ljiang (43)in #cn • 7 years ago2018中国区块链产业白皮书2013年12月6日,中国人民银行、工业和信息化部、中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会、中国保险监督管理委员会联合印发了《 关于防范比特币风险的通知…ljiang (43)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years ago郁金香:投机?投资?巴菲特对于比特币的观点 一直都是:因为比特币不能像传统企业一样带来投资回报,所以持有比特币是投机而不是投资。 更有人把比特币比作是郁金香泡沫 。我不同意这样的观点。为什么?我们先也来讲个郁金香的故事。…ljiang (43)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Telegram之战Telegram,源自俄罗斯的WeChat,不同的是,Telegram里的每条消息被加密,除了接受与发送方,第三方无法访问。很明显,俄政府对此不满,要求Telegram交出消息解密密码。四月十六日,由于Telegram不配合,俄政府企图全面ljiang (43)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoOn Cryptographic TokensWhy do I pay attention to Bitcoin and other cryptographic tokens, and think others should also? Here is a looooong…ljiang (43)in #cr • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.More Than Bubble“As media has predicted, Bitcoin bubble has finally come to an end” ...... sounds familiar? My short answer why it…ljiang (43)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoFuture of Social NetworkingA social networking platform provides a virtual gathering place for people to showcase their lives, share their…ljiang (43)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.铁腕政策新华时评 , 承认这次的比特币交易所关闭是“铁腕政策”,提出了要“备案管理、许可准入、反洗钱职责和流程、用户实名、大额交易限额”,为日后交易所重开做好铺垫。ljiang (43)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoHyperinflationHyperinflation , the extreme form of inflation, has been a never-ending plague on fiat currencies, although for…ljiang (43)in #cn • 7 years ago恶性通货膨胀恶性通货膨胀 ,通胀的顶级升级版,很多人不会有切身体验,但是它 一直都在发生 。南美洲的委内瑞拉 四年内货币贬值99% ,光2017年2月的CPI在就比去年同期上升了 741%…ljiang (43)in #cn • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.在中国,到底谁最有资格监管比特币交易?一篇不错的 分析比特币在中国状况 的文章。 中国政府的这次ICO ban, 关闭交易所做法是“矫枉过正”。…ljiang (43)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Balaji on Tokens, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & Investment ImplicationsBalaji S. Srinivasan CEO and Cofounder of 21.co talks about tokens, blockchain, cryptocurrencies & investment…ljiang (43)in #bitcoin • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.My two-cent on China ICO BanA Brief History Outlaw Bitcoin for Financial Institutions To many people, 2013 is the Year of Bitcoin . Bitcoin…ljiang (43)in #nature • 8 years agoWild Mushrooms: Do you know which is edible?Found on the bicycle trail in Mont Tremblant , Quebec , do you know which one is edible?ljiang (43)in #cyptocurrency • 8 years agoFree vs Sharing EconomyThere is no free lunch. We are all captives of "the free economy" as this article points out. People behind…