revia (37)in #earthquake • 7 years agoPenyebab gempa bumiGempa bumi adalah getaran atau guncangan yang terjadi di permukaan bumi. Gempa bumi biasa disebabkan oleh pergerakan…revia (37)in #family • 7 years agoKeluargaMemasuki kehidupan berkeluarga tentunya memerlukan persiapan yang sangat matang dari setiap pasangan dalam membangun…revia (37)in #animals • 7 years agoTigerThe tiger is the largest cat species of its species, even bigger than a lion. The tiger is also the second fastest cat…revia (37)in #identity • 7 years agofamily cardThe Family Card is a Family Identity Card which contains data on the arrangement, relationships and number of family…revia (37)in #farmers • 7 years agoKisah seorang petaniInilah kisah seorang petani, hidup dan berjuang di suatu negeri, yang kerja keras petang dan pagi, menggantung…revia (37)in #cat • 7 years agomeongJenis hewan pemburu membutuhkan banyak energi. Makanya kucing butuh tidur yang banyak untuk menggantikan energinya…revia (37)in #food • 7 years agoKue khas acehMakanan ini sangat baik bagi kesehatan selain tanpa bahan pengawet dan cara pembuatannya pun masih sangat tradisional…revia (37)in #red • 7 years agored wineRed grape fruit is basically not much different from green wine, it's just red wine is usually processed and used as…revia (37)in #hot • 7 years agohot water poolHot Water Simpang Balik is a famous hot water pool located at Simpang Balik Regency of Bener Meriah, about 15 km from…revia (37)in #eidmubarak • 7 years agoSalam hari rayaSELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI 1439 H تَقَبَلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ صِيَامَنَا وَصِيَامَكُمْ وَكُلُّ عَامٍِ…revia (37)in #zakat • 7 years agoZakat fitrahZakat Fitrah is the obligatory self-charity of every individual Muslim man and woman who is capable with the…revia (37)in #month • 7 years agoLailatul QadarThe night of Lailatul Qadar is a glorious night. The virtues offered tonight include angels descending to Earth and…revia (37)in #kanji • 7 years agoKanji rumbiKanji Rumbi is a kind of porridge with a unique flavor in Aceh province, similar to chicken porridge sold in other…revia (37)in #zakat • 7 years agoZakatPaying zakat is one part of the main principle of Muslims. In Pillars of Islam, paying zakat occupies the third place…revia (37)in #sahur • 7 years agoSahurIn undergoing fasting, some things Shari'a is offered when fasting. One of them is Sahur. Eating sahur certainly can…revia (37)in #nuzul • 7 years agoNuzul Qur'anNuzulul Qur'an which literally means the descent of the Qur'an is a term that refers to the important events of the…revia (37)in #decorative • 7 years agoIkan hiasIkan hias adalah jenis ikan baik yang berhabitat di air tawar maupun di laut yang dipelihara bukan untuk konsumsi…revia (37)in #creative • 7 years agoused bottlesUsed goods are often scattered at home? Do not worry and do not bother. Because these used goods you can use as a…revia (37)in #kolang • 7 years agoKolang kalingKolang kaling is the name of elongated snack that is oval and transparent white and has a refreshing taste. Kolang…revia (37)in #fasting • 7 years agomaintain balanceBreaking the fast with a balanced meal is important because the food that fills the stomach during breaks will help…