josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 6 years agoESCAPE FROM TIME TO ACCOUNT MAKES YOU GOOD, MORE HAPPY.We constantly live a series of changes in which we can undergo some changes either by anxiety and stress, overwork or…josuerebolledo (47)in #castellano • 6 years agoESCAPARSE DE VEZ EN CUENTA TE HACE BIEN, MAS FELIZ.Constantemente vivimos una serie de cambios en los cuales podemos sufrir algunos cambios ya sea por la ansiedad y el…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoA COUNTRY THAT DESPERATELY ASKS FOR HELPSome time ago I had a lot to write about this topic, not because I did not want to, but because these issues are very…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoTAKING CARE OF THE SUNI hope your week is amazing, before I start I want to tell you that I feel very happy with this page because I am more…josuerebolledo (47)in #cervantes • 7 years agoUN PAIS QUE SE DESANGRA Y PIDE A GRITOS AYUDAYa hace un tiempo tenía mucho que nos escriba sobre este tema, no porque no quisiera si no porque estos temas son muy…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoWHAT HE WANTED TO BE GREATHello to all who read these notes where I send all my good vibes. How are you? I very well. Now I tell you what's up.…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoBasic Guide to understand photographyTo understand photography it is necessary to understand three factors of great importance that will be shown below and…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoTHE STUDIES IN MY COUNTRY ARE CRITICALIs studying a luxury or a right? It is a question that took a long time to question me and without doubt the cause…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoTHE SAD TRUTH OF WHAT HAPPENS IN VENEZUELA AND HOW THE CRISIS AFFECTS CHILDRENBe a child in times of crisis: The child these days is more difficult so today compared to my age that I can not…josuerebolledo (47)in #dlive • 7 years ago¿Cómo estás agregando valor al viaje de otro Steemian?- How are you adding value to other Steemian’s journey ?Siempre se debe tener en cuenta que cuando aportas algo, aportas una parte de ti, tu esencia y sobre todo quien eres.…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoPHOTOGRAPHY, ART AND DESIGN. | VENEZUELATo start, it is necessary to understand that photography is one of the greatest virtues when it comes to publicizing…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoTHE MAGIC THAT TRANSMITS THE AVILA, KNOWS VENEZUELA.I share one of the best experiences that I have to live this year and that has undoubtedly been unique, now I am 19…josuerebolledo (47)in #life • 7 years agoDealing with depressionDepression or sadness are a natural part of life. People disappoint us, things go wrong, we lose loved ones or the…josuerebolledo (47)in #dlive • 7 years ago My answer is based on the following tweet @naval Hello my name is Josue Rebolledo and I am nineteen years old. My English is not very good but I try. My answer is…josuerebolledo (47)in #dtube • 7 years agoMI PRESENTACION EN STEEMIT |MY PRESENTATION IN STEEMITESPERO LES GUSTE Y ME DEN UNA CÁLIDA BIENVENIDA A LA COMUNIDAD | I HOPE YOU LIKE THEM AND GIVE ME A WARM WELCOME TO…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoA GREAT IDEA TO MAKE EASY DESSERTSWho said making a nutritious dessert was difficult? Here is a simple recipe so that eating fruit is fun, novel, and…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoIF YOU ARE LOVERS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHY I PRESENT THIS CAMERAToday I am going to present a camera that will leave you indifferent, whether you like technology or design, this…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoRETURNING TO THE PAST IS A SYNONYM TO REMEMBER AND THIS ARTICLE WILLS YOUR ATTENTION.For me it is a pleasure to talk about these issues which have given me the opportunity to grow as a person I hope it…josuerebolledo (47)in #escritura • 7 years agoVOLVER AL PASADO ES SINÓNIMO DE RECORDAR Y ESTE ARTICULO AMERITA SU ATENCION.Para mí es un gusto hablar de estos temas lo cuáles me han dado la oportunidad de crecer como persona espero sea se su…josuerebolledo (47)in #busy • 7 years agoLOS COMPLEJOS SIEMPRE HAN DAÑADO AL SER HUMANO.En esta oportunidad recibí un cordial saludo, hoy quiero comentar algo que siempre ha rondado mi cabeza y la cuenta…