jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoAIRCRAFT OF WARFUENTEAircraft with no place were good for some and bad for others, and at an intermediate point, since they have been…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoAERONAVES DE LA GUERRAFUENTELas aeronaves sin lugar an sido buenas para unos y malas para tros, y norames en un punto inetermedio, pues han…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoAncient warshipFUENTEThat bont is to know part of the history of the ships one of my greatest passions, I always spend looking for…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoBarco de guerra antiguoFUENTEQue bonto es conocer parte de la historia de los barcos una de mis mayore pasiones, me la paso siempre buscando…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoRMS Empress of IrelandFUENTEThis boat was an event in maritime history and more on the part of Ireland, as it had a tragic accident that…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoRMS Empress of IrelandFUENTEEsta embarcacion marco un acontecimiento en la historia maritima y mas por la parte de Ireland, pues tuvo un…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoThe most famous among the BoatsFUENTEWithout doubt these three boats, the girl paints it and the holy Mary, have been or are the ships that marked…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoLos mas famosos entre los BarcosFUENTESin dudar estos tres barcos , la niña la pinta y la santa maria, han sido o son los barcos que marcaron historia…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoIS NAVIGATION AN ART OR SCIENCE?FUENTEIn the explanation about sailing, we mean when sailing in the sea or rivers, it is understood that in order to…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoNAVEGAR ES UN ARTE O UNA CIENCIA?FUENTEEn la explicacion sobre navegar, nos referimos al navegar en el mar o rios, se entiende que para poder manejar o…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE FRAGATA TYPE BOATSFUENTEthese boats were created from the idea of having an absolute power over the maritime territory, the first ones…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoLOS BARCOS TIPO FRAGATAFUENTEEstos barcos se crearon apartir de la idea de tener un poder absoluto sobre el territorio maritimos, los primer…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE CORBET BOATFUENTEIn the history of these majestic ships it is said that they were a type of boat with great power of speed and…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL BARCO TIPO CORBETAFUENTEEn la histroria de estos barco magestuosos se habla que eran un tipo de barco con gran poder de velocidad y…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoGREAT GOLETA BOATFUENTEThe dreams of all people is to be able to mount one of these beautiful ships that according to history arose at…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoGRANDIOSO BARCO GOLETAFUENTEEl sueños de toda personas es poder montar uno de estos hermoso barcos que segun la historia surguieron a…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoAncient warship.FUENTEEsa cosa es conocer parte de la historia de las naves una de mis mayores pasiones, yo siempre paso buscando…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoBarco de guerra antiguo.FUENTEQue bonto es conocer parte de la historia de los barcos una de mis mayore pasiones, me la paso siempre buscando…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 7 years agoRMS Empress of IrelandFUENTEEsta embarcacion marco un acontecimiento en la historia maritima y mas por la parte de Ireland, pues tuvo un…jhiostongely (44)in #writing • 8 years agoFOLLOWING THE STEPS IN A NAVIGATIONFUENTE Whenever we have the disposition or time to organize all the papers a day and obey what the country demands…