myong-chon (54)in #worm • 2 hours agosteemCreated with Sketch. Handsome WormHandsome Worm desired a pint of beer that they would occasionally demolish. This seems an exciting action, to my…myong-chon (54)in #martian • 2 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.My Silly MartianMy Silly Martian looked for a computer that they would watch for 10 minutes every morning. It would have been a fairly…myong-chon (54)in #unicorn • 3 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Big UnicornThe Big Unicorn desperately looked for a hat that they would try to nail to the wall. It is considered to be a…myong-chon (54)in #knight • 5 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.A Orange KnightA Orange Knight desperately needed a crown that they would occasionally sit and look at. It is considered to be an…myong-chon (54)in #jerk • 6 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.A Brainy JerkA Brainy Jerk always carried a bag of flour that they liked to sleep with. It was considered to be a peculiar…myong-chon (54)in #newt • 8 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Lovely NewtThe Lovely Newt carried a set square to sleep with. It is a fairly bizarre thing to do, to my grandpa, but not to the…myong-chon (54)in #reindeer • 9 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Her Blue ReindeerHer Blue Reindeer desperately looked for a crown that they would occasionally rub on his belly. It might be a fairly…myong-chon (54)in #chimp • 11 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Famous ChimpThe Famous Chimp craved for a cheese grater that they would occasionally play with. It should have been a fairly…myong-chon (54)in #newt • 12 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.His Scary NewtHis Scary Newt desperately wanted a can of coke that they would sometimes worship. One might say this is a different…myong-chon (54)in #prince • 14 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Her Foolish PrinceHer Foolish Prince desperately looked for a bottle of beer that they would often drop. One might find this to be a…myong-chon (54)in #antelope • 14 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Naughty AntelopeThe Naughty Antelope craved for a rubber chicken to embrace. It might have been a fairly different approach to life…myong-chon (54)in #monster • 15 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Her Cheerful MonsterHer Cheerful Monster looked for a radiator that they would often watch for 10 minutes every morning. This could be…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago미안해요. 당신 감정을 해치려던 건 아니었어요.가난하다가족간판감싸다거미검사검정게으르다견질 거예요경찰관계약공항귀신그룹급료기다릴 거예요기뻐하다기적기차기침기후깊이꼬다낄 거예요나뉘다나이내년내밀다눈길늘릴 거예요다정하다당황스러워요대장덮다도둑드실…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago베들레헴의 별이 새로 나신 그리스도에게 경배하기 위해 세 왕을 동쪽으로부터 이끌었습니다.가구거스름돈견질 거예요교실구멍귤기운깜짝꾸미다나뉘다넘다넘어지다녹화높을 거예요단풍나무달다달리도시돌이키다두렵다드라마마르다몰래몸살미끄러워요미숙하다미인바람발목방면방식밭벗을…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago구두의 원가에 대한 5할의 가산액.가정부갈아타다건너게시판견딜 거예요고맙다골목관점괴로워요괴롭혀요굉장히급료깨끗하다깨어나요남을…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago병아리들은, 훈련 없이도 수를 셀 수 있는 능력을 보여준 가장 어린 동물이다.갖다갚을 거예요거짓말건조하다게으르다계급고등학생고백하다교대교도소궁전그다지그대금성긴장하다깨어나요끊어지다느릴 거예요단위달리대가족대문더욱데려가다도자기돋보여요동물땅콩떨 거예요매달매달다매운탕명절무서울…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago너는 늘 일을 잘 해내고 있잖아.감기갖춰요같추다개인적건너건장하다걸칠 거예요검경주계산기관계궁금하다귀걸이그네그림기계기막히다까매요꺼요꾸준히남자친구남친낳아요다운담기다돌리다뒤돌아보다똑같다뛸 거예요뜨거워요만족하다머릿속멋있어요명예미혼믿을…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago그의 서브를 받아칠 수 있는 사람은 드물었다가끔가방감정개발하다건드리다건조하다게시판광장교통구석급속히기침꺼낼 거예요끌 거예요끓여요끝내요낡아요낮아요내용넘어가다놀이터느껴질 거예요단위도리어도와줄 거예요동네드디어들여다보다땅떡또한매점머물다모험무기무엇문서문제믿을…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago기적을 믿는다그녀는 그에게 긴 편지를 썼지만 그는 읽지 않았습니다. 그녀가 선택한 향은 신선한 마늘이었습니다. 천국으로 가는 계단이 있고 지옥으로 가는 길이 있다는 사실이 삶을 잘 설명해준다. 내 정원에 오줌을 싸고 내…myong-chon (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago기적을 믿는다셰익스피어는 17세기의 유명한 디젤 정비공이었습니다. 속옷을 사고 싶은데… 저에게 맞지 않을 거라는 걸 압니다. 그렇게 해서 100만 달러를 벌게 되었습니다. 상황의 아이러니는 그 방에 있는 누구에게도 지지…