lifa (30)in #cn • 7 years ago我的手机摄影:多子多福的吉祥物——石榴中国传统文化视石榴为吉祥物,视它为多子多福的象征。 石榴(拉丁名:Punica granatum…lifa resteemedrivalhw (75)in #contest • 7 years ago“月旦评”第十一期优秀文章公示 暨 正式投票开始 (投票截止北京时间7月31日 23:59) 总计共16 SBD奖励各位社区小伙伴们, 大家好! 我们在这里对所有参与第十一期“月旦评”的作品致敬,向所有参与本次活动的选手表示感谢,对一直以来参与“月旦评”评审推荐的各位评委老师表示感谢!(@lemooljiang @hannahwu…lifa resteemedrivalhw (75)in #contest • 7 years ago“月旦评”第八期优秀文章公示 暨 正式投票开始 (投票截止北京时间5月6日 23:59)今天是国内五一假日的第一天,也恰逢我们“月旦评”已经进入了第八期的投票环节。 我们在这里对所有参与第八期“月旦评”的作品致敬,向所有参与本次活动的选手表示感谢,对一直以来参与“月旦评”评审推荐的各位评委老师表示感谢!(…lifa resteemedrivalhw (75)in #monthlyreview • 7 years ago“月旦评”第七期优秀文章公示 暨 正式投票开始 (投票截止北京时间3月28日 23:59) 月旦评开始接收赞助啦一晃仿佛眨眼间,“月旦评”已经进入了第七期的投票环节,下月即将开启第八期。 我们在这里对所有参与第七期“月旦评”的作品致敬,向所有参与本次活动的选手表示感谢。 再次对于参与本期评审推荐的各位评委老师表示感谢!(…lifa (30)in #cn • 7 years ago三月春光两会将至 比特币市场缺乏热度,下跌机会增加昨天2018年2月25号。比特币9,900美元附近。市场缺乏利好刺激,比特币持续偏软。下跌机会增加,若收盘低於于9,300美元会再测试6,000美元区间。 季度1日图 BCH、ETH、LTC…lifa (30)in #bitcoin • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.加密货币集体反弹 比特币升破11000美元Bitstamp平台报价显示,比特币突破11000美元,24小时涨幅约8%。 另据,以太币等其它虚拟货币也出现不同程度升幅,截至发稿,以太币报价951.19美元。…lifa (30)in #cn • 7 years ago比特币走势两周反弹95% 数字货币的信心恢复?比特币在2月6日一度下跌至6000美元,但经过春节前后近两周的回调,目前已收复大部分“失地”。2月21日,比特币价格持续反弹,一度上涨至11720美元,直逼12000美元大关,半个月以来的涨幅高达95%。…lifa (30)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoCOINS foundation: by the end of 2018, the currency will be $40000According to business insider "reported on February 15, the currency foundation's executive director Llew Claasen…lifa (30)in #cn • 7 years agoThe Winter Olympic Games in Pingchang, South Korea, are frequently out of question, Security concerns cause worriesIn 2018, South Korea's usual winter Olympics opening day before insulation hole near the city of Jiangling yam Gangwon…lifa (30)in #life • 7 years agoHotel Korea is exposed, dirty, messy and bad, and it feels terribleAs we all know, the 5 star hotel is absolutely tall in the hotel industry. It's a good environment to clean up the…lifa (30)in #video • 7 years ago一个小短片,感化数亿人,看完泪崩lifa (30)in #introduceyourself • 7 years ago我叫李发,一个涉及广泛行业的小伙子。My name is Li Fa, a young man involved in a wide range of trades.大家好,我叫李发,我今年29岁,来自于中国河北保定市,我出生于地地道道的农村家庭,诚实,诚信,实在是我的做人原则。因为信则立,才能在偌大的社会中立足。 Hello, my name is Li Fa, I am 29 years…lifa (30)in #life • 7 years agoThere was neither time nor direction, and it was called a dead zoneThe beauty of nature is everywhere, and as long as we explore it, its fantastic world will fill us with expectations…lifa (30)in #food • 7 years agoChina Spring Festival dish: A light and delicious dish, thick with poetryToday, I would like to introduce you to a dish with a clean mouth --Bridge Water. The moral is very good, the soup…lifa resteemedadsactly (80)in #adsactly • 7 years agoADSactly Psychology - ProcrastinationProcrastination You have probably heard this maxim a thousand times: procrastination is the thief of time ;…lifa (30)in #tourism • 7 years agoAsian tourist country, World Travel Lover would you like to go?Now, traveling abroad has become a very hot phenomenon. It may be that people's living standards have improved, that…lifa resteemedsteemitblog (77)in #binance • 7 years agoSTEEM is on The Fastest Growing Cryptocurrency ExchangeWe are excited to announce the listing of STEEM/BTC, STEEM/ETH, and STEEM/BNB trading pairs on! At…