : Wild Lands is a survival game developed by Nexon. Yeah, everybody have been waiting to play this game for a…rijaljun (30)in #introduceyourself • 8 years agoIntroducing myself!Hello Everyone! Well, I love to know that there is great platform like steemit anyway. Let me introduce myself first.…