Why postmodernism is medieval and a trojan horse... oh yeah, and stupid... The Final Part (maybe).
The whole point of me writing these posts about the quasi philosophy known as postmodernism, was not to highlight what is but to show you how to recognize the 'illogic virus', in others .... whether they are aware of it, or not...
I go back to this quote once again, and will be repeating it again through out this post. For a reason.
Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed in academic life, collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter. What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content.
As mentioned briefly, the dynamics of this behavior apply not just in academia, but across all fields, and all sections of, society.
This is what this post is about.
Identifying these 'thought process' in the individual are useful. At least know that you are dealing with someone who is, essentially, seeing the world from a perspective not based in reality.
This can avoid lots of confusion in future interactions - for their mission is to confuse, as away to gain power. Influence over others is one of those manifestations..(knowingly, or otherwise).
Some history...
When I first joined steemit, I met a girl on here who was very much 'the postmodernist'. (she's long gone, now)..
At the time, I wasn't even aware of postmodernism as a school of thought.
She is the reason I even explored this avenue.
As we talked more, I became more and more aware of her 'mode of expression' bugging me. It was too nice. It was too positive. It didn't add up.
I had an itch, and she interested me. And me, being me, just had to scratch that itch.
So I did. She fell out with me.
Metaphorically speaking, I pinned her down to what she said, and that pissed her off. Royally.
Not long after this 'pinned down' episode , she 'got offended', and instructed me to apologize, because I have no right to offend her with my words... Yeah, right, that was gonna happen..
Don't get me wrong, I do apologize.. too much. Not for incorrect arguments, though - but mostly for just for being a dick.
And I'm fine with that.
You see, I have no fragile ego to protect at all costs.
I have no need to defend my position at the cost of my integrity.
If I've been a dick, I will happily say sorry. It's no biggie to me. This is what led me to all this research and reading, seeing the fragility of the said girl.
The fragile ego, clinging to an ideology that is fundamentally flawed (when applied to the non 'arty' world), will not say sorry for being incorrect. To do so would open a can of worms that would lead, ultimately , to a destruction of their own world view.
And the ego will not let that happen.
So, lets find ways to identify - and destroy, this insidious intrusion onto sanity... (and also make you incredibly unpopular all at the same time! wooohooo!).
This is the number one tell tale sign of those with this mental illness. ...Because I was mentally ill myself, this is not a disparaging comment to those afflicted with it. Merely an observation.
Those suffering from this illness, will jump on as an 'offensive' slight on their mental state.
They love to be morally outraged.
It's ground without definition, only emotion. They feel secure on this ground, knowing full well that they cannot be called out for what they feel, as opposed to what they think.
Getting them to define themselves on their definitions is their Achilles heel. ....
And a position is the last thing they want to adopt, for then they can be called out. '....but you said'.
You see, calling them out on their own definitions does one of two things...
1/ It illustrates the lack of their own clarity in what they are saying, to them and to others - which in turn highlights the fragility of the 'wise' status that they are trying to foster, for purposes of attaining power..
...Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed....collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter.
2/ Or, it gives you signals at to who you are dealing with. The higher the IQ, the more talent for slippery, eel like maneuverings they will exhibit - to avoid being pinned to their own definitions.
Both are good.
The lower the IQ, the quicker the loss of control. The personal offense will surface.
The emotion will become the weapon of battle, as they can no longer pretend with their 'intellect' , this now being shredded under the argument of logic and critical thinking.
The higher the IQ though, will be met with the same (eventually) reactions - but before this, there will be much more pedantry, and attempts always, to steer you away from the original question concerning the definition.
The higher IQ know they have to avoid the question, not answer it. To do so, would make them have a position.
The higher the IQ, the more passive aggressive behavioral patterns will emerge as defense. (moral outrage but under control, as it were).
Keep them pinned to explanation and clarification. Don't let them lead you down other paths. Stay on point.
What you do with this information, once identifying the mentally ill, is up to you.
I, for one, like to expose them. For they are dangerous the to health of society. I don't think the majority of people employing these techniques, are aware of their own mental illness - and consciously ever intend this.
That's also irrelevant...
A rabid dog doesn't intend to give you rabies - but if they bite you, that's what happens.
The postmodernist in society (away from the arts), in trying to gain positions of power through their ideology, are far more dangerous than any rabid dog to society...
So, what you do with this information is up to you. For me, personally, I find myself unable to just walk away.
Because I care.
For every postmodern snake oil salesmen that I come across - and then expose for others to see, is the curtailing the spread of this insidious 'philosophy'.
And that is good for society.
(always remember, the 'virus's' effect, can mean that they think that they are selling legitimate medicines).
And this will also make you less popular than syphilis in a brothel.
I'll leave the popularity contests to others, if this is the war I'm fighting.
Popularity contests is most definitely in the realms of the snake oil salesman. Reputation is all.
Politics, (saying lots of words without saying anything meaningful)...for those of all IQ's is their playground.
And I'm not playing.
Once the postmodernist is exposed, expect nothing too low from them, in defense of their own reality. Lies, subterfuge, and
even active sabotage, is deemed legitimate. The postmodernist logic of everything being subjective, allows for any and all actions , while at the same time denying any moral responsibility for that action.
Their ego is fighting for survival, and if it loses the weapon of the perceived intellectual high ground, then it's pretty much defenseless.
Humor, in terms of sarcasm and ridicule, is an excellent weapon to employ. The ego under pressure finds nothing amusing about the situation it finds itself in, or humor at life in general, and can offer no defense.
(expect lots of 'morally offended' responses)...
Remember - The virus is not the person, and while the person might hate the guts out of you ( think rabid dog), it is not the person themselves. They are mentally ill.
For me personally, I make sure I try to see the real person underneath, before I attempt to rip the throat out of the virus itself. (Without mercy).
The amount of people I have liked over the year, and that have hated me , because of just this, is.....quite a few, shall we say...
...IT, and not the person, are my enemy.
The person, will not see it those terms of course. Their reality is built upon, and looked through - the prism of a twisted reality.
They may well hate you, and that's unfortunate.
Tough shit.
Don't be a wimp, and get on with the job of trying to stop others being infected with the poison they are selling.
The people I genuinely like. (even though the virus hates me).
I maintain my attacks and destruction of the virus because ....I care.
Why do I care so much though, eh?
Good question.
Because I grew up within an environment of this illness, being more than prevalent.. (you can imagine my shock when I realized that I'd contracted it myself, later on in life!The horror!)
I think my 'need for truth crusade' is, in some way (unconsciously) still fighting that toxic place I grew up in... I could do nothing as a child to influence the terminally deluded. Or stop it infecting others, which I saw, firsthand...
As an adult I can, and I do, do something.
Is there a guilt complex going on in there somewhere? I dunno...Maybe.
I don't really care too much, one way or another. Navel gazing is for idiots. This is a fight worth fighting.
If you want society to prosper, then postmodernism belong in the arts, and nowhere else.
Kill the virus.
Love the mentally ill.
Here is a living, breathing example, of how the virus can spread, and always to the detriment of communities...
The girl that I mentioned earlier in the post, was a big fan of Tony Robbins....And one of the triggers, for sure, when I questioned her about the whole thing..
Tony Robbins - Life coach and the seller of illusions...
I'll illustrate,very briefly - to show the weakness of argument.
The introduction to his own website..
If anyone wants me to do a full post on the 'Robbins life coach illusion', let me know - I have tons of material....
It is all postmodernism, in it's perspectives, and teachings.
For purposes of this post, I'll keep it brief, just to show you quickly the real world threat of this 'virus..'
From his website....
His website paragraphs are in 'gray', my dissection is in 'normal'. (which is very, apt, if you think about it.)
Do I need a life coach?
Choosing to work with a life coach is a major decision.
If you feel the need to choose a life coach, then you are actually saying that 'I'm lost, and want someone else, to help find myself'.
There is nothing wrong with that, not in the slightest.
Paying someone to offer you a clear view of your own life, without any connection to your life, without any shared history, or your community, IS NOT a good strategy.
Any life coach who had any integrity, ('needle and haystack', comes to mind) and with any genuine concern for their customer, would point this out on their very first 'session', and would... get this ... advise them to stop seeking answers from people who want to financially profit from them , and look to people who know them, and who want to help them for their own sake. Because they care.
It's akin to my own philosophy when managing business. The job of any good manger, is to make himself redundant.
The manipulator will seek to make themselves look as though they are indispensable.
Here's a doozy..
Tony Robbins Results Coaches are trained professionals that receive more than 250 hours of training. Coaches are taught the same methods that Tony’s used to achieve massive success in his own life, and now, you can gain access to these strategies as well.
A trained professional after only 250 hours? Wow! That's some steep learning curve to become a 'professional'.
3 weeks of hard work to be professional. I mean , like.... wow!
Nurse - 3 years....doctors 8 years....
But you can mess inside someones head, and call yourself a professional, after only 250 hours?
Are any bells ringing as to why you would ever entrust someone with your own mental health, with 250 hours of training?
But there are 2 far more important questions here...
1/ Why would YOU trust someone who has no connection with your life, into your head, to decide whats best for you? (and pay for it)
And e ven more pertinent (to this post)...
2/ WHAT KIND OF PERSON , would be attracted to this way to claim to be professional? Of anything ? After ONLY 250 hours of training at something...
_What does that tell you about the kind of person that you are entrusting your mental health to...?
This doesn't just apply to personal development, however - this can apply just as much in the business environment.
Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed.... What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content.
Look at life coaching websites and the kind of communication techniques, the way they express themselves...
It's all postmodernist in its delivery style . (I cant say 'content', for their isn't any)
Clouds being sold as solid.
THIS, is the virus in action.
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
Great! I want to buy some.
I have castles i want to build!
"You aren't smart enough or trained enough to understand my degree."
Being an intellectual, this statement was always a challenge to rise above, to stretch my mind, but, as you have pointed out, it ends in disappointment and bewilderment. Because, there was never any definitions. Just hand waving.
Now, when i recognize such a conversation, i just change the subject or disappear. Because, although i will do anything to get into the package and get the prize of truth, i have learned that such is always an empty box.
I don't know how much of my time i have wasted listening to such people. They always sound so intellectual, and so i try, i really try to comprehend what they are getting across. I feel i was just too naive.
Why didn't you write these posts like 20 years ago?
That's the aim.
Get you to feel stupid.
It gives them the power , the influence...
...Yeah but showing other people the reality, does them a great service (and maybe even wakes up the empty box giver, sometimes.... maybe...kinda...possibly...)
Well it's revelation time.
I literally asked this person to clarify numerous things and they have avoided avoided doing that again and again. For example, they think that their theory of postmodernism being a mind virus because they assert that relativism is anti logic since it posits that truth is relative as truth can only be absolute, and since postmodernism is relativism in response to modernism (Objective Reality), it is also anti reason and anti logic. They base this on what they believe a couple people allude to once or twice. They will not be specific or explain themselves in no uncertain terms, instead they choose vagueness and an extreme interpretation along with the a cherry picked contention that leaves out the important factor about in what context it applies to. Every question of context I've asked about has been ignored or avoided by this person and that does not phase him from accusing others of avoiding to define themselves, basically being vague as fuck is his Holly War, which is only more hilarious as he accuses others of being Emotional and not for reason or logic even though he thinks his theory is reasonable or reasoned well, well enough to cry out again and again how this is war that he's fighting, and he is fighting it because of truth.
Thought experiment, If he were to define one thing, what do you think would happen when he defines paradox? And will his life lose all meaning if he were to find out that he's been fighting windmills and not actual dragons?
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.......if I’ve offended you in any way, please take consolation in the fact that words are meaningless, because language is an arbitrary construct, and words have no actual meaning at all....
I will not go out on a date with you, if you ask me ...
(just sayin')
The faker prefaced with "if I offended you" because he thinks I am on his level of vilifying ideas or hating a concept, such that I took offense to his nonsense, and that I am like him, as he has in declaring war on ideas. The irony is he's doing exactly what he accused his would be, or so called, adversaries of doing, in futile attempts at trolling me. He speaks of integrity but has no problem with trolling, he speaks of moral responsibility and insists on trolling, literally begging for some reaction with his antagonistic repetition of his reasoning behind the war. He thinks that calling me a Stalker or attempting at insulting me by hypothetically rejecting me makes for humor. For ridicule. But he can only ridicule the vague, much like he ridicules me for not having a life or answering his incessant "how old are you?" questions, he thinks that makes for ridiculing my questions or my contentions when it's clearly trolling. The best part, each single time he only reveals what he thinks and how he responds to valid points.
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