kristylkho (45)in #partiko • 6 years ago好聲音11:愛要說出口。Voice 11: SPEAK OUT YOUR LOVE. -- My LoveA song that i grew up listening to. Im pretty sure those who are born within 1990 - 2000 will know this band and this…kristylkho (45)in #partiko • 6 years agoMy Possessiveness Pt 3Now, for the last part of my story, Part 3. In part 1, I told the story of how my pets came to me. The reason why I…kristylkho (45)in #partiko • 6 years agoMy Possessiveness Pt 2Now, it is time for part 2 of my story. If you read my part 1, I have introduced a character in there called Ms. M.…kristylkho (45)in #partiko • 6 years agoMy PossessivenessThis is a story I want to share to all of you. I will break this story down into 3 parts. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. I…kristylkho (45)in #partiko • 6 years ago第三十一期的造句嗨!大家好。 這是我第一次參加造句活動。 希望大家會喜歡我的造句。 這一期的主題是沒有主題 但是必須要有 一周年 這一句台詞 我們每天都要過日常的生活天天都是如此…kristylkho (45)in #partiko • 6 years agoPenda 寶貝Penda 一隻用眼睛👀就可以和人類溝通的汪星人 對我來說它完全不同於其他的汪星人 因為它是我的毛寶貝 Penda 丫 Penda 好會吃東西喔! 為什麼我會對它疼愛有加呢? 因為它不選東西吃給它什麼東西它都吃😁…kristylkho (45)in #partiko • 6 years ago美味的粿雜粿雜 它的料理結合了 豬🐷的各種內臟與豬🐷的肉片 再加上半顆煮熟的雞蛋 一定要配上粿雜皮才好吃 有🉐粿雜湯是加上藥材一起煮 有🉐粿雜湯只是加上了黑醬油 在我這裡想吃到正宗的粿雜湯相信是很難了…kristylkho (45)in #coingecko • 6 years ago砂拉越的幹撈麵在我們砂拉越這裡 如果想要吃怎麼樣的美食 可以說是不會難找的 從早上凌晨三點開始至半夜三更都有 你想要吃炒煮的面條。粿條。米粉。 還是你想要吃炒的粿條。米粉。麵條。 又或者是突然間想吃燜面。…kristylkho (45)in #teammalaysia • 6 years agoThe Furry Baby in the Family! Local Dog Bobi! 我家的毛宝贝。。。土狗 bobi!Hello everyone! Today I will introduce a dog the I adopted! When I first met him, he was still a puppy, his old owner…kristylkho (45)in #cn • 6 years ago【CN区美食活动#4】- 个人厨艺。 我的食谱。。姜丝蘑菇鸡肉香!Ginger Mushroom Chicken.Today I will be sharing my cooking as well. Its a family recipe, my grandma used to cook it my mom when she was young.…kristylkho (45)in #cn • 6 years ago【CN区美食活动#4】- 个人厨艺。我的食谱 - 奶油虾!Butter Milk Prawn!这是前几天心血来潮煮的一道菜奶油虾!因为自己很想吃自己煮的奶油虾,也是要煮给妈妈吃尝试一下她宝贝女儿的厨艺。这是我自己学习煮食的其中一道菜肴,并不是妈妈教的哦!其实奶油虾并不是很难煮,只是清洁的步骤比较多!…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 6 years ago[Part 4] My Own Experience: Depression; Symptoms 7 and 8.抑郁症! 完结篇!I have not posted in awhile. I was in a rough patch. I guess writing one's own experience has its toll on that person…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 6 years ago[Part 3] My Own Experience: Depression; Symptoms 5 and 6. 抑郁症!So, if one person started to gain weight and lose sleep. They will eventually start feeling restless and agitated both…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 6 years ago[Part 2] My Own Experience: Depression; Symptoms 3 and 4. 抑郁症Part 2 of my own battle with depression. I discussed about my symptoms 1 and 2, how they started. 我与抑郁症的战斗第二部。 So…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 6 years ago[Part 1] My Own Experience: Depression; Symptoms 1 and 2.抑郁症!!Today I will be writing about an issue that is not commonly discussed and it is also a sensitive issue but this issue…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 6 years agoMy Favourite Movie and Book Series. 哈利波特!Recently I wrote about my childhood film, The Lion King. So now, I will write about my favourite movie series. It's…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 7 years agoMy Bestfriend. 我的闺蜜。Today I will be sharing about something a little closer to my heart. I will talk about my bestfriend. In every girls'…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 7 years agoMy Journey To Good English: Movies That I Watched (2) 我看的第一部儿童动画影片。Today I will be covering on the movie that help me improve my english. The movie that i am writing about is an…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 7 years agoMy Journey To Good English: Books That I Read (1) 我的第一本英语故事书....Here is a continuation of my post, "My Journey To Good English...." I'll be writing on the books that I have read…kristylkho (45)in #cn-malaysia • 7 years agoMy Journey To Good English... 如何学习正确的英语。。。I grew up speaking english because my dad was english educated. I remember asking my mom what my first word was when i…