qianwei (39)in #usa • 6 years ago伟大的历史转折点:香港回归据国内相关媒体报道,近期香港问题在网上传的沸沸扬扬,但不可否认的就是香港历来就是中国固有的领土,更重要的就是香港是中国两百年世界历史的一个缩影。香港为什么能够顺利回归祖国,实则就是改革开放为香港回归打下了坚实的基础,从而令中国迅速融入西方世qianwei (39)in #usa • 6 years ago特朗普买岛原因曝光,岛上拥有千万吨稀土,或成为选举的关键据俄罗斯卫星通讯社最新报道,随着特朗普准备从丹麦手中购买格陵兰岛一事曝光后,该事件立即引来了全球各国的关注,那么是什么原因令美国不惜花费庞大的资金要购买格陵兰岛呢?有军事专家表示,首先就是因为格陵兰岛的地理位置十分重要,不仅能够作为通往北极qianwei (39)in #usa • 6 years ago空警3000预警机亮相,采用多块共型整流罩,性能将提升数倍众所周知,在现代化空战体系中,预警机的作用可谓是十分的明显,预警机不仅能够实现远程搜索、警戒和监视等任务,同时在特殊时期还能临时充当空中指挥部,以此来更好的指挥和引导战机来对执行作战任务。在信息化战争为主导的今天,没有预警机的空军是根本无法qianwei (39)in #usa • 6 years ago西班牙出动F18战机,公然拦截俄防长专机,两架苏27紧急护航据俄罗斯塔斯社最新报道,日前俄罗斯国防部长绍伊古大将乘坐专机回国之际,在波罗的海上空遭到了北约成员国西班牙空军一架F18战机的拦截,而且这架F18战机还公然对绍伊古大将的专机亮出导弹。然而,就在这架F18…qianwei (39)in #china • 6 years ago中国新体制雷达亮相,探测距离可达5千公里,敌方目标无处可逃众所周知,随着中国军工近年来的飞速发展,中国不仅仅在军舰和战机上取得了重大成果,同时在雷达领域也是突飞猛进。此前中国著名雷达专家刘永坦经过不断研究,成功研发出一款世界上最先进的高频地波探测雷达,这种雷达不仅能够实现对海对空超视距搜索,同时还qianwei (39)in #usa • 6 years ago巴铁向印度发出警告,一旦印军擅自开火,巴方不排除使用核武器据俄罗斯卫星通讯社最新报道,近期由于印巴两国在克什米尔边境大动干戈,因此印巴两国的关系又再次急剧恶化。不仅如此,印度对巴基斯坦步步紧逼的同时,还公然出台新的法令,直接取消印度控制克什米尔地区的“特殊地位”,从印度的这种举动来看你,印度政府显qianwei (39)in #dollar • 6 years ago立场动摇?美国市场压力剧增之下,美联储应该如何选择今年年中,市场降息预期不断上升,白宫方面持续施压,美联储虽小受影响,但仍部分坚持自己立场,称降息是周期性调整。出乎意料的是降息后,市场反应比较糟糕,经济下行风险加剧,中俄等国纷纷购买黄金避险,中国更是连续八月增持黄金以对冲风险。而面对市场与qianwei (39)in #usa • 6 years ago美国高能镭射炮亮相,输出能量可达50千瓦级,破坏力十分强悍据美国防务新闻报道,日前美国陆军公开对外展示了一款新型武器,该型武器不仅能够对无人机、装甲坦克和火箭炮系统进行摧毁,同时还能对低空战机进行有效的打击,这款新式武器就是高能镭射炮。目前美军正在紧锣密鼓的对该型武器进行测试,预计在2022年之前qianwei (39)in #russia • 6 years agoThe only female bodyguard around President Putin, the individual soldier is very good, because the age is dismissedAs we all know, there are a large number of bodyguards around the leaders of every country in the world. These…qianwei (39)in #protection • 6 years agoAt the time of the friction between Japan and South Korea, the United States is openly slashing and demanding a five-fold increase in protection feesAccording to the latest report of Japan’s Asahi Shimbun, since the friction between South Korea and Japan in terms of…qianwei (39)in #islands • 6 years agoAnother island in China has a prominent role, or become the third maritime military baseAccording to an article published by the Canadian Hanhe Defense Weekly, Xisha and Dongsha will soon become China's…qianwei (39)in #dollar • 6 years agoAfter 28 European countries, there are four South American countries challenging the US dollarAccording to Argentine media reports, Argentina and Brazil jointly stated that the unified currency between the…qianwei (39)in #britain • 6 years agoThe British Prime Minister made this move and openly established a wartime cabinet. The road to Brexit will usher in a great changeAccording to the latest report from the BBC, the British cabinet has begun to undergo new changes since the British…qianwei (39)in #news • 6 years agoAfghan security forces dispatched drones and successfully eliminated 10 Taliban fightersAccording to the latest report from the Bachtar news agency in Afghanistan, after the defeat of the Taliban armed…qianwei (39)in #huawei • 6 years agoAfter rejecting Huawei equipment, the Australian network speed began to decline, and the 5G network was slower than 4GAccording to the latest report from the Sydney Morning Herald, since Australia has openly refused to use Huawei…qianwei (39)in #seals • 6 years agoThe US military ace commander raped the female soldier and the Pentagon blatantly shelteredAccording to the latest report of the Middle East News, the US military stationed in Iraq has once again experienced a…qianwei (39)in #dragon • 6 years agoThe Argentine Air Force abandoned the Snapdragon and bought the Korean Golden EagleAccording to the latest report of the Argentine Clarion, due to the serious decline in the fighting power of the…qianwei (39)in #air • 6 years agoTaliban armed forces counterattack, Afghan air force base attackedAccording to the latest report from the Bachtar news agency in Afghanistan, the Afghan special forces killed the…qianwei (39)in #apple • 6 years agoApple issued an ultimatum and left the United States to receive a toll"Without China, Apple can't even produce products." This sentence is not a joke. According to the latest report of the…qianwei (39)in #renminbi • 6 years agoA major breakthrough, the RMB exchange rate rose to a two-week highAccording to the latest reports from the US media, the renminbi against the US dollar closed up to a two-week high on…