kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #dark • last year物理学停滞百年的根本原因:成也数学, 败也数学从欧几里得,托勒密,到开普勒,伽利略,特别是牛顿发表了《自然哲学的数学原理》后,通过数学语言描述自然规律逐步走向了主流化的道路,以至于到今天,数学已近乎疯狂的成为了不可替代的描述物理世界的唯一方式,甚至有了已经不是描述方式而直接等同于物理世kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #dark • last yearThe Underlying Principle of Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophyToday, the scientific community comprehensively accepts adding many extra unverifiable things into reality, e.g. extra…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #corona • 5 years ago阻击新冠最成功的国家-澳洲何以成为人类避难所(why Australia stop corona-virus so fast)很多人谈到澳洲阻击新冠的成效显著,大多归因于澳洲医疗水平的高超,政府出台的隔离措施到位以及经济补偿对民众带来的积极情绪。其实,最关键最核心的恰恰不是这些衍生品,而是澳大利亚得天独厚的对病毒具有杀伤力的天然因素。…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #btc • 5 years ago生命,宇宙终极问题揭秘:你的生命真的只有一次吗我们从小就被告知 你的生命只有一次。生命真的是像卫生纸那样是一次性的吗,还是由于我们为井底之蛙,因为认识的局限性导致我们看不清生命的全貌。下面我将一步步借助相对论, 热力学定律,生物基因学等来揭示生命只有一次是一个伪命题。…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steemit • 6 years ago三年后的莱特币将是现在的比特币--莱特币定投日记莱特币 冲鸭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 还没冲起来,因为大家又犯了追涨的毛病,而忽略了今年真正的大咖要登场了。 第二次减半前的比特币价格是600美元左右,是现在莱特币价格的4倍,4倍? 有没有很熟悉的感觉?…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #life • 6 years ago三年后的莱特币将是现在的比特币--莱特币定投日记莱特币 冲鸭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 还没冲起来,因为大家又犯了追涨的毛病,而忽略了今年真正的大咖要登场了。 第二次减半前的比特币价格是600美元左右,是现在莱特币价格的4倍,4倍? 有没有很熟悉的感觉?…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #life • 6 years ago谈共产主义社会的实现与区块链数字货币的内在关系乍看之下,马克思的共产主义与数字货币似乎毫无关系,实则不然。讨论这两者的关系之前,不得不把最近很热的郎咸平摆上桌面。…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steem • 6 years agobest digital currency airdrop I have seenThere is amazing airdrop,guys !! 3,275 community members are to be rewarded between US$250 and US$2,000 in AERGO…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steem • 6 years agobest airdropbest project i have seen. Support it and you will win the future, the future of the world is the digital currency.kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steem • 6 years agofree tokenfree tokenkuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steem • 6 years agofree tokenkuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steem • 6 years agoairdropkuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #airdrop • 6 years agonew airdropkuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steem • 6 years agonew airdropkuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #airdrop • 6 years agoairdropkuangtianwen resteemedpbgreenpoint (68)in #fantasyfootball • 6 years agoFantasy Football Injury UpdatesWeek 2 is in the record books for the NFL season. Hopefully your fantasy football team is off to a good start. This…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #airdrop • 6 years agoget free tokenZERO-FEE Crypto Trading + Win 100,000 DGTX Tokens! @digitexfutureskuangtianwen resteemedlays (67)in #money • 7 years agoFund raising compaign on dam fundDam fund and total reserves Pakistan is to call overseas pakistanis to donate their funds into dam fund. actually it…kuangtianwen (-3)(1)in #steem • 7 years agonew airdropkuangtianwen resteemedkasho (68)in #diy • 7 years ago18 BRILLIANT DIYs EVERYONE CAN MAKE