melliza (38)in #esteem • 6 years agoKopi sanger espresso dinginAssalamualaikum sahabat steemian semua, apakabarnya? Alhamdulillah kita selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT ya. Nah…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoMartabak TelurDiscuss about the types of martabak in Indonesia. There are 2 types of martabak, namely: sweet martabak and egg…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoIkan Bandeng BakarSpecially baked milkfish dishes are delicious and delicious. This dish also has a distinctive and so delicious…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoKulepas engkau dengan bismillahSumber I think I'm tired enough, maybe it's time I let you off with Bismillah, we have different perspective, we…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoKota Dingin TakengonThe highlands are the hallmark of this city, the strategic place and the abundant natural resources. Takengon is…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoAyam penyetAyam penyet yaitu sajian lezat yang disajikan dengan sambal khusus ayam penyet, cara membuat ayam ini sama saja dengan…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoCah KangkungCah kangkung is one of the culinary heritage of the ancestors. Perhaps our parents were more familiar with the name of…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoSunsetTuesday, 8 may 2018 sunset in Lhokseumawe city reservoir The sunset or the swastamita is the time when the sun…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoEmptyWe get used to it, you get used to disappearing without news, and I'm used to waiting for you to fall asleep, we're…melliza (38)in #food • 7 years agoGrilled FishSnapper is one type of sea fish that is easily found in the market. This fish has a somewhat rounded bodyshape and…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoMie AcehMie aceh is a regional cuisine that has spread in Indonesia, many aceh food stalls that sell aceh noodles and a…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoLemon teaOne of the existing drink creations and much in demand by many among the lemon tea. Fresh flavors of lemon or lime…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoNugget ayamFor those of you who like to consume chicken meat would already know with practical processed foods this one, because…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoNasi Goreng PattayaFried rice pattaya, or simply rice pattaya, is a Malaysian dish made by wrapping fried rice in an omelet. These foods…melliza (38)in #zappl • 7 years agoHarapan palsuSebuah harapan di Pucok trieng leumik 😂melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoPilihan HidupAku orang yang tak akan meninggalkanmu ketika kau meninggalkanku dan berpaling kepada kebahagianmu dan orang-orang…melliza (38)in #cemilanmalam • 7 years agoMati LampuMati lampu enaknya ngemil☕melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoMemotong Padi Dengan Mobil Pemotong Padi Asal JepangMobil pemotong padi asal Jepang sedang memanenkan padi petani di Gampong Blang Syamtalira Bayu Aceh utara, petani…melliza (38)in #esteem • 7 years agoTape BerasTape yaitu salah satu makanan kesukaan saya, cara membuat tape itu sangat mudah, bahannya pun mudah di dapat.…melliza (38)in #zappl • 7 years agoJus Al PukatDi luar panas ya...?Siang ini saya di temani jus alpukat, rasanya sangat enak...Jus alpukat memiliki kandungan vitamin…