magnetique (34)in #ico • 7 years agoTombolaThis project will be very interesting if you are a player. As you know, the lottery is a great opportunity to make…magnetique (34)in #ico • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST One Solution pour Crypto WorldL'écosystème Cryptassist a été conçu pour rendre le monde de la crypto monnaie facile pour tout le monde, qu'il…magnetique (34)in #ico • 7 years agoIngotcoin - Un écosystème tout compris qui sera le pionnier de la liaison de l'univers cryptographique à l'industrie financière traditionnelle actuelle.Comme vous le savez, les marchés classiques n’ont pas de structure transparente. Sur de nombreux marchés boursiers, il…magnetique (34)in #ico • 7 years ago< Ingotcoin>En substance, l'idée de surmonter les marchés et l'élimination des tiers est pas tout à fait nouvelle et a ses racines…magnetique (34)in #ico • 7 years agoINGOT - Surmonter la cryptePlate-forme INGOT - un écosystème qui combine la technologie avec les marchés des changes traditionnels crypto…magnetique (34)in #ico • 7 years agoCryptassist (forums et applications)L'un des principaux problèmes de la crypto-sphère est qu'au fil du temps, la monnaie crypto devient de plus en plus…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoThe Cryptassist Core ValuesThe Cryptassist philosophy is to make crypto simple and useful in everyday life. In order to provide users with an…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST CHATPAY – SOCIAL MESSAGING AND ONLINE PAYMENT APPCryptassist ChatPay is more than just a messenger. Free to download, ChatPay allows for free encrypted messaging and…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoTHE CRYPTASSIST PHILOSOPHYCryptassist was founded on the idea that cryptocurrency should be accessible to everyone, not just crypto experts.…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST 가상화폐관련 최종의 툴, 사용하기 쉬운 올인원 앱크립트어시스트의 임무는 거래 및 뉴스 알림에서부터 OTC 교환 및 체크카드에 이르기까지 모든 필수 툴을 통해 모든 사람들에게 암호 자산 세계에 대한 액세스를 제공하는 것입니다. 사용하기 쉬운 많은 암호화 관련…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Multi-Coin Block ExplorerMulti-Coin Block Explorer является частью философии Cryptassist о введении криптовалюты в использование на…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Freelancer - нанимайте таланты – оплачивайте в криптовалютеВ качестве неотъемлемой части своей экосистемы, Cryptassist будет предлагать функцию фрилансер, связывая бизнес или…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist at the Amble Blockchain MeetupCryptassist attended the Amble Blockchain Meetup in Seoul on July 13th, 2018. Our representative, Kent Kim, presented…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #crypto • 7 years agoCryptassist Social Media ScannerSocial media is now an essential medium, communicating important information about the crypto market. Social volume is…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #crypto • 7 years agoCryptassist Partnership With One Tree PlantedCryptassist is proud to announce a partnership with One Tree Planted, a nonprofit organization dedicated to…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #crypto • 7 years agoII. Съезд Blockchain в Китае, город “Weihai” – Встреча правительства и инвесторов.После встречи, которая состоялась 17 июля в Китае, городе “Weihai”, правительство города пригласило менеджера…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #crypto • 7 years agoCryptassist Интернет – магазинИспользуй криптовалюту для покупок товаров и услуг онлайн Неотъемлемой частью платформы Cryptassist станет…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #crypto • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST - Najlepszy pakiet narzędzi związanych z kryptowalut w jednej, łatwej w użyciu aplikacjiMisją Cryptassist jest umożliwienie wszystkim dostępu do świata kryptoaktyw, poprzez szereg podstawowych narzędzi, od…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #crypto • 7 years agoPart II Blockchain Weihai China Meet Up - Government and Investor DiscussionsFollowing the Blockchain China Meet Up held on July 17 in Weihai China, the Cryptassist Chinese Community Manager Ms.…magnetique resteemedcryptassist (44)in #crypto • 7 years agoCryptassist на конференции “Amble Blockchain” в Корее.Cryptassist посетил конференцию “Amble Blockchain” в Сеуле 13 июля 2018 года. Наш представитель Кент Ким представил…