jmarcano resteemedfranvidaybelleza (64)Member/ 300 SP Delegator 🎖️in RECREATIVE STEEM • 3 years agoThe diary game | #club5050 #club75 | Una semana de diario 😯 del 14 al 20/02 por @franvidaybellezaHolaa mis queridos amigos de Recreative 💖 hace varios días que no aparezco por aquí, siendo sincera los extrañaba…jmarcano resteemedmarvinvelasquez (75)Member/Delegator 1000 SPin RECREATIVE STEEM • 3 years agoCreando y desarrollando una mentalidad abundante/ Seminario virtual. Parte II: Creencias Limitantes entre una personalidad de pobreza y otra de abundancia. Comparaciones y como comenzar a corregirlo./ Por @marvinvelasquez.Buenos días, tardes, noches, desde el huso horario en que te encuentres, desde el momento del tiempo y el lugar en que…jmarcano resteemedmad-runner (76)mod🎮 TOP PLAYER 🎮in Italy • 3 years ago1000 DAYS OF STEEM — The Diary Game - 09/01/2022 - I hope to straighten out a very foolish day...A day born wrong and continued worse, I already knew that there would be the risk of snowfall even in our part in the…jmarcano resteemedalein (70)memberin Italy • 3 years agoThe Diary Game 09/01/2022 - Popcorn Time, a Streaming Application for Pirated Movies, is ClosingThe popular Popcorn Time app, which allows users to watch movies and series by streaming directly from torrent…jmarcano resteemedsilviared945 (62)Amicain Italy • 3 years agoQuanto amo Firenze!!📷Domenica ormai è diventata per me un abitudine fare sempre il mio giretto a Firenze una città che amo alla follia…jmarcano resteemedsardrt (76)adminin Italy • 3 years agoFiori sotto l'Albero. 1. Stella di NataleIl mese di Dicembre non è tra i più ricchi di fioriture. Rilevano però in questo mese alcune famosissime fioriture…jmarcano resteemedgiorgiamolinaro (64)memberin Italy • 3 years agoEsiste un'altra Gioconda??Steemexclusivelink image Sapete benissimo ragazzi che io ho studiato l'accademia d'arte e quindi sono molto appassionata di…jmarcano resteemedgiorgiamolinaro (64)memberin Italy • 3 years agoIl mio regalo di compleanno per la mia amica!!Ciao, la mia amica è da diversi anni che vorrebbe una foto con Vasco Rossi, essendo lei una fan sfegatata, ma…jmarcano resteemedgiorgiamolinaro (64)memberin Italy • 3 years agoE' arrivata la neve!!!Ieri come mettevano le previsioni ha iniziato a nevicare, io ho raggiunto l'altro pomeriggio una mia amica che abita…jmarcano resteemedfamigliacurione (70)modin Italy • 3 years agoLe Cascate Invertite: 15° Partita [ITA/ENG]Ape Suprema Steem Power Upvote % @dexpartacus 367.50 100% Ape Steem Power Upvote %…jmarcano resteemedhive-141434 (75)adminAccount community Adminin RECREATIVE STEEM • 3 years ago🖍️✏️️CONCURSO DIBUJANDO ANIMALES EDICION 2 🐶 "PERROS" 🐕 🖍️✏️CONTEST DRAWING ANIMALS EDITION 2 🐶 "DOGS" 🐕¡Hola Amigos de RECREATIVE STEEM ! Imagen diseñada por @nelsondoor, exclusiva para Recreative…jmarcano resteemedsardrt (76)adminin Italy • 4 years agoThe Best Photo Contest, 23° week . Are you ready? Last prize 10,2 SBD!!!!!Dear photographer friends. Are you ready for a new game for the contest The Best Photo organized by @italygame…jmarcano resteemedlyra-b (64)memberin Italy • 4 years agoSteemexclusive - [IT] Dopo la tempesta arriva l’arcobaleno | [EN] After the storm comes the rainbowVersione italiana Cara Italy, è un periodo strano per tutti. Spesso mi ritrovo da sola a pensare a quello che mi…jmarcano resteemedzulma2021 (65)Memberin RECREATIVE STEEM • 4 years agoCONCURSO DIBUJANDO TU PERSONAJE FAVORITO "X-MEN"| JUBILO POR @zulma2021| 15% @recreativesteemSaludos comunidad recreative steem, para mi participación en este concurso de los X MEN, decidí dibujar uno de mis…jmarcano resteemedmaxwellmarcusart (74)memberin Italy • 4 years agoDrawing A Portrait (625)Hello steemains! It feels good to see another brand new day. Today, I want to share with you my new art work. It's a…jmarcano resteemedyrmaleza (69)memberMemberin RECREATIVE STEEM • 4 years ago🎤🎧 INICIATIVA MUSICAL: "Todos cantemos" //Primera entrega: COLOR ESPERANZA💚 🎤🎧Hola, querid@s amig@s de #steemit. Les traigo una muy divertida iniciativa a todos los amantes de la música.…jmarcano resteemeddavekavanagh (66)Prof. Photographer, Irelandin WORLD OF XPILAR • 4 years agoWOX: My Experience of the World Of Xpilar CommunityHi, my name is Dave Kavanagh and I'm a photographer from Ireland. Today I seen a really interesting post from @stef1…jmarcano resteemedxpilar (83)adminsteem witness WOXin WORLD OF XPILAR • 4 years agoWell back home in my hometown Fredrikstad, Norway after a great vacationMany of you have previously seen photos I have posted from my city in Fredrikstad before, here you have new photos I…jmarcano resteemedcryptokannon (74)adminGreeterin Newcomers' Community • 4 years ago📢 Announcement : We are accepting Greeter Volunteer 🧚♀️🧚♂️Hello everyone! We are opening the opportunity to our graduated Pro Newcomers to come forward helping us greet and…jmarcano resteemedcryptokannon (74)adminGreeterin Newcomers' Community • 4 years ago📢Participants Of Newcomers Achievement Program : Expired Achievement tasks? Comment below..Hello participants of Newcomers Achievement Program~ The previous post on this issue 📢Participants Of Newcomers…