rayccy resteemedkenchung (66)in #contest • 8 years ago[Question] Mathematics × Programming Competition #6 [問題] 數學 × 程式編寫比賽 (第六回)Mathematics × Programming Competition #6 Designed by @nicolemoker 10/9/2017 UTC 05:00 - 17/9/2017 UTC…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis)之四:個人網絡及有獎比賽結果公佈上週應用過社會網絡於Steemit的數據並跟大家分享了部份結果,並把部份結果隱藏了弄成了有獎比賽讓大家去猜( ),現在就公佈結果了: 所以1號是 @myfirst、2號是 @oflyhigh及3號是…rayccy resteemednicolemoker (66)in #steemit • 8 years ago(Hints added!!!加了提示!!!) (GIVEAWAY ! ALL OVER THE WORLD👏🏻)Hong Kong's Steemit Tee #3【 贈送!全球通用 👏🏻 香港的Steemit T恤 #3 】Hello Steemit friends ❤️, Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today! 🌞 Thank you for supporting me from…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago(有獎比賽) 社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis)之三:應用於Steemit數據之前用了兩個帖子去介紹社會網絡分析: 說過會拿Steemit的數據來試試應用,終於有空把它弄出來了~ 數據準備 針對7月份所有有cn標籤的帖子,以及用cn為主要標籤的帖子中的留言…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago動手做皮革卡片夾之前一次機遇巧合看到網上有人在討論自製皮革,於是我心血來潮也去買了個材料包打算自製一個卡片夾 買回來的時候就有以下的材料: 皮革已經是裁好跟打好洞了。接下來就先做其中一邊的卡片套…rayccy resteemedkenchung (66)in #cn • 8 years agoHow to get Bitcoin Cash from the private key of your Bitcoin address? 如何由Bitcoin地址私鑰取得Bitcoin Cash?Previously I have published an article which explains how to obtain a private key of the address for your BTC. Now…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago淺談社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis)之二:Gephi的應用上一篇提到如何用Python去實現把社會網絡圖像化 但有提及到networkx跑出來的結果不太好看,這次就介紹一下Gephi這個程式。 (圖片來源: 什麼是Gephi…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago淺談社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis)早前試過用Steemit的數據玩過文本分析,現在就打算用數據試一下別的。想了想就覺得社會網絡分析應該會挺有趣,所以先開個帖子跟大家說一下這是一種什麼分析,還有怎樣用Python去實現這個東西。 什麼是社會網絡分析…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago介紹一下怎麼用Steemsql提取Steemit的數據早前o哥 @oflyhigh介紹過怎樣用SteemData拿數據,這裏就介紹一下另一個提數的方法-Steemsql (圖片來源: 其實SQL就是一種用來專門用來查數據的語言,Microsoft…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago郊遊香港 — 清水灣前一段時間去了清水灣那邊,本來是打算去香港三尖之一的釣魚翁的,但是晚了點出發,就沒有挑戰釣魚翁了,只是到山上周圍走走算了,沿途拍了一些照,跟大家分享一下…rayccy resteemedbitcoinjake09 (57)in #steemit • 8 years agoSteem giveaway!!! 2 steem free!!This is for my 250+ followers. The prize is as follows first random person picked gets 1.5 steem!! Second person…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago過去一星期,CN版都在說什麼?(2017.07.10 – 2017.07.16) What is the most mentioned in CN-tagged posts in the last week?上星期對 steemit cn版的帖子跟留言數據做了一個文本分析(…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago過去一星期,CN版都在說什麼?(2017.07.01 – 2017.07.09) What is the most mentioned in CN-tagged posts in the last week?昨天看到…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago迷上桌游! #2 「抵抗组织」(进阶版)之前介绍过抵抗组织的基本版,没有看过的朋友可以看一下: 现在介绍一下进阶版加入的元素,会让游戏变得更好玩! 加入15张「谋略卡」(见文末图片):…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago隨拍 隨筆:談夢想曾經,我們都是夢想家。 大概每個人都有過夢想,夢想是個會進化的東西,而進化的過程叫「成長」。…rayccy resteemedkenchung (66)in #steemit • 8 years agoSteemit Platform Switcher - a simple but useful tool!Introducing the Steemit Platform Switcher Chrome Extension that lets you switch between platforms in 2…rayccy (54)in #cn • 8 years ago迷上桌游! #1 「抵抗组织」大家好~刚加入CN区不久,早两天发过一篇自我介绍,没有看过的朋友可以看一下喔!…rayccy resteemedabdullar (72)in #steemit • 8 years agoEnough is enough - A Korean Curator, for Whom and for What ?. . Good morning my friends. ======================================================================== Looking at…rayccy resteemedcryptoguys (42)in #contest • 8 years agoFREE STEEM DOLLARS GIVEAWAY!!!! 100 FOLLOWERS CELEBRATIONIts been a wonderful journey on this community. I couldn't believe that i got 100 followers in such a short amount of…rayccy resteemedpippininja (48)in #introduceyourself • 8 years agoENDED - GIVEAWAY FINISHED: FREE Money for Newbies! Minnows Unite!! Free SBD just for upvoting, resteeming, following!This giveaway has ended!! It was an enourmous success!! I gained 375 followers in 7 days! I paid out over $60 to…