maybemay (42)in #nxt • 7 years agoNXT , IGINISIs Upbit going to ignis airdrop? The Ardor Genesis Snapshot is planned for Dec 28th 2017. Half of the IGINIS…maybemay (42)in #upbit • 7 years ago코인일정들이래요!12월 암호화폐 일정정리 12월4일-> // ADA - 코인네스트 오후 7시 상장예정 // EOS - 공개 테스트넷 런칭 ( EOS.IO Dawn v2.0 릴리즈) // NEO, Mercury…maybemay (42)in #upbit • 7 years ago다들 이러나요??ㅋㅋ나만 이러는 것 아니죠? ㅋㅋㅋmaybemay (42)in #upbit • 7 years ago업비트! 좋아요! Upbit날 따라 해봐요 요렇게 🎵 Upbit 코인에 투자하고 싶은데 어떻게 하는지 모르겠는 사람 안전한 거래소를 찾는 사람 간편하게 인증하고 간편한 거래 하고싶은 사람 #Upbit…maybemay (42)in #kr • 7 years agowhats going on Bitcoin!!!!Bitcoin!!!! holly molly! now bitcoin’s price in korea is over 10,000,000 for a bitcoin. one of my friends said…maybemay (42)in #kr • 7 years agowhats going on steem dollars?why all of a sudden steem is going way up? I should’ve uploaded my posts more though. I was being lazy. but from now…maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years agoKakao bank for korean (I think it is really good!)Have you tried to use kakao bank in korea? it is definitely very useful for withdrawing, sending money to abroad or…maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years agooh no~~~ my coins are getting down.....guys, how about your coins? are they allright? I have some of bitcoin, Eth, Ltc, Etc, Zec, Xrp, Sbd.. all of them…maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years agoHot sunmerin summer time, chilling in cafe is best!maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years agoHot sunmerIt is terrible idea to walk on the beach in this weather.maybemay (42)in #boardgame • 8 years ago블빙블링 젬스톤 Bling Bling GemstoneA quick and easy game to not only learn, but play, Bling Bling Gemstone follows the trend of Korea Board Games to…maybemay (42)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoDragon Slayer: The Dice Game with a TwistToday I look at Dragon Slayer: The Dice Game by Indie Board & Cards, a quick paced, dice game, that fits well into a…maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years ago반지 잃어버렸어 흐엉어어엉 ㅠㅠ오늘 아침에 반지 잃어버렸어요 ㅠㅠ 손이 부어서 나중에 껴야지 하고 가방에 지퍼없는 보조주머니에 넣었는데 깜빡하고 열심히 뛰어서 출근하다가 아마 빠졌나봐요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 너무 슬퍼요 ㅠㅠ커플링인데 ㅠㅠmaybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years agoweeny beeny chicken feetIt tastes like raspberry! And looks ridiculous ㅋㅋㅋ actually I like real chicken feet^^ so my BF bought me these…maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years ago[정관신도시,부산] 병산365Byungsan365 café which is in Jung Kwan Busan Korea. looks amazing!!!maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years ago요즘 유행하는 음식 - 딸기 오믈렛 strawberry omelette딸기 오믈렛 🍓 모양도 맛도 예쁨 💕maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years ago요즘 유행하는 음식 - 핫도그 hotdog ?! :)어릴때는 허름한 구멍가게나 비디오방에서 핫도그 사먹었는데 요새는 핫도그도 프랜차이즈라니. 나중에는 쪽자도 프랜차이즈로 나오겠다 ㅋㅋ 아님 어쩜 이미maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years ago[비트코인을 공부하고 싶다고요?] 블록체인혁명잠시 상상의 시간! Let's have some time to think about it.maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years ago[비트코인을 공부하고 싶다고요?] 블록체인혁명My boyfriend bought it for me. Thank you ;) I will read it hard starting today and share important information…maybemay (42)in #kr • 8 years ago[부산,서면] 발해양꼬치 Lamb skewers[부산,서면] 발해양꼬치 Lamb skewers I found a very delicious lamb skewer restaurant. It didnt smell like mutton.…